英语人>词典>汉英 : 接受域 的英文翻译,例句
接受域 的英文翻译、例句


acceptance region · acceptance domain
更多网络例句与接受域相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The set of values of the test statistic for which the test rejects the null is the rejection region, and the values of the test statistic for which it does not reject the null is the acceptance region.


The American workers of his day, for example, probably had a somewhat wider zone of acceptance, so far as the employer's instructions are concerned, than workers today.


You can specify domains from which you will accept links such as your other sites or those of authorised associates.


Based on the theory of the dynamical system and differential topology, the differential topological characterizations of the DSR are proved in this paper.


Despite this apparent lack of military ability or ambition, after the Emperor's death at the Battle of Endor, Pitta quickly bribed or otherwise coerced the Diktat of the Corellian system into accepting the new warlord as his "protector", which gave Pitta control of the strategically valuable Corellian Sector and its invaluable shipyards.


This is an example of setting up a subdomain within our original mcslp.pri domain for organizational purposes.

在上面的示例中,将 bear.mcslp.pri 配置为接受电子邮件中的域为 mcslp.pri 的任何电子邮件。

Design for Manufactory ; Design for Yield ; Parametric Yield ; Global Disturbance ; Tolerance Region ; Acceptability Region ; Uniform Sampling ; Uniform Design for Experiment ; Normal Distribution ; Response Surface Modeling


A mutant CopR, which lacks the N-terminal signal receiver domain and is constitutively active, was found to have an attenuating effect on bacterial virulence when expressed in TSS.


Because of the computation load and the implementation complexity of full rank STAP are too great to be accepted and it is really very difficult to obtain enough samples to estimate the covariance matrix.


They created an indispensable status and influence of Yangzhou on the history of literature and art in China , and promoted the highly prosperous of the Qing Yangzhou's art and formated powerful, elegant, popular, such as the diversification of the aesthetic characteristics.


更多网络解释与接受域相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A absolute value:绝对值

A absolute value 绝对值 | accept 接受 | acceptable region 接受域



acceptance region:接受域

Acceptance dealer 承兑商 | Acceptance region 接受域 | Acceptor 承兑人

Region of acceptance:接受域

Reference set,标准组 | Region of acceptance,接受域 | Regression coefficient,回归系数

region of convergence:收敛域

接受域;允收域 region of acceptance | 收敛域 region of convergence | 可疑域 region of doubt


在解除疑惑之前,请一定要接受和理解两个概念:"域"(Domain)和"域名"(Domain name)在很多场合,这两个概念经常被混用--事实上,也很难不被混用,但如果要清晰理解域名体系,就要从现在开始注意避免混淆.


①用户(Users)选项卡③任务日志(Session Log)选项卡2."域"( Domains)属性①常规(General)选项卡②IP访问(IP Access)选项卡通配符;接受如""之类的单个字符的限制等多种格式. "添加"(Add)可将规则添加,"删除"(Remove)可将下面的IP删除.

receptive dysphasia:接受型语言障碍

receptive character 接纳性格 | receptive dysphasia 接受型语言障碍 | receptive field 感受域

receptive language:接受语言

receptive field 感受域 | receptive language 接受语言 | receptive neuron 感受神经元


在达尔文1859年出版<<物种起源>>时,他认为大多数物种形成是同域的(sympatric),著名生物学家如奥古斯特.韦斯曼(August Wersmann)接受了达尔文的结论. 然而鸟类学家从西博姆(Seebohm)到哈特尔特、施特雷泽曼和我都坚信物种形成的异域性(allopatric),