英语人>词典>汉英 : 提出异议 的英文翻译,例句
提出异议 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
demur  ·  represent  ·  demurring  ·  demurred  ·  demurs  ·  represented  ·  representing  ·  represents

take issue with · file objection
更多网络例句与提出异议相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Especially, the accused the authenticity demur that once add up to Alexandrine author to commending creative work,just signs, the court often asks again accuser square adminicle.


If either Party disputes the Advisory Opinion, the Executive Director should refer the dispute to the relevant Hearing Board immediately.

如果任何一方对《专家意见书》提出异议,则 RDPAC 的执行总监应立即将争议提交相应的裁决委员会进行裁决。

Appellee yellow dimension gets reason to did not fall to the circumstance of consultative provision demur, this agreement administer the clause has sanction to its.


The artillerymen accept it as such, and the infantry is never inclined to say no.


According to the dissenting registration system, when the rights registered in the registration book are inconsistent with true rights, the true claimer or the interested person is entitled to putting forward objection to the present registered obligee.


The twin speeches got quite a bit of attention, because it was unusual for a politician to challenge Macomb County whites on race or inner-city blacks on welfare and crime.


Article 18 In bringing an opposition to a trademark that has been preliminarily approved and published by the Trademark Office, the opposer shall file a Trademark Opposition, one original and one duplicate copy, with the Trademark Office


If the completeness or accuracy of any item of information contained in a consumer's file at a consumer reporting agency is disputed by the consumer and the consumer notifies the agency directly of such dispute, the agency shall reinvestigate free of charge and record the current status of the disputed information, or delete the item from the file in accordance with paragraph (5), before the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date on which the agency receives the notice of the dispute from the consumer.


B. the seller looks for the professional shipping company , handles the transportation of goods on behalf of the buyer and tranport the goods to the designated ports (the buyer is responsible for sea freight, insurance premium, file charges, etc),inspection should be carried out within the date of the lading,the acceptance criteria.is that: the tolerance of ±1.5cm of (waist ,thigh,hips,knee,foot ,outseam)and ±0.5cm of front rise and back rise in accordance with the the size of the table in Annex I, II, III.

b。乙方代甲方寻找专业海运公司办理货物运输,将货物运到指定口岸(海运费、保险费、文件费等甲方负责)。提货当日内进行检验,以附件尺寸表一、二、三的大围(腰、脾、坐、膝、脚、外长)±1.5公分和前、后浪±0.5公分接受之误差作验收标准,必须达到全部合格方视为合格;如甲方检验不合格则于次日起2 个工作日之内以书面形式提出异议并附加对不合格货品的处理建议,乙方收到甲方书面异议后必须在两日内回复,否则视乙方默认甲方的处理建议,双方按该建议执行。

Objection,if any,should be raised by the Buyer within 5 days after the receipt of this Slaes Contract,in the absence of which it is understood that the Buyer has accepted the terms and conditions of the Sales Contract.


更多网络解释与提出异议相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accede demur:同意提出异议

abridgment extension 缩短伸长 | accede demur同意提出异议 | acclimate make unfamiliar with 使适应使不熟悉

call in question:对... 表示怀疑 对... 提出异议 要求...的证据

burning question 目前最吸引人的问题, 急待解决的问题 | call in question 对... 表示怀疑 对... 提出异议 要求...的证据 | catch question 怪题

call in question:对...提出疑问,对...提出异议

761call in召来;召集 | 762call in question对...提出疑问,对...提出异议 | 763call it a day结束一天工作;暂停

ask in church:由教堂公布订婚的姓名(目的在于弄清楚是否有人对此提出异议)

ask for | 请求, 寻找 | ask in church | 由教堂公布订婚的姓名(目的在于弄清楚是否有人对此提出异议) | ask no odds of | 不要求照顾 (比赛)不要求给予有利条件


interpose 插入;干预 | interposition 插入;放在当中;提出异议;干预 | interpretability 解释能力


hector威吓者 | objector反对者,提出异议者 | ejector驱逐者


objectless /无目的的/没有遮住视线的/ | objector /反对者/提出异议的人/ | objects /目标/对象/


demonstrator 示威者,证明者,说明者 | remonstrator 提出异议者,规劝者,忠告者 | illustrator 插图画家,说明者,图解者

take issue:提出异议,反对 提出异议

tacit approval 默许 默许 | take issue 提出异议,反对 提出异议 | take the stand 到证人席作证,出庭作证 到证人席作证,出庭作证

take issue:提出异议,*** 提出异议

tacit approval 默许 默许 | take issue 提出异议,*** 提出异议 | take the stand 到证人席作证,出庭作证 到证人席作证,出庭作证