英语人>词典>汉英 : 撤军 的英文翻译,例句
撤军 的英文翻译、例句


troop withdrawal
更多网络例句与撤军相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since the Afghani Mujahidin rebels have no air force, Perutz said, the Soviet withdrawals have no military significance.

因为阿富汗的 Jujahidin 反对者并没有空军力量,所以苏联的撤军毫无任何军事意义。

Time and time again, we voted for a strategy to redeply redeploy troops out of Iraq, to leave policing the street to Iraqis and to focus our mission on antiterrorism and we won't give up.


But there is still a chance to change course, and we must change course, Acknowledging that Democrats are unlikely to drop their demands for a troop withdrawal, President Bush says they should send him their legislation quickly so he can veto it and get Congress back to work on a spending bill without such a deadline.


The British people want outmost clearly from Iraq, but also now from Afghanistan.


A sudden pull-out is unlikely, but an eventual withdrawal is all but certain.


At the same time, only 38% favor an immediate and orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, while 55% oppose a pullout.


Democratic leaders are decrying President Bush's plan to indefinitely halt troop withdrawals from Iraq after July.


Since starting to campaign in the general election, he has fudged this clear line: he committed to withdrawal again this week , but he has also been careful to give himself wriggle-room on its pace.


He said the reductions are possible because his decision to send additional troops earlier this year has improved security.


A counter-terrorist strategy is a euphemism for withdrawal—which is what plenty of Westerners think should happen.


更多网络解释与撤军相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ehud Barak:巴拉克

由於真主党不断发动袭击,而且舆论认为如果以军撤出黎巴嫩,暴力事件将减少并消解,以色列总理埃胡德.巴拉克(Ehud Barak)决定撤军. 联合国认为以色列部队撤出蓝色分界线符合联合国安理会第425号决议,但边境地区谢巴赫(Shebaa)农场的所属权仍有争议.

be scheduled to withdraw its forces:按计划撤军

be scared off 被吓走 242 | be scheduled to withdraw its forces 按计划撤军 57 | be sensitive to 对......敏感 341

Security Council:安全委员会

格鲁吉亚安全委员会(Security Council)负责人洛马亚(Kakha Lomaya)在电话记者会上说,格鲁吉亚已经通过美国国务卿赖斯(Condoleezza Rice)向莫斯科提出停火,要求格鲁吉亚和俄罗斯双方撤军,但仍未得到回应.

Donald Rumsfeld:美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德

在乌兹别克宣布了要美国从其领土撤军的最后期限后,为防止美国在这场"大棋局"中的地位受到进一步挤压,美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)已经飞抵中亚去巩固与该地区几个重要国家的双边关系.

indelible: erasable:不可磨灭的 - 可擦去的

341. incursion - retreat 入侵 - 撤军 | 342. indelible - erasable 不可磨灭的 - 可擦去的 | 344. indubitable - questionable 不可质疑的 - 可质疑的


感染肺鼠疫是因为吃了染病的旱獭(marmot),这种病会透过咳嗽飞沫传染,是高致命性疾病,可能一天内就丧命,当地目前至少还有9人也感染此病. 南非700名军人完成2001年起前总统曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)所展开的维和任务,他们开始从蒲隆地撤军,

Roy Mustang:萊.馬斯丹

另一方的鍊金术世界里,莱.马斯丹(Roy Mustang)独留在北方的国境执行任务,阿姆士唐(Alex Louis Armstrong)则撤军并开始重建工作. 凭著哥哥爱德华而取回肉身但失去了四年记忆的弟弟艾尔凡斯.艾力克(Alphonse Elric)已经十三岁,




Carpet Bomb 地毯式轰炸 | Pullback 撤军 | Pound 猛烈轰炸

Withdrawal Plan:撤军计划

withdrawal of securities;提取证券;; | withdrawal plan;撤军计划;; | withdrawal rate;离职率;;