英语人>词典>汉英 : 提名权 的英文翻译,例句
提名权 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nomination  ·  momination

更多网络例句与提名权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now, the official who promotes a candidate in the first place also has the power to recommend him or her to the Pope for beatification


In the event of indebtedness of Customer to SNC ??for reasons including but not limited to and outlined above, SNC ??shall have the right to sell, pledge, rehypothecate, assign, invest, commingle and otherwise use any Collateral it holds (including, but not limited to, using the Contracts as collateral for a loan to SNC ?) free from any claim or right of any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any Collateral in the name of SNC ?, its custodian or a nominee for either.

因客户的SNC 债务原因,包括但不仅仅是上述的和,SNC 有权出售、抵押、质押、转让、投资,并以其它方式使用任何其所持有的抵押品(包括但不仅仅是,以合同作为SNC 的贷款抵押品),客户不具有对包括客户或其监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在SNC 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

Nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any

监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在 SNC 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

Any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any

监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,在GMB 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

For a loan to SNC free from any claim or right of any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any Collateral in the name of SNC , its custodian or a nominee for either.

因客户的SNC 债务原因,包括但不仅仅是上述的和,SNC 有权出售、抵押、质押、转让、投资,并以其它方式使用任何其所持有的抵押品(包括但不仅仅是,以合同作为SNC 的贷款抵押品),客户不具有对包括客户或其监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在SNC 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

It is no secret that the central government approves of Tsang's reelection bid. However, as Tsang and Leong have each won more than 100 nominations, become lawful CE candidates and just started their respective campaigns, it is surprising that a top central government official has openly and indiscreetly said he wants one of them to win. He may have had people doubt that the election will be fair and that the central government respects the Election Committee or the Hong Kong people.


Article 2 Signature An international organisation may sign this Convention if a majority of its member States are signatories of this Convention.


The number of Indonesians unrepresented in the new DPR will rise because of the threshold that parties have to cross before any of their candidates are allowed seats: 2.5% of the national vote.


The system of appointment of supervisor is one of the core contents of the system of appointment and removement.


The immediate occasion for this gathering was a dispute that had broken out between the French king Louis XIV and Pope Innocent XI, concerning the right of nomination to vacant bishoprics and the disposition of their revenues.


更多网络解释与提名权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

twin sisters:<烽火孪生泪>

简介:以>(twin sisters)提名第24届奥斯卡的桑伯加特以去年>领跑了当地票房,因此对他下一部影片的期待早已经喧嚣尘上. 本片讲述了一位在暴风雨中寻找自己孩子的女人的故事,环球制片公司已经垄断了此片在荷兰的所属权.