英语人>词典>汉英 : 接受带 的英文翻译,例句
接受带 的英文翻译、例句


acceptance zone
更多网络例句与接受带相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Next, is the Luo Wen loyalty which praises for all people, he let him be duty-bound not to turn back loyally has accepted the duty which looked like in others is impossible to complete, or will be at least will take to oneself life-threatening a duty, the instinct which Luo Wenyi the serviceman obeyed loyally has accepted the duty, and has completed the task.


When illness sets in, it is good practice to get the cavy to an experienced guinea pig vet right away.


The results show: the most sensitive Chinese area to acid deposition is Podzolic soil area, then follow Latosol, Dark brown forest soil and Black soil areas; Ferraisol and Yellow-brown earth area in southern China can buffer about 0.8-1. 6 g Sm〓yr〓 sulfur deposition; the least sensitive areas to acid deposition are mainly Xerosol area in northwest China, Alpine soil area in the Qingzang Plateau, and Dark loessial soil and Chernozem areas; the main reason for lower critical load in northeastern areas and higher critical load in Ferralsol and Yellow-brown earth areas in China can be attributed to the obvious difference in temperature, humidity and soil properties.

研究表明:我国土壤对酸沉降最敏感的区域是漂灰土带,其次是砖红壤土区、暗棕壤带和黑土区,南部富铝土区域大致可接受O.8-1.6 g Sm〓yr〓的硫沉降,对酸沉降最不敏感的区域主要集中在西北干旱土和青藏高原的高山土区域以及黑垆土和黑钙土带;导致我国东北地区酸沉降临界负荷偏低和富铝土区域酸沉降临界负荷偏高的重要原因,是这些地区的气温、湿度和土壤质地存在显著差异。

Said that the child is too short tongue tie early due to hospital for regular oral surgery under local anesthesia in too short a tongue tie cut off, so that the child's tongue can extend the tether.


The child in question had developed eczema limited to the face at around one year of age. He had been breast-fed at birth, was switched to milk-based formula at four months, and started on solid foods at five months without problems. At the time, no food reactions or worsening of the atopic dermatitis due to food exposure was seen. At the age of three, his parents, who had read about a possible link between eczema and food allergy, took him to a naturopath, who used electrodermal skin testing to look for possible hypersensitivity.


It is well known that we have been using the classical and typical artworks that are already popular with people to enhance kids'morality, merits and percipient of beauty.

在这个背景下,我们基础美术学科教育遇到了新的难题:在以往的美术教学中,欣赏评述内容更倾向于对传统艺术形式和经典作品的理解和欣赏,而且大多是以经过历史筛选、久为人们所熟知的、正面积极的作品来感染学生、提高他们的审美能力和对艺术的感知力,而目前这些尚处在蓬勃发展中的艺术形式对于广大中小学学生来说是令人迷惑而高深莫测的,他们很容易象接受书本知识和教师讲解一样去接受一切在艺术杂志、展览馆、画廊中所看到的充满刺激的新艺术作品,而这种反应大多是本能的、不带批评性的,与他们对摇滚乐和青年文化等方面的反应类似(《艺术批评与艺术教育》ArtCritics and Art Education沃尔夫吉伊根著)。

Two groups were defined: the postbariatric group included patients who previously had bariatric surgery (laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding or Mason's vertical gastroplasty) before undergoing the plastic surgery; all other patients were assigned to the control group.

分组方法:在接受塑身手术前,曾接受减肥手术(腹腔镜可调胃囊带术或 Mason's 垂直胃成形术)的患者为既往减肥术组;其他患者均为对照组。

And each time, both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation.


