英语人>词典>汉英 : 敏锐地 的英文翻译,例句
敏锐地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exquisitely  ·  incisively  ·  keenly  ·  observantly  ·  perceptively  ·  subtly

更多网络例句与敏锐地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The long, surging, dactylic lines of his early poems soon became compressed into concise, emotionally restrained, mostly rhymeless verse, fragmentary in syntax, tentative and questioning in tone.


If we discipline ourselves to adopt periodically a "nonego" state, we can perceptively drink in the full meaning of a situation without imposing ourselves upon it.


Having done so much to smooth Anglo-Chinese relations with his astute comparison of the Tiananmen Square massacre (death toll 2,000-3,000, according to the Chinese Red Cross) with the poll tax riots (death toll none, according to everybody), it is clear what appeals to him about the Chinese system.


He was also keenly aware of the value of publicity, and tried to use his indirect connexion with Gillray to get himself featured in one of the caricaturist's prints: which by that time was a sure sign of having 'arrived' politically.


If we discipline ourselves to adopt periodically a "nonego" state, we can perceptively drink in the full meaning of a situation without imposing ourselves upon it.


If we discipline ourselves to adopt periodically a "nonego" state, we can perceptively drink in the full meaning of a situation without imposing ourselves upon it.


WITH a model line-up that includes the Wingle, Sailor and Socool, and a corporate action plan to "attack the consciousness like a wolf while sensing danger like a rabbit", it is easy to poke fun at Great Wall Motor, based in Hebei Province, south of Beijing.

长城汽车公司,位于北京南面的河北省,只拥有包括长城风骏、长城赛铃、长城赛酷的一系列车型及&如狼般凶猛地冲击人们意识,如兔般敏锐地感知危险&这一条全公司行动准则,是很容易遭到冷嘲热讽的。按照国际标准,它在2007的年产量只有微不足道的1万8千辆汽车——大约是丰田(公司网址: http://www.toyota.com.cn/,丰田是世界十大汽车工业公司之一,日本最大的汽车公司,创立于1933年。

WITH a model line-up that includes the Wingle, Sailor and Socool, and a corporate action plan to "attack the consciousness like a wolf while sensing danger like a rabbit", it is easy to poke fun at Great Wall Motor, based in Hebei Province, south of Beijing.


You're comfortable sniffling and dabbing at your eyes during a sad movie (or a commercial, for that matter) and rather - no, extremely - proud of your ability to sense what's wrong with a loved one before they even realize it themselves.


You're comfortable sniffling and dabbing at your eyes during a sad movie (or a commercial, for that matter) and rather— no, extremely — proud of your ability to sense what's wrong with a loved one before they even realize it themselves.


更多网络解释与敏锐地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acutely keenly:敏锐地;强烈地

acute critical 尖锐的;次要的 | acutely keenly 敏锐地;强烈地 | adaptation modification 改变;变化

exquisitely:精巧地, 敏锐地

canal 运河, 渠[水]道 | exquisitely 精巧地, 敏锐地 | species 种, 类;

exquisitely:精巧地; 敏锐地 (副)

exquisite 精致的, 敏锐的, 细腻的 (形) | exquisitely 精巧地; 敏锐地 (副) | exsanguine 无血的; 贫血症的; 失血的 (形)

incisively:敏锐地, 激烈地

play a card 利用机会或可能性 | incisively 敏锐地, 激烈地 | umbilical cicatrice 脐带瘢


keening 哭丧 | keenly 敏锐地 | keenness 敏锐

perceptively:知觉地; 理解地; 有洞察力地; 敏锐地 (副)

perceptive 知觉的; 理解的; 感知的; 敏锐的 (形) | perceptively 知觉地; 理解地; 有洞察力地; 敏锐地 (副) | perceptiveness 感知力; 觉察力 (名)

perspicaciously:洞察地, 睿智地; 敏锐地 (副)

perspicacious 颖悟的, 有洞察力的, 聪明的 (形) | perspicaciously 洞察地, 睿智地; 敏锐地 (副) | perspicacity 颖慧; 洞察力 (名)

sagaciously:聪敏地; 敏锐地 (副)

sagacious 睿智的, 贤明的, 聪明的 (形) | sagaciously 聪敏地; 敏锐地 (副) | sagacity 睿智, 聪慧 (名)

subtly:敏锐地, 精细地, 巧妙地

68:Taiwan government curtail public spending for buying weapons.台湾当局缩减公共支出来买武器. | 69:subtly敏锐地, 精细地, 巧妙地 | 70:extravagant claims;过分的要求;(过多的)


subtlety /微妙/精明/ | subtly /敏锐地/巧妙地/精细地/ | subtonic /第七音/