英语人>词典>汉英 : 教育学博士 的英文翻译,例句
教育学博士 的英文翻译、例句


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Professor XIE Jia-Xing is the Professor and the Director of Music Research Institute of China Conservatory, with a Master Degree in Composing Theory (1988) and a PH.D. of Music Aesthetic (2004). He is also the leading figure in music education discipline in China Conservatory, the associate director of the Education Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association , the president of the Music Education Commission of CMA, the director of the Music Education Academic Committee of CEC, the director of the Music Aesthetic Committee of CMA, the director of the Music Psychology Society, the director of Chinese Association of Music Communication, the member of International Society of Music Education, Committeeman of CPCEMM(COMMISSION ON MUSIC IN CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL, AND MASS MEDIA POLICIES) of ISME, the adviser of APSMER. He is the part-time professor of Xian Conservatory, the part-time professor of Tianjin Conservatory, the specially hired professor of Art Institute of Henan University and the member of Exterior Examination Committee Member of the Education Institute of Hong kong.

谢嘉幸,中国音乐学院音乐研究所所长、教授、学院学术委员会委员, 1988 年毕业於中国音乐学院作曲系,获作曲理论硕士学位; 2004 年在中央音乐学院获音乐美学方向博士学位;中国音乐家协会教育委员会主任助理;中国音乐家协会音乐教育学学会会长;中国教育学会音乐教育专业委员会理事、音乐教育学学术委员会主任;中国音乐家协会音乐美学学会理事;中国音乐家协会音乐心理学学会理事;中国音乐家协会音乐传播学会理事;北京音乐家协会理事;国际音乐教育学会会员、文化教育与大众传媒政策委员会委员;亚太音乐教育研究会顾问;亚太艺术教育学报编委;国家教委教育科学"八五""九五"规划重点课题负责人;西安音乐学院兼职教授,天津音乐学院兼职教授,河南大学艺术学院特聘教授,香港教育学院院外考试委员。

I'd like to obtain a doctorate in Education.


"It is impossible for every child to be an Olympic gold medal winner, and I want parents to understand that children must have education to fall back on," Yu said at the university's natatorium in Beijing


It\'s a mistake that knowledge theory is constrained to the orthodox preachment in the view of Ontology and Methodology.


Mixed preprimary and primary 1 classes is a type of education that preschoolers study together with primary 1 children.


The workshop is led by clinical psychologist Robert K egan, PhD, and Lisa L ahey, E dD, experts in adult learning at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

组织者是临床心理学家Robert Kegan博士和教育学博士Lisa Lahey。

An award-winning game designer is highly unlikely to have a doctorate in education and be a leading paleobiologist at the same time, and is therefore unlikely to produce an educational game grounded in TPCK.

一个获奖的游戏设计师是极不可能在有一个教育学博士学位的同时还是一个重要的古生物学家,因此他不太可能基于 TPCK 的方法来开发一款教育游戏。

Using such key concepts as"aret〓","practice", and"practical reason", critically integrating related theories and thoughts from philosophy, ethics, sociology, psychology, pedagogics, politics, etc. this thesis systematically analyzed public administrator's discretion and professional autonomy, responsibilities, duties and professional virtues, and the theoretical basis and methodology for construction of public administrative ethics.

中文题名行政人的德性与实践副题名外文题名 Administrator's virtues and practice 论文作者李春成导师竺乾威曹沛霖浦兴祖教授学科专业行政管理学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位复旦大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数213页关键词伦理学行政伦理行政管理道德行政裁量权行政人馆藏号BSLW /2003 /B82 /10 本文借用亚里士多德的德性论传统的一些基本概念,包括&德性&、&实践&、&实践理性&,批判性地综合运用哲学、伦理学、行政学、政治学、社会学、心理学、教育学等多学科的相关研究成果,对行政人的裁量权与专业自主性、行政人的责任与义务、行政人应当具备的专业美德、行政伦理建设的依据与方法等基本问题,进行了系统的讨论。

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伊迪斯科文大学(ECU)特别专于服务业学,如旅游(Tourism)及款待(Hospitality). 而教育学仍是ECU一向的重点学科. ECU提供学士、硕士 及博士学位课程. ECU有四大学院(Faculty)分别是:

Lancaster University:兰卡斯特

不经意却很用心的几个片语,拉近了人与人的距离,也可以让人发自内心感受到她的努力,这个态度如玛莉安罗杰森博士所言,才是企业成功的要件,更是领导人赢得团队认同的关键所在﹗英国兰卡斯特(Lancaster University)大学商业教育学博士

PhD Education:教育学博士学位

PhD Animal Science 动物科学博士学位 | PhD Education 教育学博士学位 | Phd Information Technology 信息技术博士学位

PhD Economics:经济学博士(面向国际学生)

PhD Management管理学博士(面向国际学生) | PhD Economics经济学博士(面向国际学生) | PhD Education 教育学博士学位

single room:单间

毕业生可直读布鲁内尔(Brunel) 大学相关本科专业. 招生课程:工程学博士(EngDoc) 和教育学博士(EdDoc).每周在57.96---70.98英镑不等. 依据学生的需要第一年可选择单间(Single Room)住宿.

Winona State University:威诺娜州立大学

那个比较的结果记录了"听、理解、阅读和说话"的等级,这个结果再由明尼苏达州威诺娜州立大学(Winona State university)的教育学教授莱尔?帕尔默(Lyelle Palmer)博士检测. 结果表明:上"常规课程"的学生中只有29%在360个小时后达到了基础德语所要求的"一级",


John:澳大利亚,博士,主修环境工程 | Leora美国,学士,文学 | Emily:美国籍,双硕士学位,主修教育学

Ph.D. Education Major in Educ. Mgmt:教育管理博士

Ph.D. Education 教育学博士 | Ph.D. Education Major in Educ. Mgmt 教育管理博士 | Doctor of Education Major in Curriculum & Instruction 课程和指示博士