英语人>词典>汉英 : 捣乱 的英文翻译,例句
捣乱 的英文翻译、例句


make trouble · rock the boat · mix it · put sand in the wheels
更多网络例句与捣乱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But no, says Acheson, troublemaking will continue, and definitely so.


In 1826 Joseph Smith was charged with being a disorderly person and an impostor by a court in Bainbridge NY.


If I catch him making another boo-boo, I will do away with him.


Much castigation, exercise devout; For here's a young and sweating devil here, That commonly rebels.


His co worker Jim lusts after engaged receptionist Pam when he\'s not sabotaging his cube mate, the know it all Dwight.


Are you crashing the prom or something?


And it is defeatist as it can change, you just don't wanna rock the boat.


Seeing an idle friend may denote that this friend is in trouble, or about to get into trouble.


China has transformed itself from the world's greatest opponent of globalization, and greatest disrupter of the global institutions we created, into a committed member of those institutions and advocate of globalization.


Because television is so wonderfully available a child amuser and child defuser capable of rendering a volatile three-year-old harmless at the flick of a switch, parents grow to depend upon it in the course of their daily lives.


更多网络解释与捣乱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


factionist 宗派主义者 | factious 好捣乱的 | factiously 组织党派地

factious:好捣乱的, 好搞派系的

artifacts 史前古器物 | factious 好捣乱的, 好搞派系的 | factitious 人为的, 做作的, 不自然的

get up to monkey business:[口]打算胡闹[捣乱]

windstick 螺旋桨 | get up to monkey business [口]打算胡闹[捣乱] | postal mechanization 邮政机械化

get up to monkey business:[口语词组]打算胡闹[捣乱]

get up to 达到. | get up to monkey business [口语词组]打算胡闹[捣乱]. | get up to monkey tricks [口语词组]打算胡闹[捣乱].

get up to monkey tricks:[口语词组]打算胡闹[捣乱]

get up to monkey business [口语词组]打算胡闹[捣乱]. | get up to monkey tricks [口语词组]打算胡闹[捣乱]. | get upsides with [方]报复.

get up to monkey tricks:[口]打算胡闹[捣乱]

be up to monkey tricks [口]打算胡闹[捣乱] | get up to monkey tricks [口]打算胡闹[捣乱] | go about one's business 管自己的事

make trouble:闹事,捣乱

get into trouble陷入困境,招致不幸 | make trouble闹事,捣乱 | have trouble with同...闹纠纷


maroon 栗色 | marplot 捣乱者 | marque 商品型号

Trick or treat:是请客还是要我们捣乱

小孩们身穿古怪的服装,头戴面具,装扮成鬼怪的形象,手里提着一盏南瓜灯,从一家走到另一家,在大门口大声叫着"是请客还是要我们捣乱(Trick or Treat). 这时若主人不请客(treat ),这些顽皮的孩子就会动真格地捣乱(trick),

So, I hear you were terrorizing Mr Morgan's class again:我听说你又在摩根先生的课上捣乱了

Perfect.|很好. | So, I hear you were terrorizing Mr Morgan's class again.|我听说你又在摩根先生的课上捣乱了. | Expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action.|表达自己的观点并不应算是捣乱行为.