英语人>词典>汉英 : 搜索到 的英文翻译,例句
搜索到 的英文翻译、例句


run down
更多网络例句与搜索到相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accept that your work is more about you than what you represent, try to bridge that balance, without resorting to photographing your feet!

换言之,你要试着把自己的个人经验转换成普遍经验,这确实是有可能的,而且我认为这是任何艺术形式的关键诉求……去研读Michael Schmidt的 Waffenruhe 一书(我搜索到很多Michael Schmidt,有一个诗人也有摄影师,多亏小丑同志,终于搜索到了这本书,并且可以确定这个Schmidt是德国的摄影师)——去研究所有伟大的摄影师并且要喜欢研究他们,从头开始研读,去看早期美国摄影师,然后德国的,还有法国的,然后再仔细研读一下二十世纪60年代采用摄影术的艺术家,比如Rusha等。

Therefore, the aim of docking is to find the conformation with the lowest binding free energy.


In the early stage of the genetic algorithms, the three genetic mechanisms are used both in integer part and decimal part, so that the genetic algorithms have stronger global search ability, keep the population diversity efficiently and avoid falling into local extremum. In the later stage of the genetic algorithms, the three genetic operators are used in decimal part, so the genetic algorithms have stronger local search ability and fast convergence ability.


Yang Lin takes charge of the network searching aspect,the emphases of which is to make the searching compacter and exacter through reducing search bound and combine with WORD better so people can copy the things we searched more convenient when edit.


Aiming at such kind of 0-1 integer programming problem,a chaotic searching algorithm is proposed to solve it.


For second algorithm SatTest2, searching and sampling are in the whole space of assignments. Hence it can find the satisfiable solution. Even no satisfiable solutions can be found, it is still to test the satisfiability of SAT problem with high probability. This is an important improvement of the conventional randomized algorithms.


The Internet switching service method for providing an Internet switching service to a subscriber connected to the Internet (214) to make an Internet telephone call by using an ID of a receiver are achieved by inputting the ID of a receiver who the subscriber wishes to communicate with, searching a data base (202) where a plurality of IDs and communications address data of the IDs are previously stored, for communications address data corresponding to the IDs, sending the searched communications address data to the subscriber, and the subscriber performing a telephone call, a fascimile transmission or sending a post by using the searched communications address data.


Yang Lin takes charge for the network searching aspect,the emphases of which is to make the searching compacter and exacter through reducing search bound and combine with Word better so people can copy the things we searched more convenient when edit.


After the court is tried, think, baidu company is the network service provider that offers a search, and the implementation of function of this one service, it is to rely on technical measure to undertake searching to the of all kinds information in Internet, have objectivity, when having technical set to searching a standard namely, face the open sex of Internet, when searching the Internet information that cannot foreknow, divide to well-known illegal content, the content that gives negatory opinion generally like content of illicit of legal explicit order or social community outside taking step, cannot undertake intervention to specific content, objectivity and the comprehensive sex that searchs the influence the information that engine place searchs otherwise, seasonable sex.


In the musical search product of new edition, gu Ge still was rolled out " pick a song " function, the user is OK according to rhythm, tonetic, tonal, time even genre will search the song that accords with oneself demand, the song that searchs will present an user through different colorific hubble-bubble, can click directly broadcast.


更多网络解释与搜索到相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Advanced Search:高级搜索

在前台页面的页脚有一个到高级搜索(Advanced Search)页面的链接. 你会发现,高级搜索中每个属性包含单独领域. 要属性显示在此页面,您必须到Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes,找到属性,并在the Use in advanced search下拉菜单中选择是Yes.

Google Catalogs:(邮购搜索服务)

36.谷歌邮购搜索服务(Google Catalogs) 不用在往垃圾桶里扔废纸了. 37.谷歌数字搜索(Google Search by Number) 输入区号,快件号,就能整合到结果. 38.谷歌盲人搜索(Google Accessible Search) 似乎是方便色盲及色弱者使用的.

full-text search:全文搜索

取代现有的脚本(Script)管理模式包括策略违反警报、策略导入、运行和评估多个同步策略的能力、当对象浏览器连接到分析服务和报表服务时浏览策略各个侧面及评估策略的能力,等等. . 集成全文搜索(Full Text Search)功能,这使全文搜索和关系数据之间实现无缝转换,同时能够利用全文索引实现大型文本的高速分列文本搜索.

go to:转到

"转到"(Go To)命令(编辑菜单)选定"转到"(Go To)命令"[Ctrl]+[G]"使你从排列中搜索某些类型的排列单元. 你可在质量(Quality)和限制(Constraints)组框设定搜索参数. 在"限制"(Constraints)组框选定一个选项来缩小WinAlign搜索范围.

Yeah. Now over to Chandler. -I'd like a Google Card:对,现在轮到钱德了 -我要搜索卡

Every time!|每次都这样 | -Yeah. Now over to Chandler. -I'd like a Google Card.|-对,现在轮到钱德了 -我要搜索卡 | -Are you sure? -Yes! No! Google!|-你确定? -对,不,搜索卡

well known:知名

在起始的搜索页有"惊喜"(surprising)和 "知名"(well known)两个滑动块用以调整搜索方向,滑在"surprising"一端时,搜索到得Feed结果就越冷门. 而在搜索结果页面,有一组滑动块,每一个都会对应与搜索关键词有紧密联系的其他关键词,

Easy pickings:很容易搜索到猎物

Besides, it's tourist season in the city.|而且 现在是旅游旺季 | Easy pickings.|很容易搜索到猎物 | Okay, and i don't want blair throwing her callboy in my face.|好吧 我不喜欢布莱尔 在我面前炫耀她的男...


您可以使用"飞到"(Fly To)选项卡来搜索指定位置:在搜索框中键入地名或地址,然后单击"搜索"(Search)按钮. 如果您是第一次使用 Google Earth,地标面板(Places panel)中会有一个空白的"我的地标库"(My Places)文件夹,供您保存感兴趣的地点.


其次,在输入框内输入查找内容的关键词(语句),如输入"NOC活动",再按或"搜索"或"查找"(SEARCH)按钮,就能搜索到有关"NOC活动"的许多网站. 最后,点击列出的链接,就能防问有关"NOC活动"的网站了. 如果一次不能搜索到你想要的网址,


在起始的搜索页有"惊喜"(surprising)和"知名"(wellknown)两个滑动块用以调整搜索方向,滑在"surprising"一端时,搜索到得Feed结果就越冷门. 而在搜索结果页面,有一组滑动块,每一个都会对应与搜索关键词有紧密联系的其他关键词,