英语人>词典>汉英 : 搅动的 的英文翻译,例句
搅动的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The tinkle of a bell,of breaking glass,of ice being stirred in a drink


Barrel fermentation and hand stirring of the wine during aging in toasted Burgundian barells harmonized and added creamy nuances to the lingering finish.


In the first movement, a quietly stirring figure in the strings (measure 9) precedes, then combines with, a lyrical melody played pianissimo by the oboes and clarinets, and is later joined by other woodwinds to build to a fortissimo climax.

在第一运动,一个安静地搅动的图在串(措施9)在之前,那麼结合与,一抒情曲调被演奏的pianissimo 由oboes 和clarinets,和由其它woodwinds 以后加入对修造对fortissimo 顶极。

We were fortunate because we loved you. Everything about you can impassion us to discuss. The fans club was as same as a stirred golden pond. We were like a wood. After a blast of wind, everyone of the wood was susurrating happily. We were disconsolate because we loved you.


This modification of the direction is referred to as perturbing the surface normals and is the basis of bump mapping.


The phenomena of gas bubble pumping in the ladle stirred by gas injection was studied in this work.


I go now back to Luskan-Morik paused as the water churned at the base of the wall.


A hand mixer or whisk will work great when producing small quantities of butter and even a covered glass jar will provide good results when shaken to churn the butter.


It is hence concluded that properly controlled soil Na2SeO3 application in Typic Dark Brown Forest Soil would be an effective way to cultivate Se-rich forest vegetables and to exploit Se-rich vegetable resources under the quasi-natural conditions of the forest region, except heavily perturbed coarse-textured soil.


To form or display little undulations or waves on the surface, as disturbed water does.


更多网络解释与搅动的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在微矩阵实验中,除了可增强信号外,搅动(agitation)可缩短保温时间,而不会损失信号强度. 为了证明这个优点,我们进行了保温1-22小时的时间梯度实验(Fig 6). 实验条件和上文所述的类似. 然而,每块载玻片仅用了10 ug Cyanine-5标记的肝cDNA,


这些高增长经济体不会实现它们后来取得的生产力增幅,这一点与从宏观经济角度得出的某些结论刚好相反. 在这些经济体中,经济活动内容的变化非常迅速,这一点被熊彼特(Schumpeter)称为"创造性的破坏",罗密(Paul Romer)则称之为"持续搅动"(Churn).




churn 猛冲海岸 | churning 螺旋桨搅动的水面浪花;翻腾 | churning loss 兴涡损失

churning loss:兴涡损失

churning 螺旋桨搅动的水面浪花;翻腾 | churning loss 兴涡损失 | churning 螺旋桨搅动的水面浪花翻腾


下面我继续向大家介绍其他的三种基本方法:② 搅动(Stir) 就是搅拌混匀的意思,即把材料和冰块放入调酒杯,再用吧匙迅速进行搅拌. 同时也有冷却材料的目的. 再搅拌容易混合的材料时或者灵活处理材料的原味时比较适合.


世界气象组织(WMO)对於喷 的定随时间增加,是搅动(stirring)的过程,此过程在大气中可由 稳定合(mixing)的过程. 而由上图,涡 拟能随时间持续递减,动能近似HR98 以能 波谱(energy spectrum)分析 的观点,推导正压涡释莱茵斯尺 .

agitator treating:搅动洗涤

agitation 搅拌 | agitator treating 搅动洗涤 | agitator truck 带搅拌工具的汽车

Angel troubled the water:天使搅动池水

Angel of the church in Laodicea 老底嘉教会的使者 190 | Angel troubled the water 天使搅动池水356 | Angel with six wings 六翼天使 202


storyboard 故事脚本 | streamers 水流纹,因显影搅动不正常而产生的不平均显影结果 | stress marks 压痕,因相纸被折曲或被力压而产生的条纹