英语人>词典>汉英 : 放在地上 的英文翻译,例句
放在地上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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After he had slumber'd, rather than slept, about half an Hour, he wak'd again, and comes out of the Cave to me; for I had been milking my Goats, which I had in the Enclosure just by: When he espy'd me, he came running to me, laying himself down again upon the Ground, with all the possible Signs of an humble thankful Disposition, making a many antick Gestures show it: At last he lays his Head flat upon the Ground, close to my Foot, and sets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before; and after this, made all the Signs to me of Subjection, Servitude, and Submission imaginable, to let me know, how he would serve me as long as he liv'd; I understood him in many Things, and let him know, I was very well pleas'd with him; in a little Time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and first, I made him know his Name should be Friday, which was the Day I sav'd his Life; I call'd him so for the Memory of the Time; I likewise taught him to say Master, and then let him know, that was to be my Name; I likewise taught him to say, YES, and No, and to know the Meaning of them; I gave him some Milk, in an earthen Pot, and let him see me Drink it before him, and sop my Bread in it; and I gave him a Cake of Bread, to do the like, which he quickly comply'd with, and made Signs that it was very good for him.


He put the axe on the ground and passed his hand across his face.


They lay Boggs on the floor and put a large Bible under his head.


He put a gourd bottle on the ground and covered its mouth with a copper coin.


Then, he put Pinocchio on the ground and took Geppetto away.


The expert continued,Just put the pig on the ground,get a stick,knock the apples to the ground


Raising the feet backward with the hands on the ground; a first movement in doing a handstand.


She lifted the little ice-encased body out of the deep-freeze and set it on the floor.


Open the "tail" on the gates, on the ground, ladybug alive at once.


A single company of infantry in line, at " parade rest ," the butts of the rifles on the ground, the barrels inclining slightly backward against the right shoulder, the hands crossed upon the stock .


更多网络解释与放在地上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Physalis alkekengi:酸漿

包括持球越过底线,抛球到在底线后的队友,或把直放在地上的球踢过两枝门柱中间,又叫射门...红姑娘它有一个很可爱的英文名字 Winter Cherry (高 16mm) , 很喜欢这个温婉、含羞嗒嗒的造型. Sanrio 2004 酸浆(Physalis alkekengi) 别名红姑...

Tea Bags:茶手提包, 茶袋子

663. Coffee Grounds 咖啡把放在地上, 咖啡地面 | 664. Tea Bags茶手提包, 茶袋子 | 665. Snakes Skin蛇皮肤




当她和韦斯莱(Weasley)先生推着她的手推车时,韦斯莱(Weasley)先生说:"10:28了,快点,快点!",就在他踩到地上的标记时,珀西(Percy)的行李车也放在了标记上,这样他后面的哈利就能被看到了. (00:22:15)


先在柱(Mast)旁拿取钳子(Plers),然后用吸管从水坑(Puddle)中吸些海水,再把救生圈(Floats)放在地上,然后站在救生圈. 弄开箱子,首先用铜线接在箱子的电线(Electric Wire)上,再用钳剪断电线,把海水(Water)灌入锁(Lock)内,


先在柱(Mast)旁拿取钳子(Plers),然后用吸管从水坑(Puddle)中吸些海水,再把救生圈(Floats)放在地上,然后站在救生圈. 弄开箱子,首先用铜线接在箱子的电线(Electric Wire)上,再用钳剪断电线,把海水(Water)灌入锁(Lock)内,


检视女巫地上的毛线(Wool),顺着毛线在屋后头发现一只绵羊(Sheep),将蓝色菊花放在绵羊身上,用照相机拍张相片. 离开前,拿起地上的木槌(Mallet). 从小洞(Hatch)爬出去,离开黑森林. 回到安卡摩波克镇的酒店. 酒店里有根木梁(Beam),


而三个在磕头的人,两个在祈祷(praying),两个头上下起伏. 只有一个脑袋放在地上不动了,哦,睡着了(sleeping). 又是蓝天白云,又是人群挤挤,一名妇女背着小孩,饭来张口的家伙(freeloader),这不废话嘛. 公园里有人带了条狗溜着,什么,

Slide the gun over:把枪放在地上滑过来 )

Okay, okay. I don't want any trouble. ( 好,好!我不想惹麻烦 ) | Slide the gun over. ( 把枪放在地上滑过来 ) | We can work something out, boys. ( 我们可以谈条件,各位 )

teabags:茶袋子 手提包, 茶

地面 咖啡 放在地上, 把 咖啡 CoffeeGrounds 663. . | 茶袋子 手提包, 茶 TeaBags 664. . | 蛇皮肤 SnakesSkin 665. .