英语人>词典>汉英 : 散兵坑 的英文翻译,例句
散兵坑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
foxhole  ·  foxholes

slit trench
更多网络例句与散兵坑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gabel and his baddy Jake dug their foxhole between two white marble headstones, as did other members of the 513th.


It is often cynically said that there are no atheists in foxholes.


In close defense, where the two-man foxhole system is used, it could conceivably build up the effectiveness of infantry fire as a whole to designate one man primarily as thrower and the other as firer, in any situation which calls for both grenade and bullet fire.


In close defense, where the two-man foxhole system is used, it could conceivably build up the effectiveness of infantry fire as a whole to designate one man primarily as thrower and the other as firer, in any situation which calls for both grenade and bullet fire. Out of a


First Sergeant, where's my foxhole?


We've got pretty good foxholes. We just need to fortify the covers.


I know Joey would be in the foxhole protecting all of us.


There is no such place as a convenient foxhole.


As we dug in, he went from foxhole to foxhole...


Trenched , trench·ing , trench·es


更多网络解释与散兵坑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


forensic specialist 法医学专家 | foxhole 散兵坑 | friendly fire 友军炮火

two-man foxhole:双人散兵坑

two-man crew station 双人乘员组位置 | two-man foxhole 双人散兵坑 | two-man ladle 抬包

Find some cover, find a foxhole:找掩体,找散兵坑

They got us zeroed!|他们瞄准我们了! | Find some cover, find a foxhole!|找掩体,找散兵坑! | Come on, take cover!|快点,找掩体!

The replacement in my foxhole, Julian:在我散兵坑里的新兵朱利安

Who?|谁? | The replacement in my foxhole, Julian.|在我散兵坑里的新兵朱利安 | Yeah?|是吗?

First Sergeant, where's my foxhole:军士长,我的散兵坑呢

Sir?|长官? | First Sergeant, where's my foxhole?|军士长,我的散兵坑呢? | It's back here, sir.|就在后面,长官

First Sergeant, where's my foxhole:上士,我的散兵坑呢

fix up: [美口] 解决; 组织 | 9. First Sergeant, where's my foxhole? 上士,我的散兵坑呢? | foxhole:n.[军]散兵坑,在战斗中,士兵为躲避敌人炮火的袭击而挖的小坑,用于临时避难

All we could do is jump into a slit trench and cover up:我们只能跳进散兵坑隐蔽起来

dropping 500 lb'ers while we were out in the open.|日本人的飞机来了 投下了500型... | All we could do is jump into a slit trench and cover up.|我们只能跳进散兵坑隐蔽起来 | There was this guy...|有个家伙....

we hunkered down in a foxhole, and we just waited for the weather to break:我们蹲在散兵坑里 整日盼着天气好转

So some of the fellas and I,|我... | we hunkered down in a foxhole, and we just waited for the weather to break.|我们蹲在散兵坑里 整日盼着天气好转 | A writer from The Times was with us.|时代杂志的一个记...

Stay in your foxholes:留在你的散兵坑里

Stay down!|姿势放低! | Stay in your foxholes!|留在你的散兵坑里! | Help!|救命!

Stay in your foxholes. Stay in your foxholes:留在散兵坑里!留在你的散兵坑里

The Krauts are trying to draw us out in the open.|德... | Stay in your foxholes. Stay in your foxholes!|留在散兵坑里!留在你的散兵坑里! | Are you okay, can you walk? Come on, find a foxhole, come on.|你...