They do not hear our whimpers or understand our pleas. We're miserable and it's scary here we all would rather die. But since we don't we do our best to run away and hide. I know you think my story too sad to leave me be. You want to take me home with you, a happy little puppy. But please, though it is fearful to live here against our will. If you take me that leaves a spot another pup will fill. You can stop our suffering but not by taking us home. You must be strong and leave us here, unsold and all alone. For if you do not take me, then another pup won't come. And maybe he will not be shipped so far away from home. Tho some of us may not survive the cycle 'ere it falls. If we don't sell they will not need more puppies in these halls. And if they need no puppies then the Man will not bring more. Eventually it can all stop! You CAN close the door. So when you see a puppy face so sad and sweet and small.


Taekwondo training at two stages, the first phase of training for the color belt, and the belt is divided into nine levels, and beginners, will be subject to a period of training passed an examination before they can be promoted after, taekwondo 10th white belt, 9th, white-yellow belt, 8th yellow belt, 7 - yellow-green belt, 6th green blelt, 5th green-blue belt, 4th blue belt, 3rd blue-red belt, 2nd red belt, 1st red-black belt, students needs at least a year and a half after completion of the first phase of training to more stringent by the requirement to pass an examination for promotion to the second phase of Ho - Black Belt, Black Belt is divided into nine, a few paragraphs is embroidered in black at both ends, and the other for you, Black Belt to Black Belt for some to accept at least four to seven years hard training, but also need to be more than six taekwondo authorized official in charge of the test invigilator.


更多网络解释与接受带相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acceptance zone:接受带

acceptance region 接受区域 | acceptance zone 接受带 | access 存取


We're going to take the kids to the zoo tomorrow. 我们打算明天带孩子们去动物园. | We're planning to see a movie tomorrow night. 我们打算明天晚上去看电影. | 37.Accepting...接受邀请


该动词也可以带直接受格(accusative)使用在这样的意义上. 这样的信心不只是正确的神学而已,这可从约翰福音的特殊用语Pisteuo eis(信人)得知. 这是独特的基督教用语,世俗的希腊文或七十士译本都没有这个用语,该用语也许是仿效闪族用语heemin be(信人).

Alfonso Cuaron:导 演 阿方索.卡隆

新浪娱乐讯 昨天(14号)第61届戛纳电影节隆重开幕,今天主席西恩-潘(Sean Penn)带着一帮评委团召开了记者招待会接受提问. 本届戛纳电影节的评委包括美国女演员娜塔丽-波特曼(Natalie Portman)、导演阿方索-卡隆(Alfonso Cuaron)和阿彼察邦-韦拉斯哈古(Apichatpong Weer....


"北极的"(Arctic)一词后来在极地(Polar)一词被 接受以后才加以采用. 并非所有的权威都能在这二者之间加以区别. 热带辐合带( ITCZ)大致位于赤道附近,Tm 气团在这里辐合. 热带辐

Ashley Greene:阿什丽.格林

>的女主角阿什丽.格林(Ashley Greene)是本届MTV音乐录影带大奖红地毯环节的特派员. 可她却穿着一身毫无创意可言的衣服现身--黑色绸缎胸衣加金色迷你裙. 难道她是用心良苦,不想抢那些接受采访的女明星的风头?

converts from Shoulder Bag to Belt Holster:转换从肩袋,以带

Accepts MAS accessories.接受MAS的配件. | converts from Shoulder Bag to Belt Holster.转换从肩袋,以带holster . | Converts to chest pack with optional harness.转换胸部包与可选的治理. (S-500) ( - 500...



new name:新名称

在"新名称"(New Name) 对话框中接受带扩展名 _ug_prt 或 _ug_asm的缺省名(这些扩展名被分别自动地添加到输出零件或组件名中),或者为输出模型键入新的名称.

Evangeline Getty:伊万杰琳.盖蒂 她带博比到比尔聚会接受祷告

多尔蒂爷爷 罗伯特.多尔蒂的父亲 Grandfather Daugherty 30 | 伊万杰琳.盖蒂 她带博比到比尔聚会接受祷告 Evangeline Getty 30 | 博比 圣路易斯聚会得医治的典型 Bobby 30