英语人>词典>汉英 : 收藏 的英文翻译,例句
收藏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
collection  ·  house  ·  stow  ·  stowing  ·  tuck  ·  houses  ·  stowed  ·  stows  ·  tucked  ·  tucks

pack away · tuck away
更多网络例句与收藏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Steganos Internet Anonym 7 offers automatic product updates, the ability to change camouflage identities everysecond, the elimination of popup ads, ActiveX dialers and other dangerous Web content, an encryptedfavorites list which protects users favorite Web sites through a password-protected system, a built-in Internet Explorer plug-in which enables direct access to all software functions, and a map of theworld which permits users to view the constantly changing locations of the worldwide proxy serversmasking their real IP address.

Steganos Internet Anonym 7提供自动产品更新,每秒改变伪装身份的能力,清除弹出式广告窗口,ActiveX装置以及其它有害的网络内容,一个通过一个密码保护系统保护用户的网络收藏夹的收藏夹加密列表,一个可以直接访问所有软件功能的内置的IE插件,以及一个允许用户浏览经常变更的掩饰它们的真实IP地址的世界范围的代理服务器的世界地图。

Pieces of works, the Asia-Pacific Museum of California. 1989 should be invited by the University, Ohio fen to conduct academic exchanges and organized individual exhibitions. In July 1990 in Nepal's capital Kathmandu, large-scale exhibition held at the Museum. October 1990 New Delhi, India Baha'i Museum exhibition,"Chenming," a collection. On three occasions since 1991 in Florida, where Bo and other three cities held personal exhibitions. 1992 work,"Spring Bamboo" is Queen of the Netherlands Beja Therese collection. In Sydney, Australia in 1993, organized by city, the first Asia-Pacific Chinese ink painting contest winners, work "snowy's Island," a collection. In October 1994 the National Museum of the Netherlands invited to organize large-scale solo exhibition in December 1994 in Rotterdam invited Chinese literary weeks personal exhibition was held. 1995 Chinese Culture Week was mayor of Amsterdam, the Netherlands named after a famous Chinese artist. 1996 has been Noto City, He Luolin root City,拉登维斯林City, is an ink-Wei City, Amstelveen invited to organize large-scale exhibition city.


Cetus Gallery is formally established in 2007. Our development strategy is served as art collection. The gallery promotes its management and contemporary art by art collection. Simultaneously, it sponsors contemporary art by art collection.


Our goal is to build collector's items which will provide unprecedented levels of enjoyment to customers.


Zhang and his works have been chosen into more than two hundred dictionaries such as World WHO'S WHO, Son of the East, Twenty-first Century Talents Bank , Chinese Character Grand Dictionary, World Art Florilegium, Chinese Art Florilegium, Contemporary Celebrity and Elites Grand Dictionary, Chinese Art Exhibition and Collection Guide, China Contemporary Famous Calligraphy and Painting Artists – a Collection of Treasures, etc.


Collections: Small Island and Man, Concert (Hong Kong Polygram Modern Art Foundation); Game; The Portrait of a Rebel; Red Color and Apple (Apple Organization, Washington, USA); Still Life; 105 Single-Eyed Peoples Deputy (Ji Fengxuan Gallery, Hong Kong;'06 Christie's Auction, HK); Idol (Ji Fengxuan Gallery, Hong Kong;'06 Sotheby's Auction NY); Girl and Handkerchief Ji Fengxuan Gallery

收 藏:《小岛与人》、《音乐会》,香港宝丽金现代艺术基金。《游戏》,PHILLIPE CHARRIOL FOUNDATION。《一个叛逆者的肖像》,PHILLIPE CHARRIOL FOUNDATION。《红色与苹果》,美国华盛顿苹果机构。《静物》,参加中鸿信拍卖行春季拍卖会。《独具慧眼的105位人民代表》香港季丰轩画廊收藏(于,2006年参加香港嘉士德秋季拍卖会。《偶像》,香港季丰轩画廊收藏(于2006年参加香港苏富比秋季拍卖会)。《女孩子与手帕》,香港季丰轩画廊收藏

In 1997, his traditional Chinese painting was collected by National Painting Art Committee and National calligraphic sodality and National Art Association. His works are awarded as the exquisiteness prizes of the second session for Xi Bi Spring National Calligraphy and Painting invitation Competition which have selected into " Xi Bi Spring Exquisiteness Ink and Wash Painting Record".


