英语人>词典>汉英 : 政府 的英文翻译,例句
政府 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
government  ·  govt  ·  state  ·  states  ·  stating  ·  gov.  ·  govt.

更多网络例句与政府相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation or community; of all the various modes and forms of government that is best, which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration, and that, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.


That government is,or ought to be,instituted for the common benefit,protection,and security of the people,nation or community;of all the various modes and forms of government that is best,which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration;and that,whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes,a majority of the community hath an indubitable,unalienable,and indefeasible right to reform,alter or abolish it,in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.


Although in public China's leaders eschew triumphalism, there is a sense in Beijing北京,象征中政府 that the reassertion of the Middle Kingdom's global ascendancy is at hand.


There are 7 chapters in this article.The first chapter generalize the whole article.The second chapter summarize the former research on government management in food safety and evaluation of government achievements.The third chapter introduce the theoretical design of this article. The fourth chapter review the situation of government management,including our country and Zhejiang province.The fifth chapter use the evaluation system of government achievements to evaluate the government achievements of Zhejiang province.The sixth chapter use every county"s pollution-free food date and relative data to research the effective factors on productionalt achievements of organic food. In the last chapter, we get conclusion of the government achievements" evaluation of Zhejiang province and the effective factors of productional achievements in organic foods development.Then we made correlative suggestions on the basis of the research result.


To further enhance the local scientific and technological innovation capability and improve the effectiveness of local government investment in science and technology, use the local government investment in technology rollingly, expanding the local government investment in science and technology channels, This study will use the theory of public goods and theory of public choice, with the current system, development background, discuss the cause of scientific and technological input of local government reform, aggregate the experiences and lessons from local government investment in science and technology in recent years, study the reform ideas of local government investment in science and technology in the new situation In the way of reform ideas, and proposed the concrete measures and run programes for the establishment of new mechanisms of local government investment in science and technology ,to provide theoretical preparations, options and decision-making for the reform of local government investment in science and technology.


Chapter 3 devides the connotation and operating model of government humanistic management, probes into the constituent factors of the government humanistic management and its existing problems, then gives out some basic countermeasures from six different aspects of insisting on the scientistic and humanistic conformity on the basis of science, establishing scientifc and systematic concept of government humanistic management, strengthening the organization of the government humanistic management, improving the government humanistic managemental mechanism, using the government humanistic managemental methods scientifically, and fully considering the entirety and circumstances of the model of the government humanistic management.


In the view of the theory of learning organization, this paper their to analysis the means of processing, the strategy, the learning government, the statue of organization, the prouder of organization and the culture creaming in the view of the theory of leavening organization, which is one of the most advancing controlling theories nowadays.


This text proceeds with intension of government performance management of government and performance evaluation, has explained meaning of performance management of government, standard and value orientation of performance evaluation; has summered history and current situation of performance management of government in the West, and has analyzed the characteristic of performance management of government in the West; has analyzed predicament of performance management of government, and expounded improvement tactics pointedly; On the basis of discussing the necessity, research and existing problems of implementing performance management of our government, has explained how to structure the performance administrative system of our government , think that it should include structure principle , system platform and evaluation system, put forward implementing tactics of the performance management of our government finally.


Govt abolishes Haliya system 尼泊尔政府废除雇农制度 The government has declared the abolition of Haliya system (land tillers working as indentured labourers) prevalent in mid and far-western Nepal for ages.


In order to realize a strong province in economy in the western area and the final goal of harmonious Shaanxi Province,we should construct and improve a well-going basic government mechanism,democratic decision mechanism,efficient executive mechanism,government-dominated public se...


更多网络解释与政府相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Richard L. Armitage:雷根政府助理国防部长、布希政府前副国务卿

Richard V. Allen 雷根政府国家安全顾问 | Richard L. Armitage 雷根政府助理国防部长、布希政府前副国务卿 | William J. Bennett 雷根政府教育部长

caretaker government:看守政府

孟加拉国的四党联盟政府于2006年10月结束任期后,看守政府(caretaker government)暂时接管政权. 根据该国宪法,中立的看守政府应在三个月内组织大选,并在大选后将权力移交给新政府. 然而,由于孟加拉国主要党派间在选举问题上未能达成一致,

caretaker government:旧政府已下台,新政府产生前的看守政府

caretaker cabinet过渡时期的内阁 | caretaker government旧政府已下台,新政府产生前的看守政府 | balancing government budget平衡政府预算

government counterparts:政府对应部门;政府对应人员

government cost-sharing contributions;政府分摊费用捐助;; | government counterparts;政府对应部门;政府对应人员;; | government department;政府部门;;

government agency:政府机构

比如大众与政府的利益冲突(这里有个基本原则就是"政府的行为永远是代表其自身利益最大化"而无论其公开口号及行为结果如何-这里没有价值观取向的对错问题,而是个体或者团体行为的天性),政府机构(government agency)的在社会管理中的定位(代表政府还是代表民众-这个概念在政府机构自身看来都是模糊不清的,




因此,政府(governmental)与部门(agency)不同,政府乃可以独立存在的统治单位,包含完整的分工体系. 所以部际关系(interagency relations),指涉部门与部门之间的关系,所谓的部门只是政府组织中具有特定功能的单位,无法独立於政府整体目标而存在,

local government:地方政府

目前,澳大利亚在联邦政府(Commonwealth Government)、州政府(State Government)、地方政府(Local Government)三个层次都设有专门的环保机构. 联邦政府设有环境与遗产部. 州一级的环保机构较为复杂. 以维多利亚州为例,政府设立了自然资源与环境厅,


汇集了三国近年来在湖泊富营养化治理方面的最新技术成果及...组织网络时代的来临,给管理者带来了跨界相互依赖的挑战. 公共职能再也不是政府的唯一领域. "政府间的" (intergovernmental)这一术语有了新的内涵,不仅包括联邦政府-州政府、州政府-地方政府以及地方政...


政府债券(Treasuries) 政府债券的发行主体是政府. 它是指政府财政部门或其他代理机构为筹集资金,以政府名义发行的债券,主要包括国库券和公债两大类. 一般国库券是由财政部发行,用以弥补财政收支不平衡;公债是指为筹集建设资金而发行的一种债券. 有时也将两者