英语人>词典>汉英 : 排掉 的英文翻译,例句
排掉 的英文翻译、例句


drain away
更多网络例句与排掉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the second day wakes in the morning, has drunk cup of pale salt water, ten several minute later at one's convenience Italy, the bowel movement will be arranges together the displacer dirty outside poison.


After the water has drained away, cover the new paper with a second screen or cheesecloth.


I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to deflate your doll.


As for the humidity, the water electrodes can increasingly high concentrations of easily generated scale, the impact of the effect of steam generated, so in accordance with set procedures, the main control of the controller will work in the host after a certain period of time to open the drainage valve (according to different drainage water cycle settings), ranked out of high concentrations of water, automatically add new water to ensure a good humidifier humidification efficiency, and extend the useful life of the host.


It can be a problem if not drained away: Wastewater will stand in malodorous, stagnant pools that provide breeding places for insects, especially mosquitoes.


Nonetheless, it is important to note that they are very small, making it more difficult to micromanage those attacks when there are several mines.


In north China, thermoelectric power station is often selected to build. And the pithead power plant is more economical, but the water source must be solved firstly.


Most stones can be excreted, but in about 15% of cases, surgery or shockwave treatment to pulverize the stones is needed


Most stones can be excreted, 8ttt8.com in about 15% of cases, surgery or shockwave treatment to pulverize the stones is needed.

大多数肾结石能排掉,但有大约15%的病例,需要 sSbBwW.cOm 动手术或用冲击波治疗才能粉碎肾结石。

Then sow the seeds in damp sand or wet vermiculite in which the excess water has been drained.


更多网络解释与排掉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cutlet /肉片/炸肉片/炸肉排/ | cutline /插图下的简短说明/标题/图例/ | cutoff /近路/运河/新河道/切掉/中止/关车/


evacuation 抽空;放空;排净 | evaporability 挥发性;汽化性;可蒸发性 | evaporable 可蒸发掉的;易蒸发的;挥发性的

finagle:欺骗, 哄骗, 欺瞒

supplant 排挤掉, 代替 | finagle 欺骗, 哄骗, 欺瞒 | winnow 簸, 扬(谷), 吹开糠皮, 吹掉, 精选

Great Pyrenees:大白熊

肩高在28CM以下,所有的肩高指的都是成犬身高,贵宾犬的特点就是不掉毛,没有体臭,是单一色系,(就是身上不应该有别的颜色,红就是红,白就是白).聪明所有犬种中智商排第2,极好训练.大白熊(Great Pyrenees)和贵宾犬一样都是原产地法国的狗狗,


有一个特殊的核心支援硬体的即时排程;如果让出 CPU 的使用权因而使得时间延迟了大约 50 毫秒 (这取决於处理器与机器的速度, 以及系统的负荷), 就浪费掉 CPU 太多的时间, 因为 Linux 的排程器 (scheduler) (单就 x86 架构而言)

throw off:(从...)扔开, 去掉(伪装), 摆脱掉, 散发出

colby 科尔比氏干酪 | throw off (从...)扔开, 去掉(伪装), 摆脱掉, 散发出 | surface vent 表面通风孔, 表面排气道