Said invented door plank storable and superposable screen window has left and right storage boxes for holding the screen roller made up by rolling up screen, and comprises latch hook, coupling bar, upper and lower guideways, the left and right storage boxes are freely fixed on the upper and lower guideways, according to the requirements the left and right storage boxes can be slided, and can be formed into square frame together with upper and lower guideways, and the screen can be spread and laid on said square frame so as to form the invented door plank storable and superposable screen window.


The translation of this text is approximately dated by 1070, thus making the Sutra one of the earliest Tangut texts This paper contains reconstructions of the Tangut text, alongside available Chinese versions and a textual studs of the newly identified fragments.


Mr. Wang Chang has participated in national exhibitions and award-winning, major achievements include: 1999,"the snow-covered gold wind map" was the second capital of the Arts Award for outstanding works Fair,"olgensis First Snow" by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum collection,"Beyond the Great Snow Ji" and three works appeared in the "Contemporary Painting" book,"Snow Hokkoku Ji" by Mr. Ma Ji master comic collection; in 2000,"the North snow bath" is of Jiangsu Wu arts collection,"village day" selected works focus on the Chinese Artists,"Guardian of the North" building seventy-fifth anniversary of the National Excellence Award Exhibition; in 2002,"no place to look for Changbai Waterfall" National Landscape Exhibition selected; in 2004 "the dream of Everest," paintings by the Jilin Province Art Research Association Gold Award; in 2005 "the dream of Everest," the fourth school to participate in snow and ice show; in 2006,"Rural Snow" Exhibition of Fine Arts to participate in the State of Belarus; in 2007,"snow" is the Chinese Cultural Institute collection.

王昌先生多次参加全国性大展并获奖,主要成就有:1999年《雪域金风图》获第二届首都艺博会优秀作品奖,《长白初雪》被香港文化艺术馆收藏,《塞外雪霁》等三幅作品入选《当代绘画艺术》画集,《北国雪霁》被相声大师马季先生收藏;2000年《北国浴雪》被江苏吴门艺术机构收藏,《山村正月》入选中国美术家作品集中,《北国卫士》获全国建军七十五周年艺术大展优秀奖;2002年《长白瀑布无处寻》入选全国山水画大展; 2004年《珠峰之梦》获吉林省书画艺术研究会金奖;2005年《珠峰之梦》参加冰雪画派第四届展;2006年《乡雪》参加白俄罗斯国家美术大展;2007年《融雪》被中华文化学院收藏

更多网络解释与收藏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

collecting coins:收藏硬币

collecting stamps 集邮 | collecting coins 收藏硬币 | collecting lithographs 收藏字画

collecting toys:收藏玩具

collecting antiques 收藏古董 | collecting toys 收藏玩具 | collecting seashells 收藏海贝

collecting antiques:收藏古董

collecting lithographs 收藏字画 | collecting antiques 收藏古董 | collecting toys 收藏玩具


微软Live Search Maps的用户每天都会创建4,000多个"分类收藏"(Collection). 微软将分类收藏定义为"供大众使用的混搭应用",微软虚拟地球业务部主管市场经理亚历克斯.达利(Alex Daley)解释道,建立分类收藏,用户既无需具备Web开发人员的编程技巧,



In Pursuit of Porcelain:当代艺术陶瓷收藏潜力巨大

收藏大家马未都 A Collection of the Past | 当代艺术陶瓷收藏潜力巨大 In Pursuit of Porcelain | 无障碍的残奥村 Village Without Barriers

Midnight Run:午夜狂奔 (已收藏)

- 1989 - We're No Angels - 我们不是天使 (已收藏) | - 1988 - Midnight Run - 午夜狂奔 (已收藏) | - 1987 - Angel Heart - 天使心 (已收藏)


sacrist 教堂的看守人 | sacrist 教堂圣器收藏室的管理人 | sacristan 教堂收藏室的管理人

collecting lithographs:收藏字画

collecting coins 收藏硬币 | collecting lithographs 收藏字画 | collecting antiques 收藏古董

Manufacturer: Forever Collectibles:制造商:永远收藏

Label: Forever Collectibles 标签:永远收藏 | Manufacturer: Forever Collectibles 制造商:永远收藏 | Publisher: Forever Collectibles 出版商:永远收藏