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推断出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
educe  ·  educed  ·  educes  ·  educing

更多网络例句与推断出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This thesis is mainly focus on the fault forecast problem of compressor, that is, on the basis of the relationship of the gathering correlative parameters of compressor (such as compressive stress of exit or entrance、temperature、oscillation of axletree、the quantity of leaking gas and so on), concluding the possible reason of the fault, taking effective measures to avoid economic lost from shutting down of the fault of equipments.


I deduce from the symptoms (cyanosis, headache, dizziness, ataxia, dry throat and mouth, suffocation, rash on the face and neck, rapid pulse, dilated pupils, confusion, dimmed sight, loss of consciousness) that the assailant used either a form of barbital or a combination of hydrocyanic acid and atropine.


Syllogistic inference works on the principle that the term common to both premises, the "middle term," must be related to each of the other two terms such that a conclusion is necessarily forced regarding the relation of the two terms to one another.


According to the quality of HT statistics, we know that the sampling structure after adjusting is relatively closed to that of population. The accuracy of the population parameter inferred through this statistic will be higher than that have not considered the influence from background.

在确定出对核心问题回答有影响的背景因素之后,我们应用Horvitz Thompson统计量对抽样调查的数据作适当调整,由Horvitz Thompson统计量的性质,我们知道经过处理后的样本结构比较接近总体结构,由该统计量推断出的总体参数的精度比不考虑背景因素影响条件下的精度更优。

Unhatched dinosaur eggs dating back 190 million years carried fully developed embryos that would have been born clumsy and helpless, scientists said on Thursday.


Unhatched dinosaur eggs dating back 190millionyears carried fully developed embryos that would have beenbornclumsy and helpless, scientists said on Thursday.


In the three systems, system realizes the crosslinking of PVC bases on the peroxide crosslinking mechanism, the tensile strength of crosslinked PVC has been improved somewhat, the IR spectrum of gel demonstrates that there are characteristic absorption peaks of n-alcohol that belongs to ethanol amine and benzenoid group. From the analysis of gel structure , deduces that the mechanism of crosslinking reaction: under the initiations of peroxide and high temperature, PVC yields macromolecules free radicals, at the same time , styrene"s polymerization and grafting onto PVC takes place, at last the system forms crosslinking structure through coupling between radicals; confirms that triethanol amine can absorb HC1 produced by degradation of PVC, so improves the crosslinking efficiency of peroxide, decreases the HCl"s promotion for PVC"s degradation; deduces that triethanol amine can activate the PVC macromolecules and prolong the free radicals" life-time of PVC macromolecules; the effect to the PVC macromolecule makes styrenes graft reaction easy, and thus improves the crosslinking efficiency.


The batch seeded isothermal desupersaturation experiments of SPM in aqueous solution were carried out and the overall crystal growth kinetics parameters were determined by the nonlinear optimization techniques. Assuming that the volume diffusion rate at growth is equal to the mass transfer rate at dissolution under the same conditions, the two-step crystal growth rate parameters can be determined. At the fow supersaturation, the surface integration rate is proportional to relative surface supersaturation.


According to the GOC needing and the project of GD technology, this project is Base on GoC's SO2 production equipment and launched by GD University. The user of this system is GOC.Intelligent diagnosis technology is the integration of neural network technology, expert system technology and database technology, which is the result of development of science and technology. Making full use of it can diagnose faults effectively, guarantee the normal work and increase the productivity. It can also prevent the blindness of diagnosis and make the managements more normative. It has significant benefit on environment pollution diagnosis. In this paper, this Database system is summered and prospected.


I looked at the six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about my selections that could have tipped off the drunk to my marital status.


更多网络解释与推断出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

broken line:虚线

接下来将有一个论证,以数字化形式模拟人类的推理能力,比如看到虚线(Broken Line),就可以推断出完整的实线. 这将是对如何建造看得见的计算机的一种先验的了解,科兹洛斯基补充说道. 加利福尼亚大学的科学家们称,


根据该条例,如果从原告提供的事实,雇佣法庭可以推断(conclude)出被告实施了歧视行为,在缺乏"充分的解释(adequate explanation)"时,雇佣法庭会支持原告的主张,除非被告能够证明没有实施歧视行为或者行为不应被视为歧视行为.

conclude from:从..推断出

put up 张贴;建造 | conclude from 从..推断出 | espose...to 使..暴露于


(3)对两类成员变量,需要强调指出即"常量"(const)型和"引用"(reference)型. 因为已经指出,所有成员变量在执行函数体之前已经被构造,即已经拥有初始值. 根据这个特点,很容易推断出"常量"型和"引用"型变量必须在初始化列表中正确初始化,

Does this count as red:这个算红色吗

There's no way you just deduced where that key was.|但你不可能推断出钥匙藏在哪里 | Does this count as red?|这个算红色吗? | You gave yourself 20 seconds and put money on it.|你只给了自己20秒钟,还下了注

If your premise is established,your conclusions are easily deducible:如果你的前提成立,那么 就很容易推断出你的结 论了

Our thinking is permeated by our historical myt... | If your premise is established,your conclusions are easily deducible. ;如果你的前提成立,那么 就很容易推断出你的结 论了. | If the premise is found to...


● 推理(Ratiocination)法:推理是由一个或几个已知的判断推出一个新的判断的思维形式. ● 归纳(Induction)法:归纳是从个别对象中概括出一般的原理的逻辑方法. ● 演绎(Deduction)法:演绎是从一般的原理中推断出个别结论的逻辑方法.


这些喘着气吼叫着的怪物射出雪亮的电光通过峡谷,将灌木中的毒蛇都赶到他家的水缸里来了. 这一切,都因为更远的深山里面(Inside)有了一座工厂,代号叫903信箱,山民们提及"903"就像是推断(Speculate)夜里的星星一样,有一种既远又近的秘密.

I watch the insects mature:我是先根据昆虫

of insects present on the body?|你就能推断 出死亡的时间吗? | I watch the insects mature|我是先根据昆虫 | from eggs to larvae to adults|从孵出到成虫的时间长短

What a reader infers from the writing is sometimes:有时读者从作品中所推断出的含义

infer vt.推论,推断 | What a reader infers from the writing is sometimes ;有时读者从作品中所推断 出的含义 | more than what the writer actually implies in it. ;比作者的实际上含义 还多.