英语人>词典>汉英 : 教育上的 的英文翻译,例句
教育上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
educative  ·  educationally  ·  educatory

更多网络例句与教育上的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Post-secondary (Sub-degree course)(专上教育: Including all Higher Certificate/ Higher Diploma/ Professional Diploma/ Associate Degree/ Pre-Associate Degree/ Endorsement Certificate/ Associateship or equivalent courses in Universities/ Vocational Training Council, other sub-degree courses in Universities funded by University Grants Committee, Higher Certificate/ Higher Diploma/ Professional Diploma/ Associate Degree/ Pre-Associate Degree or equivalent courses in former Polytechnics/ other statutory or approved Postsecondary Colleges, Higher Diploma/ Professional Diploma/ Associate Degree/ Pre-Associate Degree or equivalent courses in other colleges providing postsecondary courses, sub-degree courses in Hong Kong Institute of Education, Sub-degree level nurse training courses/ dental training courses, Distance learning sub-degree level courses and other sub-degree level courses


The concept of Harmonious Education is the conceptional transplant and borrowing from "Eco-harmony" of education.


States' core human rights obligations in education can be classified as the obligations to make education available,accessible,acceptable and adaptable.


The education cost for a vocational school student is the total of the year's average resources that the nation,the society and his family spend on him every year.


For thousands of years, Chinese people haveattached great importance to education. And education has played avital role in making us better students, better employees andbetter human beings. But today, society is in danger of losing thattradition, because government spending on education is inadequate.


This essay aims to propose a concept of privatization in educational reengineering, and further discuss above issue to cany out a useful research for future educational development in our country in next century.


Deng Xiaoping 's far-ranging educational reform policy, which involved all levels of the education system, aimed to narrow the gap between China and other developing countries.


Finally, according to the New-classical and Bargaining household model, the dissertation uses the binary and ordered Probit model to analyse the determinants of shooling decision to all child samples, boys and girls respectively, and different age cohorts.


Jacques Maritain s statement on moral education is concise and dispersed among his educational thoughts.


The other concerns the means suggested for educating this person and rational for the recommended means. Basing on the philosophical theory of the relationship between knowledge and morality and the fact that efforts inmany countries engaged in a direct training of the will disregard students intellectual development, Maritain not discusses the direct and indirect moral formation but makes an important distinction between the educational tasks of school and those of family and church.


更多网络解释与教育上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

compulsory education:教育

总体来说英国的教育分为三个阶段:义务教育(Compulsory Education)、延续教育(Further Education)和高等教育(Higher Education). 中英教育制度的差别使得两国的学生在年龄和学业程度上无法一一对应,因此中国的学生在考虑赴英留学的时候,

educational egalitarianism:教育上的平等主义

90,"educational apartheid","教育上的隔离状态" | 91,"educational egalitarianism","教育上的平等主义" | 92,"educational elitism","教育精英主义"

educational elitism:教育精英主义

91,"educational egalitarianism","教育上的平等主义" | 92,"educational elitism","教育精英主义" | 93,"Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS)","苏格兰教师联合会"

further education:延续教育

英国的教育总体来说分为三大阶段: 义务教育(Compulsory Education),延续教育(Further Education)和高等教育(Higher Education). 中英教育制度的差别使得两国的学生在年龄和学业程度上无法一一对应,因此中国的学生在考虑赴英留学的时候,


BiU刚在电视上看了一部令人发笑的电影,显得很愉快. 这部电影讲的是一个马大哈到处闯祸的故事. Bill喜欢这部片子,Jalle却喜欢看那些不仅有趣,而且有教育意义的(instructive)节目. Bill认为有时人们需要轻松...

regress intellectually:学业上的退步

a bottom line 底线 | regress intellectually 学业上的退步 | online education 网络教育

What I lack in formal education:在教育上的缺陷

才不至于让林肯太可悲. To make Lincoln look less pathetic in comparison. | 在教育上的缺陷, What I lack in formal education, | 我能以天生的才能和好奇心, I more than make up for in


在我看来,人们从别人那里能够得到的几乎所有教育都是道德上的(moral),而非智力上的(intellectual). 智力教育的主要部分并非获取事实,而是学会如何让事实变得生动. 举例来说,在无用知识(fruitless knowledge)的意义上,我痛恨文化.


educational /教育的/教育上的/有关教育的/教育性的/教育性/ | educationally /教育的/教育上的/有关教育的/ | educationist /教育家/教育理论家/

They decided to spend more on educational facilities:(他们决定加大在教育设备上的投入. )

13. facility n. 设备,设施;便利... | 1) They decided to spend more on educational facilities. (他们决定加大在教育设备上的投入. ) | 2) The kitchen is equipped with all the necessary modern facilities.(厨房...