英语人>词典>汉英 : 接到消息 的英文翻译,例句
接到消息 的英文翻译、例句


hear about
更多网络例句与接到消息相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Madam," he said,"Bedell's death was reported to us.


I asked the indulgence of the House and said,"I have just received news that the bismarck is sunk."


Jinan classifies mother the net customer service personnel after receiving your this question, you proposed after the question has consulted the Jinan know-it-alls, specially gives the reply: industry the peak company's special-purpose material has 16 items of revolutionary material: The German fragrant river character wall paint, the German fragrant river character wood lacquer, original installation import the European yellow deals, original installation to import the Australian yellow deals, industry the peak special-purpose ecology crepe rubber, industry the peak special-purpose electric wire, the WAGO coupling, industry the peak special-purpose pot galvanize threading tube, industry the peak special-purpose valuable, industry the peak special-purpose wall valuable, industry the peak special-purpose wall valuable, industry the peak special-purpose hard and soft underwater paint, industry the peak special-purpose allocated proportion mortar, industry the peak special-purpose light steel keel, the water resistant plaster tablet, the oak to model the board.


Who expects, just hanged a phone,"Old fishing old man " the information that receives father to die of illness, his the same night hurrieds back native place hastens home for the funeral of a parent or grandparent.


Only 16 days after speaking to Parliament, Churchill was confronted by Dunkirk.


Echo " clicked a link to ";# now the message says You clicked a link to ...

echo "点击链接到";#现在消息显示,你点击链接到。。。

Several organisations who deal with refugees have had reports of North Koreans burning money through fear it will be seen as treasonable to have accumulated it.


Zora Neale Hurston was born on January 7,1891,in Notasulga.


On that day to receive news, I did not even believe very much a bit , because I had thinking all the time that oneself has not been enough for the standard of the special aristogenesis at all, Deepin my consciousness Place think these three a piece of words at I really too remote special aristogenesises, because the weights of word can bear that each by our institute always.


Sometimes energy zings into your opposite house of the chart, so rather than have your career bring unanticipated news, you may instead be focused on your physical home, real estate, or a family member, most likely a parent.


更多网络解释与接到消息相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attach To:连接到

利用 Task Center 可以自动化一般数据库任务的执行和实现一些条件逻辑. 如果您收到这样一条错误消息,它指出您需要连接到(attach to)一个实例,那么选择要针对的实例,在其上点击右键并选择 'Attach',如图 20 所示:

be well informed about sth:精通某事; 对某事消息灵通be informed of听说; 接到...的通知

The sales manager asked his men to inform him of everything concerning the sales in ti... | be well informed about sth. 精通某事; 对某事消息灵通be informed of听说; 接到...的通知 | keep ... informed 随时...

B: flatter:过分夸赞;奉承;阿谀

A: hear about听说;接到消息 | B: flatter过分夸赞;奉承;阿谀 | 5.B:wonderful奇妙的;极好的;令人惊奇的

A: hear about:听说;接到消息

A: hear about听说;接到消息 | B: flatter过分夸赞;奉承;阿谀 | 5.B:wonderful奇妙的;极好的;令人惊奇的


孩子的父亲宇文博士(Howard Yuwen)在接受电视台的访问时表示,他是在上班时接到妻子紧急事故的电话,听到消息后令他感到恐怖(horrible). 宇文博士说女儿Julia已无碍, 倒是儿子Calvin有骨折及脑部受伤,仍在医院治疗.


消息一传开,各大公司纷至沓来,"伤口"(Slash)、"奇魅"(Charisma)等公司迫不及待,MCA则干脆把乐队接到了洛杉矶,"岛屿"(Island)公司也早已盯上了"涅磐". 从东海岸到西海岸,一家又一家公司约他们谈话、吃饭,柯特一如既往地莫不作声,

Latest News:最新消息

000个. 为了使页面更加丰富和便捷,2007年以来,IFACnet的网页上增加了新的特色. 如:"最新消息"(Latest News)可以链接到很多商业、管理和会计性媒体以及著名国际组织网站的专业信息;搜索条的形式则可以使用户直接在界面进行搜索.

Sophia Loren:索菲娅.罗兰

另一名垂钓者说,她像是索菲娅 罗兰(Sophia Loren),都同样难以逾越. 本森辞世的消息迅速在她的追求者中传开. 周二下午6时,皮戈特(James Piggott)收到了一位朋友的短信:告诉你条坏消息──本森死了. 他又接到了朋友们的三个电话才相信这是真的.

The twelfth:奥克塔维亚离婚后十二天

58: 他的母亲习惯於......His mother being.... 05:00 | 59: 奥克塔维亚离婚后十二天......The twelfth .... 05:04 | 60: 当他接到消息,加尔巴......When he recei.... 05:22


在T1/E1模式下,还能恢复同步状态消息(SSM). 发送部分可以直接连接到T1、E1或64KCC复合时钟同步接口,在T1和E1模式下也能够提供SSM. DS26502能够在任何支持的输入同步时钟频率和任何支持的输出时钟频率之间转换. 本器件还具有单独的输出,