英语人>词典>汉英 : 描写地 的英文翻译,例句
描写地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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He gives due weight to Britain and Ireland in a European setting: the civil war and the spread of Puritanism, the Catholic intolerance of James II and the anti-Catholic Gordon riots as late as the 1780s all argue against the easy assumption that the English were unusually tolerant compared with, say, the French.


As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up.


In these portion,the article begins the study of tone sandhi from the point view of two-character phrases and three-character phrases,which is also the focus and difficult point as well.On the basis of substantial materials of Dingzhou dialect,the author elaborates its rules and principles of tone sandhi of the general phrases and those with light tones,and reiterative location.the author puts his views as follows: 1.The rules of tone sandhi of two- character phrase are simple and unitive. 2.The complex of the phrase with light tones lies in the combination of the first tone and light tone.In the case,there are two different pronunciations in Dingzhou dialect.The author guesses it is the coexist of ancient pronunciations and common spoken Chinese. 3.The tone sandhi of general three-character phrases on the basis of the rules of that of two- character phrases,using the grammar structure of the three-character phrases as the restricted conduction,which function jointly. 4.The rules of tone sandhi of three- character phrases with light tones are restricted only by that of the two- character phrases with light tones and thus are foreign to grammar structure. 5.The tone sandhi of the words with reiterative location has their own system.


But is a hero to say, two contain same place and there is also the place of dissimilitude, homology of place performance at:They all have the spirit to"endure" in the personality, all Be forced to participate in war like and hold to start revolution.


In terms of concrete fantasy techniques and fantasy details description, techniques used in One Hundred Years of Solitude are obviously shown in his novels no matter the appearance and disappearance of devils, setting of odd people, fairies and sagas or prophecy, ridiculous description and hyping misshape.


And if a poet writes of the sufferings of Niobe --the subject of the tragedy in which these iambic verses occur--or of the house of Pelops , or of the Trojan war or on any similar theme, either we must not permit him to say that these are the works of God, or if they are of God, he must devise some explanation of them such as we are seeking; he must say that God did what was just and right, and they were the better for being punished; but that those who are punished are miserable, and that God is the author of their misery-- the poet is not to be permitted to say; though he may say that the wicked are miserable because they require to be punished, and are benefited by receiving punishment from God; but that God being good is the author of evil to any one is to be strenuously denied, and not to be said or sung or heard in verse or prose by any one whether old or young in any well-ordered commonwealth.


Chapter one is "Introduction". On the basis of summarizing the history of the study of the pictophonetic characters, we suppose some theoretical principle, such as the principle of the correspondence between the form and the meaning of the individual graph of Chinese characters, the principle of the total graphs of Chinese characters being a character-formation system, and the principle of the optimum development of the character -formation system in the history, and som analytic methods, such as the methods of structrue-function analysis, form-position analysis and meaning factor analysis, in the study of the pictophonetic characters. Chapter two is titled"General knwledge of the pictophonetic character." We discuss their origins, nature and some standards of distingnishing them, introduce the knowledge about the editions of SHUO WEN JIE ZI, analyse the functions of the modules of pictophonetic characters in detail, discuss concretely the function of phonetic graphs showing origins and pronunciations, the function of meaning graphs showing meanings and analogies, and the function of distinguishment when the two kinds of graphs are conbined. Chapter three is"The system of meaning graphs of Xiao Zhuan system."After we describe the structure of the meaning graph system, the relations between meaning graphs, the distributions of the function of meaning graphs showing meanings, and the frequency of all this kind of graphs, we get a table of all meaning graphs, a table of the frequency. Chapter four is"The system of phonetic graphs of Xiao Zhuan system."We describe the structure of the phonetic graph system, the relations between phonetic graphs, and between their function showing origins and their function showing pronunciations, and their frequency, then we get ageneral table of phonetic graphs and table of their frequency. Chapter five is "conclusion". We think that systematical methodology is useful in describing and analysing the formation system of Chinese characters. The methodology is adaptable in describing the formation system of modern Chinese characters as well as the historical character systems, adaptable in describing horizontally as well as comparing vertically. Only when we finish the systematical vertical compare on the base of systematical horizontal decription, could we know the true history of the system of Chinese characters, recover the rule of the system's development, and supply the theoretical supports for the scientifical arrangement of modern Chinese characters.


Complete, the strict plot structure also is " Le Rouge et le Noir " in the artistic characteristic.


In this work, Stendhal order to maximize the reader's attention focused on the inner world of characters, he has a conscious objective to reduce the physical world and the characters of the description of the external characteristics, even if the description in this regard also have been of the mind.


Weigel furnishes fewer of the humanizing details about Wojtyla's childhood,adolescence, and early priesthood than Kwitny did, instead providing much more and deeper cultural context for Wojtyla as a Polish writer and intellectual and fuller, more theologically and philosophically oriented discussion of Wojtyla's thought and actions as a churchman, especially after he became John Paul II.


更多网络解释与描写地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"市场"(bazar)一词源出波斯语,原指波斯城镇中公共交易的场所,后来这个词流传到了阿拉伯国家、土耳其和北非等地,意义未变. 本书对市场有多种描写,>一篇专门描写了君士坦丁堡的市场:占地一方,建筑华丽;规模宏大,摊贩云集;

Fats Waller:费兹.华勒

小镇上地居民通力合作,决定拍摄一部描写爵士乐界地传奇人物费兹.华勒(Fats Waller)地传记片,由于养父弗莱彻先生不断地灌输,迈克也一直坚信小店所在地房子,正是费兹.华勒延生并生活过一段日子地地方.


后记埃米尔.路德维希(EmilLudwig)的>(Napoleon)是拿破仑传记中的经典作品之一. 它有两个显著的特点:第一,将史实与心理描写有机地结合起来. 作者在后记中称,此书意在"描写拿破仑的内心历程",但为了避免因此而产生虚构之嫌,


[写作指导] 描写(Portray)就是用生动、形象的语言将人物、事物、景物等的特征和性质活灵活现地刻画或描绘出来,使读者如见其人、如闻其声、如临其境. 为了使人或事物的特征跃然纸上,我们往往在写文章时把叙述和描写结合起来.

describe in clear, well-chosen words, with lifelike effect:生动逼真地描写

She paints well; she may become an artist. 她画得很好... | 2) describe in clear, well-chosen words, with lifelike effect 生动逼真地描写 | His letters paint a wonderful picture of his life in China. 他的...

year after year:年年,每年

write up 把...写成文;详细描写 | year after year 年年,每年 | year in year out 年复一年地,不断地


poetics 诗学 | poetize 有诗意地描写 | pogo 该游戏的工具


anonymous book 匿名图书, 隐名图书 | underdraw 不充分地描写或叙述 | settling classifier 沉降分级器


后记埃米尔.路德维希(EmilLudwig)的<<拿破仑传>>(Napoleon)是拿破仑传记中的经典作品之一. 它有两个显著的特点:第一,将史实与心理描写有机地结合起来. 作者在后记中称,此书意在"描写拿破仑的内心历程",但为了避免因此而产生虚构之嫌,


19、depict 描述、描写 | 20、diagrammatically 用图解法地 | 21、physical works 实际构筑物