英语人>词典>汉英 : 效果的衡量 的英文翻译,例句
效果的衡量 的英文翻译、例句


measure of effectiveness
更多网络例句与效果的衡量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, it discusses the impact of the number of dimensions on rating results and the four meta-dimensions in AC. Second, it introduces the indexes of rating accuracy in AC and expounds different types of rater training programs and their impact on rating accuracy. Third, although AC has proved good criterion-related validity, the research on its construct validity has not yet reached an agreement.


The effects of the ratio of water and the sample, extracting temperature, extracting time, and the sample particle size on water-soluble active ingredients of Ampelopsis grossedentata were investigated with single factor and orthogonal experiments as a measure of total flavones and water extraction ratio.


Finally, a new method of errors analysis (midpoint and barycentric measure method )are presented to measure the errors of surface reconstruction, strong practicability shows that this error measure method is feasible to testify the validity of surface reconstruction.


Efficiency: Measures of efficiency reflect how well such resources as inventory, capacity, and capital are utilized in supply chain operations.


Based on the evaluation system, the plants whose relative remediation age was between 0~10 years were named as"Hyperaccumulator"and those between 10 ~ 50 years were named as"Accumulator".7 In the experiments six kinds of substrates were mixed with different solid wastes and the absorption and enrichment of plants on heavy metal Cd was studied. The results showed that relative remediation age was an ideal index to evaluate the capability of the phytoremediation on heavy metals, because it took into account more factors which affected the absorption evaluation effects than others, such as the heavy metal content and the biomass of the over-ground part of plants, the heavy metal content and the whole gross in substrates, harvesting frequency of plants and the environment standard of heavy metal. This made relative remediation age be suitable to the sorption capability evaluation of not only different plants on one heavy metal but also one plant on different heavy metals.8 It can be drawn from the relative remediation age of heavy metal Cd that the absorption capability of different plants was not same.


It is to think network advertisement at or surpass traditional advertisement, cheap Mo place does not go to charge; 2 it is Shu of one-sided pursuit impression, impressional Shu is one of levels that measure network advertisement effect, but sometimes one Ge visits Ke Zai a website can produce ten Ge even Shu of two Ge impression; San is to feel integrated big website is straighter than hanging down effect of advertisement of site of is good, but accept the product ad with apparent feature of numerous target group to great majority, this kind of choice is unwise.


Ecological Potential is an indicator to measure the comprehensive effects of multiecological factors confecting.


Based on the evaluation system, the plants whose relative remediation age was between 0~10 years were named as"Hyperaccumulator"and those between 10 ~ 50 years were named as"Accumulator".7 In the experiments six kinds of substrates were mixed with different solid wastes and the absorption and enrichment of plants on heavy metal Cd was studied. The results showed that relative remediation age was an ideal index to evaluate the capability of the phytoremediation on heavy metals, because it took into account more factors which affected the absorption evaluation effects than others, such as the heavy metal content and the biomass of the over-ground part of plants, the heavy metal content and the whole gross in substrates, harvesting frequency of plants and the environment standard of heavy metal. This made relative remediation age be suitable to the sorption capability evaluation of not only different plants on one heavy metal but also one plant on different heavy metals.8 It can be drawn from the relative remediation age of heavy metal Cd that the absorption capability of different plants was not same.


This is a comprehensive indicator reflecting the speed of the employment of fixed assets and the investment efficiency at the macro-level.


Until FCS came onboard, the candle-making business relied primarily on print advertising and had no system in place to measure the effectiveness of ads.

在与 FCS 合作之前,这家蜡烛制造公司主要依靠印刷广告,也没有衡量广告效果的系统。

更多网络解释与效果的衡量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


通常以"位/秒"(bps)来衡量. 一整页的英文文本的大小大约为16,000位. 一个快速的调制解调器每秒中大约可以传输15,000位的信息. 全动态全屏影象播放所要求的传输速率大约在10,000,000位/秒左右,这取决于影象数据的压缩效果.


APA判断与衡量最佳研究证据的指标主要有两个:效力(efficacy)与临床效果(clinical utility)[10]. 效力类似于实验心理学中的内部效度,即一个研究测量到其要研究因素的准确程度. 一般说来,随机控制组实验的效力指标最好,




过去媒体扮演的角色是如何吸引目光、把访客带进门,因此衡量成效的方式不外乎曝光数(impression)、点击数(click)、不重复访客数(unique visitor)等,但这些评估数字,只评估了"媒体"本身的效果,但与网站成效或企业经营的目标却不一定有绝对关系,




其中,效果又体现在可及性(delivery)和激励(stimulation),效率体现在生产力(productivity)和获利力(profitability). 可及性是一种目标导向的测量标准,衡量渠道机构为满足最终使用者的需求,所需劳务投入的有效性. 激励是一种长期目标导向的测量标准,