英语人>词典>汉英 : 敌兵 的英文翻译,例句
敌兵 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
foeman  ·  foemen

enemy soldier · hostile troops
更多网络例句与敌兵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We picked the enemy soldiers off one by one as they emerged from the dugout.


Foeman breach city gate, one grows long high fence horizontal stroke before.


Foeman does not know which edge is a passageway, which edge is blind lane, also have not enough time to scout again, be forced arms cent road, one direction is different, one direction is right.


Cool confused and incomparable battlefield will let more elementary and other player experience the glamour of incomparable battlefield on the west, more money and valuables of precious low level battlefield waits for you to take; Tiger firm Guan Qunying sends the incomparable shiver that will let a player experience taller difficulty, when side-by-side the player of struggle hard, break through a tight encirclement from inside the foeman like tidewater, let old enemy Dong Zhuo finally fall below your foot, lofty sentiments of lofty or bottomless is sure to rise and rise!


It was the twelfth to hold its ground against the corps of the Prince of Hesse, behind the old rampart of Andernach, and ssbbww.com rejoined the main body of the army when the enemy's cannon had opened a breach from the cord of the parapet to the foot of the glacis.


They lived in terror of capture by enemy soldiers.


"Once I met with a dozen enemy soldiers and took them prisoners singlehanded."


Suddenly you see an unarmed enemy soldier coming towards you. What will you do?


The first film Alexander enemy hands and file knife, first cut a long beard 8 soldiers on the head, as the fighting rituals, and then Dibing command more than 1,000 people under the cover of artillery fire to the mountain lion Emergency brain.

21日,敌首片山大佐手举军刀,先砍下 8个长胡子日兵的脑袋,当作战斗的祭礼,然后指挥敌兵千余人在炮火掩护下,向狮脑山上冲锋。

Him, thousands of miles away what can be seen from the palm of your hand in, knowing that in case of a strong enemy, troops set at master cottage Walled Temple, Kowloon Yonggungsa spell to allow water to water敌兵, firms can be increased with the water level to help countries here Schleswig Xiang set up at the post-Zhao, Schleswig called him "a great monk."


更多网络解释与敌兵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


克里斯多佛(Christopher)是布鲁克林市的一名蓝领工人,每天穿梭于楼宇街道之中努力地工作着,在这炎热酷暑中维修管道较平时更为辛苦. 然而,就在今年的夏天,阴霾笼罩在纽约城的上空,敌人的潜艇偷袭纽约港,街道上布满了敌兵,


指引:只要训练出十个刽子手(Executioner)就可扫荡所有敌人. 指引:用运输船中的部队防御海滩右上的敌兵,用女祭司(Priestess)在海滩上建哨塔. 指引:一开始就指挥你的两只天空骑士(Sky Knight)前去保卫大门,然后将你的士兵集合到大门前,


foe /敌人/仇人/敌军/敌兵/作对者/ | foehn /[气象] 焚风/ | foeman /敌兵/敌人/

foehn:焚风 (名)

focused on 集中于 | foehn 焚风 (名) | foeman 敌兵; 敌人 (名)


foehn 气象焚风 | foeman 敌兵 | foeniculin 茴香甙


foehn /[气象] 焚风/ | foeman /敌兵/敌人/ | foeniculin /茴香甙/


stoneman 石匠,石工,石家 | foeman 敌人,敌兵 | apeman 猿人

A Real Fortune-teller:真正的算命先生

敌兵袭击你时When Enemy Soldiers Come at You | 真正的算命先生A Real Fortune-teller | 只剩一个引擎Only One Engine Left

movie theatre:电影院

电影院(Movie Theatre) 任务目标:①炸毁直升机 ②升起电影院的旗 由A点出水道往前找几名队员加入,然后率领他们到汽车后面藏身,往东射杀弯道上的敌兵(B点),然后由C点上阶梯进入公园区,往左走注意右前方有重兵看守(D点),在左侧有道木栅墙,


daila-/征伐,杀,发狂 | dain/作战,敌兵 | dain i haha/战士