英语人>词典>汉英 : 收集起 的英文翻译,例句
收集起 的英文翻译、例句


gather up
更多网络例句与收集起相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the college, I allege d that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the dial collection.


He also has a hobby, it is looking at the butterfly album, he also had a grandson, his grandson called KENT, he likes to catch butterflies, he saw a large butterfly on the he was caught, KENT put forward only the butterflies to take home to see Grandpa, Grandpa did not believe he caught a butterfly, so KENT careful to get the butterflies out to see Grandpa, Grandpa look and feel very happy, let his grandson to see his collection of butterflies album, and asked where he had been the only butterfly, his grandson told him where you are, Grandpa pending very happy, then the net and went to the outside to catch butterflies, but KENT and sat down to see my grandfather was collected this album.


This paper analyzed data from multiple sources and different structures, concluded three types of info: Login info, Event info, and Packet data info, then created the formation for every type of data; In order to combine future possible new data, IDS using profile and formation string together, create and practice data formation standard algorithm; Because in the collected data, there is info that is redundant or has minor effect on the IDS, this paper discussed the rules of redundant data differentiating and safe data differentiating, Then create data filter rule base; Data collecting system uses distributivity design, collecting module like a black box. we can get data which was filterd and had standard formation, if we created a new model string for new data source. Module work individually; filter data right away at the collecting node.


Our group collected 35 accessions in dooryard from 13 Provinces and 34 accessions from three germplasm repositories.


This study and relevant works are the second year of a five-year on-the-job training program (from January 1, 2002 through November 15, 2006),Major outcomes coming from this project include:(1) Collection and review to the experiences of domestic traffic engineering training programs in the past.(2) The planning of training course schedule, and the collection and presentation of modern traffic engineering technologies (i.e. use a World-wide Web established last year and its website: www.trafficwin.com).(3) To perform surveys to those traffic engineering officials, professors teaching at colleges and universities, chiefs at well-known traffic consultants companies so as to realize who will fit to be our courses' lectuers and establish a lectuers database in the traffic-engineering field.(4) Based on the responses of trainees and trainers, lots of teaching and learning conditions, reviews, and suggestions have been gathered for further reviewing.(5)For the long-term development, the website "Traffic Engineering and management" had replan by used the NUKE website program and phpBB forum program, and accomplishing the correcting.(6)An analysis of the establishment of national traffic engineering training education framework combined with a professional transportation knowledge bank have been done and presented to the Ministry of Transportation and Communication for further consideration and even implementation.


The first of their creations were the Rescue Zords, five vehicles which combined into the Lightspeed Megazord, and the Rail Rescues, which combined into the Supertrain Megazord.


The paper mainly adopts the qualitative research method, choosing five Tibetan teachers in primary school M as my research partners, by methods of observation, interview, and anthological referenc es, through deep interview and on-the-spot observation, collecting the five teachers' professional experiences, in the ways of environmental factors, learning experience, management and evaluation and prospect of self-acceleration to sort out and analyze the materials collected and construct the researchers' interpretational understanding towards the development of their professional status quo.


Between hiking the Hoodoos and dodging the rain, Xiang gathered pine cones, and built a great campfire, where we heard about his journey across America.


He takes photographs of these places and recollects childhood memories, both of which contrive to leave marks on or find their ways into the content of his paintings.


Wind selection process: grinding materials, the fan entered the chassis will be the wind began to blow powder, after grinding chamber placed in the top of the analyzer sorting, fine through coarse grinding of materials into another room re-grinding and fine compliant with the degree of airflow into the cyclone collector, collected through a powder discharge port shall be finished.


更多网络解释与收集起相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Elegant Dwelling:优美屋宅

首先,要学会如何把城市内的住宅区升级到优美屋宅(Elegant Dwelling)的目标,说起很简单,只要种植小麦(wheat),然后送到磨坊(Mill)去,那麽食店收集了 三种食物(猎肉、粟和小麦)就会生产出开胃食物(Appetizing Food)送到屋宅去,


新博物馆开始收集藏品, 1799年,埃尔金(Elgin)勋爵被任命为驻君士坦丁堡(现伊斯坦布尔)大使. 英国的使节和大使在为博物馆添加考古学藏品方面起了非常重要的作用. 驻埃及的总领事亨利.索尔特(HenrySalt)在代理人贝尔佐尼(GiovanniBelzoni)的协助下收集了一大批物品,

frothing capacity:起泡性能

frothing agent 起沫剂 | frothing capacity 起泡性能 | frothing collector 起泡捕收剂,起泡收集器

gatepost:门柱 (名)

gatehouse 警卫室; 门房 (名) | gatepost 门柱 (名) | gather up 收集起; 概括; 蜷缩

gather up:收集起

gather up the threads 综合分别处理的问题 | gather up 收集起 | gather volume 增大

gather up:收集,概括

guarantee 保证,承诺 | 186. gather up 收集,概括 | pick up 拾起,学到,整理

gather up the threads:综合分别处理的问题

gather together 集合在一起 | gather up the threads 综合分别处理的问题 | gather up 收集起


利用"收集器" (Gatherer) 组件提取的资料建立索引. "索引工具"组件会使用特定的断字字符及名词获取器 (stemmer) 来获取内容中的文字. 而缀字 (如这个、那个) 便会被省略掉,并建立起内容索引. 本产品特别支持英语、法语、西语、意大利语、德语、和日语语系.

azygos vein:奇静脉

(1)奇静脉(azygos vein):起自右腰升静脉,穿膈后沿脊柱右侧上行至第4胸椎高度,绕右肺根上方呈弓形向前注入上腔静脉. 奇静脉沿途收集右侧肋间后静脉、食管静脉、支气管静脉及半奇静脉的血液. 半奇静脉(hemiazygos vein)起自左腰升静脉,


收集(Gathering):收集技能主要的目标是根(roots)、灌木(shrubs)和植物(Plants). 如果你需要根和植物,则该技能非常重要. 一般当你从地上捡起发亮的物体(带有任务标记)时,你会自动提升收集技能. 收集技能是一个非常容易提升的技能.