英语人>词典>汉英 : 排斥着 的英文翻译,例句
排斥着 的英文翻译、例句


to the exclusion of
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What we try to do is break down to a step so small that people couldn't possibly resist or have and excuse not to do it.


At the same time, it has a number of drawbacks such as the potential for dehumanization as well for social disparities and exclusion.


Ostracising them threatens once again to split Iraq down the middle and disfranchise many Sunnis, who used to dominate the Baath party.


We still have some 'Englishness' left, keeping our minds open to the past and retaining some faith in our future, rejecting the logic-chopping rational for the widely if hazily reasonable, refusing to be cut off from instinct and intuition.


My life is still ahead of turn one circle, and I can not afford to let other people's lives to stop, think of the plexus in the deep forest of the Mercedes-Benz horse on the road, the desire for a new life was a rejection of the shackles of the future , and let time stop, and now that should not stop ...


Ours is a unique ability to generate and hold on high radically different, often mutually exclusive, views of ourselves and the world juxtaposed, grating cacophonously against each other within us in one glorious symphony of intellectual disagreement, perpetual argument, debate, irresolution of all things most fundamental.


The economic globalization is not only attacking the African countries'democratized advancement, but also threatening the African countries'security and stability.


The other is estranging and rejecting of the city. For the culture of mordern city, Jiapingwa is repellent in a great degree. These were embodied by the depicting about the city and the culture of city in his many novels on Shangzhou and the searching lost spiritual home in his several novels on the city "Xijing".


It is undeniable fact that translationhas caused changes in Chinese,but such changes are subject to limitations due to thefact that there exist two forces competing and interacting with each other:on the onehand,Europeanized grammar,as an external force,triggered changes in variousaspects of Chinese ranging from vocabulary,grammar,to discourse;on the other hand,the intrinsic rules of Chinese constantly govern the changes resulted fromEuropeanization,absorbing which can be fitted in and rejecting which can\'t.


The quantity of CD3+ cells in the EdNSC, AdNSC of cloning goattransplantation group and control group had no statistics difference(P>0.05) at acute and chronic period.Overall, in our study, We got the conclusions as follow: 1,The EdNSC, AdNSCof cloning goat and the AdNSC of the non-cloning goat were successful obtained;EdNSC growed faster than AdNSC in the same cell culture method. 2,The braincontusion and laceration model of cloning goats were successful established by freefalling of 50 gram of steel ball accelerate strike on the goat brain from 100cm height.3, EdNSC and AdNSC transplantation both had obvious therapeutic effect on braincontusion and laceration of cloning goats; The therapeutic effect of EdNSCtransplantation was better. 4, Allograft of stem cells has acute and chronicimmunological rejection and autografting of stem cells has no acute and chronicimmunological rejection.

在相同的条件下,EdNSC体外培养速度比成AdNSC快。2对羊脑上薛氏沟周围运动皮层区使用50g×100 cm力度作自由落体加速撞击,可产生观察指标明确且存活率高的羊脑挫裂伤模型,有望广泛用于神经干细胞移植及药物等治疗的实验研究。3胚胎神经干细胞及成体神经干细胞移植治疗脑挫裂伤后均有较明显的治疗效果;二者相比较而言胚胎神经干细胞稍好于成体神经干细胞。4中枢神经系统异体神经干细胞移植存在着明显的免疫排斥反应,而自体神经干细胞移植基本无免疫排斥反应

更多网络解释与排斥着相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]





negative charge:负电荷

1. 自然界存在着两种电荷(electric charge),正电荷(positive charge)与负电荷(negative charge).同种电荷互相排斥,异种电荷互相吸引.

positive charge:正电荷

1. 自然界存在着两种电荷(electric charge),正电荷(positive charge)与负电荷(negative charge).同种电荷互相排斥,异种电荷互相吸引.


其次,州法院把"排斥"(rejection)一词简单理解为未能计入. 对这个词也存在着不同理解,比如州法院的反对意见要求把它理解成机器故障或负责官员的故意过错,以防止每一项选举都可能产生类似本案的争议. 但佛州多数意见采纳更为宽松的理解,

to the end:到底

to the end of time 永远 | to the end 到底 | to the exclusion of 排斥着

to the exclusion of:排斥着

to the end 到底 | to the exclusion of 排斥着 | to the eye 公然

weak interaction:弱相互作用

尽管在带正电的质子之间存在着很大的静电排斥相互作用,但短程的强相互作用(strong interaction)却可以使原子核牢固地保持为一个整体. 另一种短程相互作是弱相互作用(weak interaction),...

to the eye:公然

to the exclusion of 排斥着 | to the eye 公然 | to the fore 在前面

Maybe two models repelled:或许两个模特儿会互相排斥

I wondered if there wasn't some kind of physics for beauty.|我纳闷着 是否有... | Maybe two models repelled.|或许两个模特儿会互相排斥 | Maybe models could only be attracted to ordinary humans.|或许模特儿...