英语人>词典>汉英 : 搜索出 的英文翻译,例句
搜索出 的英文翻译、例句


ferret out
更多网络例句与搜索出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Simulation results showed that the algorithm is available to search precisely and efficiently all of the minimum independent closed loops in a graph at high running speed with small memory space occupied.


The stoical and global environment is given, which is abstracted with grid method before the workspace model of the robot being built. With the adoption of the ant colony algorithm, the foraging behavior of ant colony is simulated. According to the optimization condition, the robot tries to find a path which is optimal or optimal-approximate path from starting point to goal, that is global path planning.


In route search, I make use of the binary tree to simplify the procedure.


Then the failure mode and the coefficient of stability of the displaceable blocks were studied respectively.


And the main contents of this dissertation are:(1)The engineering geological features of discontinuities in surrounding rock mass were analyzed on the basis of field geological survey and the preferred orientation of the main discontinuities were derived. Then the displaceable blocks distributing on the roof and sidewalls of main chamber were searched out taking the intersecting relationship of discontinuities into consideration. Then the failure mode and the coefficient of stability of the displaceable blocks were studied respectively.


The case-based reasoning system mainly use object-oriented method, case expression is based on the exploitation a property of the case,use value vicinity to calculate the similarity coefficients, exert two learning way to modify the case, dividedly save the case parameter and the case model. Give the method to solve the order optimization problem.


If you love Google's search and want to help them improve their image search out of the kindness of your heart, then you can!


Based on the theory research achievements of the perfect binary array pairs, the quasi-perfect binary array pair and the double quasi-perfect binary array pair are defined in this paper. Their properties, Fourier spectrum characters and existing necessary conditions are proved and given out.


The relationships among perfect punctured binary array pair, quasi-perfect and double quasi-perfect punctured binary array pair is presented. Specially, when first and second dimension period of the punctured binary array pair are odd, the perfect punctured binary array pair, quasi-perfect and double quasi-perfect punctured binary array are able to change each other.


With the help of these conditions, computer efficiently searches out many quasi-perfect and double quasi-perfect punctured binary array pairs. The relationships among perfect punctured binary array pair, quasi-perfect and double quasi-perfect punctured binary array pair is presented. Specially, when first and second dimension period of the punctured binary ar


更多网络解释与搜索出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


搜索出十一个Chinese开头的赛事, 逐个点击他们, 逐个在他们的大洲(Continent)右边的放大镜点击,回车,输入eu,看见Europe就双击, 把他们的大洲(Continent)都设置成欧(Europe).回到搜索--比赛(Competitions)再搜索mal,

look in:搜索

在这个对话框的顶部,你会注意到一个标有搜索(Look In)的下拉式菜单. 点击该菜单后,就弹出一个清单,在这个清单中显示了你所有的网站(同时还有这个网站中其它的文件和目录)及其网站下的子网站. 选择一个网站后,


最终我在百度的搜索中改动了关键词,变成:卵巢 精巢 有丝分裂 这样我再搜索出另一篇文章: 摘引其中的一大段: 引用: 卵子的發生 卵子(ovum)是一個獨特的細胞,與一般細胞差別很大.

He left Professor Jim Peebles to work out the details:他让吉姆.皮布尔斯教授去找出细节

and Dicke said it should be searched for.|迪克认为应该能搜索到 | He left Professor Jim Peebles to work out the details.|他让吉姆.皮布尔斯教授去找出细节 | If this radiation is present,|如果这个辐射存在


神学家一般称这为完全的( plenary )默示. 诗 119:140 你的话极其精炼,所以你的仆人喜爱. 新国际译本( NIV )将第 20 节译得更接近希腊原文、更乎合上文下理、亦清楚表达出这里要我们搜索出的真理. 译文是「你必须明白,


⑷预测(predication) 预测是利用历史数据找出变化规律,建立模型,并由此模型对未来数据的种类及特征进行预测. 预测关心的是精度和不确定性,通常用预测方差来度量. ⑸时序模式(time-series pattern) 时序模式是指通过时间序列搜索出的重复发生概率较高的模式.



Federated search:联合搜索

可支持Windows 7的集成任务栏和弹出列表,并提供虚拟应用程序的联合搜索(Federated Search)功能.它们分别是本地多播功能和离线数字版权管理(DRM)的支持.离线的DRM将使消费者能够下载电影并可以在离线后继续在受DRM保护的情况下观看,

Searched Root Dir:被搜索出的根目录

Basic Root Dir(基本根目录)、 | Searched Root Dir(被搜索出的根目录)、 | Garbage Dir(已删除目录)、


凡搜索当然有搜索选项,简单说就是设立什么条件以检索出想要的对局,ChessBase10提供了6种搜索条件,包括比赛数据(Game data)、评注(Annotations)、位置(Position)、棋局标记(Medals)、子力(Material)和机动(Manoeuvres)搜索.