英语人>词典>汉英 : 撮 的英文翻译,例句
撮 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
pinch  ·  pinches

take up with the fingers
更多网络例句与撮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But to pursue brevity of speech, and to avoid nice declarations of things, is to be granted to him that maketh an abridgment.


As he listened to him and drank in the sound of his voice, he enjoyed at the same time a protracted pinch of snuff.


To smash the biology cells or new products, and the emulsification made from liquid-liquid homogeneous oil or water qpplying for the biotechnology:barm and other fungoids or apply for smashing alga cellulars and so on


I wouldn't want you to lose a chunk of that pretty blond hair!


Eleanor Clift, the loud voice of the left on PBS's The McGlaughlin Report, predicted the bombers were from a loose cabal of gun extremists, religious extremists.


The small waves were the same, chucking the rowboat under the chin as we fished at anchor, and the boat was the same boat, the same color green and ribs broken in the same places, and the under the floor-boards the same fresh-water leavings and debris--the same hellgrammite, the wisps of moss, the rusty discarded fishhook, and the dried blood from yesterday's catch.


These rumpled rodents lack a gene called fz6, resulting in patches of cowlicks and whorls.


He said the witches was pestering him awful these nights, and making him see all kinds of strange things, and hear all kinds of strange words and noises, and he didn't believe he was ever witched so long before in his life.


A conceited German is the worst of them all, and the most hardened of all, and the most repulsive of all; for he imagines that he possesses the truth in a science of his own invention, which is to him absolute truth.


A sub-soil stove, a "pot after another"(produced by the soil, the capacity of small capacity of the tea may be far less than a glass), a group of tea or a cage of fire, a group of tea , a tea and acha guan insanity is all Tanks for all the tea.kang shang sitting in hot, two-wang stove, black tiles tank to boil the tea extremely strong, sipping a population, it is easy comfortable.


更多网络解释与撮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Handful Of Clay:一撮黏土

A Fish Around The World 一条见过世面的鱼 | A Handful Of Clay一黏土 | Paradise Flowers天国的花朵

A Handful Of Clay:一撮泥土 by Henry van Dyke 译/ 赵娜

146 The King-Hermit 隐居的国王 by Khalil Gibran 译/ 心士 | 150 A Handful of Clay 一泥土 by Henry van Dyke 译/ 赵娜 | Good Reading 读有所悟

A pinch of crack, a dollop of smack:一撮可卡因、一小块海洛因 )

- A pinch of crack? - A pinch of crack. ( -一可卡因? -一可卡... | A pinch of crack, a dollop of smack. ( 一可卡因、一小块海洛因 ) | - That's good pie. - That's so wrong. ( -这才是最棒的派 -你真是够...

recapitulation statement:撮要表

Recapitulation sheet 要表 | Recapitulation statement 要表 | Receipt 收据

Recapitulation sheet:撮要表

Recapitalization 资本重定 | Recapitulation sheet 要表 | Recapitulation statement 要表


"褶裥织物","tucks" | "毛圈;毛绒束;毛","tuft" | "毛固著力测定","tuft bind test"


cholecystoduodenostomy (胆嚢十二指腸吻合術) | cholecystogram (胆嚢影図,胆嚢造影図) | cholecystography (胆嚢影<法>,胆嚢造影<法>)


cystoenterostomy (胆嚢小腸吻合<術>) | cystogram (膀胱影図,膀胱造影図) | cystography (膀胱影<法>,膀胱造影<法>)


urethrodynia (尿道痛) | urethrogram (尿道造影図,尿道影図) | urethrography (尿道造影<法>,尿道影<法>)


abstract book收支要薄 | abstracts要表 | acceptable accounting principle可岁接受会计原理