英语人>词典>汉英 : 放映 的英文翻译,例句
放映 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
feature  ·  project  ·  screen  ·  screening  ·  shew  ·  featuring  ·  screens

更多网络例句与放映相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By famous game " galactic soldier " adapted film " Tie Yi commander " the booking office when showing owes beautiful, most a long time ever had more than 1000 2 cinemas to show, gain the income of 1 thousand dollar only however; The film " barrow beautiful shadow " show in those days refresh the new record with box-office film of woman leading role, adventuress fatigue helps the person that became European widely known, however " barrow beautiful shadow 2 " before be inferior to greatly however, film horizontal general, story clue convention is drab, adventure looks more resembling is travel, income of first show booking office is 21.7 million dollar, far a club for amateur performers of Beijing opera under the 47 million dollar that achieves when first show of this the first collect income; CG film " final illusion " the picture is elegant, the person is living, some star still worries about down to the actor can be in the computer to replace true person actor in the future, and of whole story clew and coherent clue be short of break, become the pen of one defeat utterly of film.


"Inside a Bed" and "Rati" was invited to show in 2006 Women Make Waves Film Festival on Oct. 14, 2006 at Hsin Kong Cineplex.


We are not covering silent films in this course. We will begin with the first talking motion picture, The Jazz Singer, released in 1927. The next week, we'll be looking at The Gold Diggers of 1933, a piece that is very representative of the escapist trend in films released during the depression. Some of the films we will be watching will probably be new to you, like Frank Capra's Why We Fight. Others you might have already seen on TV like Rebel without A Cause starring James Deane, or Stanley Cooper's Doctor's Strange Love. However, I hope you see even familiar film with new eye. In the last three weeks of the course, we will be watching films from the 1980s and you'll choose one of them as a subject for an extensive written critique.

这门课不讲无声电影,我们将从1927年放映的第一部有声电影'爵士歌手'开始,下周我们也将观看1933年放映的'掘金人',一部非常能表现萧条时期逃避注意的电影,有一些电影对你们来说可能很新奇,象Frank Capra的'为什么我们会打架',别的你们可能在电视上已经看过了,象James Deane主演的'没有目标的反抗'或Stanley Cooper的'医生的怪癖',但是我希望你们对即使很熟悉的电影,也采取一种崭新的观点去看,在本课程的最后三周内,我们会观看一些80年代的影片,同时你们需要从中选出一部电影作为撰写深入评论的对象。

We are not covering silent films in this course. We will begin with the first talking motion picture, The Jazz Singer, released in 1927. The next week, we'll be looking at The Gold Diggers of 1933, a piece that is very representative of the escapist trend in films released during the depression. Some of the films we will be watching will probably be new to you, like Frank Capra's Why We Fight. Others you might have already seen on TV like Rebel without A Cause starring James Deane, or Stanley Cooper's Doctor's Strange Love. However, I hope you see even familiar film with new eye.

这门课不讲无声电影,我们将从1927年放映的第一部有声电影'爵士歌手'开始,下周我们也将观看1933年放映的'掘金人',一部非常能表现萧条时期逃避注意的电影,有一些电影对你们来说可能很新奇,象F rank Capra 的'为什么我们会打架',别的你们可能在电视上已经看过了,象 James Deane 主演的'没有目标的反抗'或 Stanley Cooper 的'医生的怪癖',但是我希望你们对即使很熟悉的电影,也采取一种崭新的观点去看,在本课程的最后三周内,我们会观看一些80年代的影片,同时你们需要从中选出一部电影作为撰写深入评论的对象。

And also, DzSoft Slide Show can easily create for you a distributable self-running slide show to share with your friends.

此外, dzsoft幻灯片放映,可以轻松地创建为你分派自我运行的幻灯片放映与大家分享您的朋友。

By the famous game,"Galaxy soldiers," the film adaptation of "Iron Wing Commander" poor showing at the box office, at the most have more than 2,000 cinema, but only achieved a more than 10 million U.S. dollars of income; movie "Tomb Raider" Showing that the female protagonist film set a new box office records, she became the female adventurer known figure in Europe, but "Tomb Raider 2" has lost, shooting a general level, the story cliche boring, looks more risky Such as tourism, box office revenue for the premiere of 21.7 million U.S. dollars, much lower than the first one premiere of the film set at 47 million U.S. dollars in box office receipts; CG film "Final Fantasy" screen beautiful, lifelike figures, as well as a movie star is also concerned that Computer actor in the future instead of live actors, and complete story of clues and missing coherent plot, the movie became a Taibai Bi.


Rebroadcast or future showing of the film not associated with Urban Nomad will require subsequent agreement by the filmmaker.


Take-up Reel: The reel, which the already projected film winds up on.


Shahin, a former projectionist of a cinema hall named 'Ajanta,' is a victim of the series of bomb attacks targeting cultural activities in Bangladesh. After the attack, Shahin lost legs and his job; He no longer met the minimum height requirement for being a projectionist.


And in the case of foreign shown the same, the film is interludes in the 'tricks','pyrotechnics' and other Chinese civil screening program.


更多网络解释与放映相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

back projection:背面放映合成

back lot 露天片厂 | back projection 背面放映合成 | background music 背景音乐

be on:上演,放映

at first 起初 | be on 上演,放映 | on the night of 在......的夜晚

beaded screen:玻珠[放映]屏

bead phototransistor 玻珠式光电晶体管 | beaded screen 玻珠[放映]屏 | beading 玻璃熔接

cine projector:电影 放映器

ambeer 烟草汁 | cine projector 电影 放映器 | automatic temperature regulator 自动温度调节器

process cinematography:放映合成

pressbook 宣传资料 | process cinematography 放映合成 | prodution 制作

Projection Room:放映间

projection reduction scale 投影缩小比例 | projection room 放映间 | projection screen 放映银幕,映像屏,银幕,投影屏

View Slide Show:放映幻灯片

Slide Transitions幻灯片之间的过渡特效 | View Slide Show放映幻灯片 | Navigating While in Slideshow放映时的导航

Play Step by Step Frame by Frame:单格放映键

Decrease Play Speed 减慢拨放速度键 | Play Step by Step Frame by Frame 单格放映键 | Reverse Play Step by Step Frame by Frame 反向单格放映

Reverse Play Step by Step Frame by Frame:反向单格放映键

Play Step by Step Frame by Frame 单格放映键 | Reverse Play Step by Step Frame by Frame 反向单格放映键 | Stop 停止键

B.K.S.? British Kinematograph Society:英国电影放映技术学会

英国电线线径规范 B&S? Brown and Sharp gauge? | 英国电影放映技术学会 B.K.S.? British Kinematograph Society? | 英国电影摄影(放映)技师会 B.S.C.? British Society of Cinematographers?