英语人>词典>汉英 : 接受测验 的英文翻译,例句
接受测验 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
test  ·  tests

更多网络例句与接受测验相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Solutionsto this quiz should accept a message as a command line argument andencrypt or decrypt is as needed.


Liane Willey watched from behind a two-way mirror as doctors at the University of Kansas performed a series of psychological tests on her 5-year-old daughter.

Liane Willey 在堪萨斯大学象医生那样在双向镜后注视着她五岁大的女儿,她正在接受一系列的心理测验。

Methods: The Cognitive Malingering Screening Test was administered 123 adults received disability assessment, 35 patients with brain damage, and 263 normal adults.

用《 认知伪装甄别测验》对 123 名接受劳动能力鉴定的病人、 35 名脑损害病人和 263 名正常人进行个别测试。

By means of instructional supervision, two text-based tests and interview analysis, we can observe and obtain what the performance of students in perceptibility and problem solving are when meeting regular problems.


After all of us, liking to have it, finished the respondence, the teacher told us the exposition of the theory of this test ensued.


They were anchored on a posterior-type cervicothoracic orthosis with multiple adjustable joints to ensure the well contact between the switch and the skin.


To explore the factors which influence the boundary of surveillance in surveillant relationships, the questionnaire method and the psychometric method will be used to find out the supervisors and the employees' attitude to surveillance, the cognition and acceptability to surveillant equipment, the types of monitoring or being monitoring, the holding of the boundary of surveillance of two sides of surveillant relationships. And the correlations between personality that may influence the two sides of, surveillant relationships, such as privacy, interpersonal trust, locus of control, and Machiavellianism, and the attitude of surveillance will be surveyed.


After three months of treatment, motor score improved 49% with subthalamic stimulation and 37% with globus pallidus stimulation, relative to no stimulation.


During peer-tutoring sessions, the researcher interviewed with all the tutors and tutees by asking them to write two journals about the peer-tutoring program, and obtaining feedback from them at the end.


Signalmen who have worked for more than one year and 70 new telegraph operators are subjected to Pattern Number Coding Ability Test, Ravens Progress Matrices, Memory Span Test, Distribution of Attention Test, Knocking Board Test, Choice Reaction Time Test, Action Speed Test, Action Stability Test, 16PF Test, Cornell Medical Index, SAS and SDS. hi the meanwhile their supervisors appraise the performance levels based on five grades from 5,4,3,2 and I .


更多网络解释与接受测验相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


回到 Tenebrae,往东离开城市,顺着路往东北走,直到进入 墓园 (Cemetery)8. 跟 Vividos 说话,自愿帮他取回被 Tenebrae 城主( Tempest ) 取走的 Dagger. 24. 回到 Stellos,接受下一个测验,到 城西建筑(monastery)的地下室,

Formative evaluation:形成性评量

教师在教学活动中经常辅以随堂测验,因为随堂测验是形成性评量(formative evaluation)的重要手段,藉由学生接受历次评量所保存下来的学习资料,教师可以收集到能精确反应学生学习情况的学习历程档案(portfolio).

screening test:筛选测验

第一阶段是英语和数学的筛选测验(Screening Test),留下前10%学生(大约3000位)继续第二阶段的英语、数学及一般推理能力的精选测验(Select Test). 这两个测验阶段之内容均以国小前三年学校所学知识为基础. 最后,只有前1%的学生(大约500位)能接受GEP的教育服务.


他们让受试者接受语义学(semantic)的测验,该测验的目的是找出字词间的相关性. 给的问题像是,「pine, crab, sauce」,而答案则是apple,这是因为apple是三个词之间的共通关系(pineapple, crab apple, applesauce). 在测验当中,

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test:皮博迪图片词汇测验

皮博迪图片词汇测验(Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) 智力测验方法之一. 为美国L.M.邓恩所创制. 它是为测量接受词汇能力而专门设计的测验,在作答时,不必以口语反应,所以对各种原因丧失说话能力(如哑巴、失语、脑瘫)或说话表达能力薄弱(如口吃、智能低下、胆怯孤僻等)的人特别适用.