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接合点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
join  ·  joined  ·  junctional  ·  joins  ·  jct.  ·  junctures

更多网络例句与接合点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a curious juncture, a wrinkled span of desert dunes pours into the Columbia River Gorge in The Dalles, Oregon.


Especially an elongated boss at the junction of the intersecting ribs of the fan vault ing associated with the English Perpendicular style.


Especially an elongated boss at the junction of the intersecting rib s of the fan vaulting associated with the English Perpendicular style.


Especially an elongated boss at the junction of the intersecting ribs of the fan vaulting associated with the English Perpendicular style.


Especially an elongate d boss at the junction of the intersecting ribs of the fan vaulting associated with the English Perpendicular style.


Especially an elongated boss at the junction of the intersect ing ribs of the fan vaulting associated with the English Perpendicular style.


The first of which surrounded the shattering of Earth at an earlier juncture in Earth's evolution.


A square hole made to receive a tenon and so to form a joint.


A Use of round bamboo columns and trussed rafters as main load bearing element,Use of split bamboo grids/chicken mesh and plastered with cement mortar to act as shear walls for transmitting wind loads and to provide overall stability to the structure, Application of appropriate preservative treatment of bamboo depending on the degree of hazard and service conditions, Use of BMB gussets in combination with mild steel bolts for load bearing joints in roofing structure, and Use of BMCS as roof claddings.


Theories from various disciplines are discussed,such as industrial design, manufacturing science, management and information. With these theories,it formes the decoration integrated operating system the paper proposed.This paper mainly stats principles from the development of the industry.


更多网络解释与接合点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

attachment point:接合点

\\"纺锤体紧缩节\\",\\"attachment constriction\\" | \\"接合点\\",\\"attachment point\\" | \\"减毒的病毒;减弱病毒\\",\\"attenuated virus\\"

single point boding:单端子接合

single plate单板 | single point boding单端子接合 | single point TAB bonding tool单点

bourdon tube:波登管

此侦检器中之弹簧(图示於压一波登管(bourdon tube)差压侦检器,当突然暴露在高压暂态,导致此波登管遭受D. 开路时,指示器将出现超出刻度的高值失效(high offscale)量蒸汽泄漏发生,而将基准(冷)接合点(Reference Junction)温度提高20℉,

conjugation tube:接合管

在春秋季节,具有性别差异的2条藻丝并列靠近,相对的细胞分别产生突起,并生长、接触直至接触点融通形成接合管(conjugation tube). 同时,各细胞中的原生质体收缩成为配子,其中1条藻丝中的全部配子分别以变形虫式运动到另1条藻 丝的对应细胞中,

George Hargreaves:乔治哈格里夫斯

对乔治.哈格里夫斯(George Hargreaves)来说,景观建筑不仅仅是要解决与建筑场地有关的社会与环境问题,还要建立人与景观之间的接合点,以寻求要反映的系统美学.

E.g. make a breakthrough at some single point:突破一点

breakthrough: n. 突破 | E.g. make a breakthrough at some single point 突破一点 | Juncture: n. 接合点


氧气所引起的腐蚀呈点蚀(pitting)状态有愈钻愈之倾向,若未有效止可能穿透管壁而造成穿孔、泄漏. 另外尚有二种电磁(cell)亦促成腐蚀. 不同金属接合处因金属不同之电位产生流电腐蚀(galvanic corrosion).


"[44]因在功法中的"调身、调息、调心"三调中有"息"一项,故有人把重点放在"呼吸细、慢、深、长"上,因呼吸既是自主神经的自律重要器官,亦是"不随意与随意"的接合点、切换(Switch)处, 于是忘记了其重点是"调心"-"坐忘".


b)圆角(nllet)对于焊点是指接合点的空隙间所露出焊料的部分. c)空隙(Void)在形成的焊点中,焊料没有遍及到的空洞.

butment:接缝 接界 接合点

butler's pantry | 餐具室 | butment | 接缝 接界 接合点 | butoxy resin | 丁醇醚化树脂