英语人>词典>汉英 : 捏碎 的英文翻译,例句
捏碎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crumb  ·  crumbed  ·  crumbing

更多网络例句与捏碎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When using will inferior before nitric acid different fills in to be put in bazoo after the crumb in the handkerchief into fat medicine bottle inspiratory, half minutes can be successful.


Dantes pressed the soldier's hand as though he would break it.


Treatment of bezoar-induced intestinal obstruction is usually performed by an open approach, with either digital fragmentation or removal of the bezoar via enterotomy.


You perverted exhibitionist, if you bug me, I''ll squash you.


And we will beat them back and smash them against the foothills behind them.


A dream is easy to nip in the bud.


Cause that's what you're going to be after I pulverize you.


Leave away the sepal and crash the petal parts.


When I caught one, I would stomp on it and squash it. Kill it dead.


When I caught one, I would stomp on it and squash it.


更多网络解释与捏碎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amyl nitrite:亚硝酸戊酯

(5)给予亚硝酸戊酯(Amyl nitrite)解毒吸剂,捏碎後每分钟吸30秒,每3分钟换一粒新的. 立即处置 (1)切勿催吐. (2)若有意识,用水彻底润洗口腔. (3)食入10分钟内,患者无意识丧失或呕吐,可给予喝240~300毫升的水或牛奶,以稀释其浓度.

kneader masticator:捏和机

kneader blade 碎纸机刀片 | kneader masticator 捏和机 | kneader type mixer 搅拌式混砂机,搓揉式混砂机,搓式混砂机

masticatory:咀嚼剂 咀嚼剂

masticator 撕捏机 素炼机 割碎机 立式粘土搅拌机 | masticatory 咀嚼剂 咀嚼剂 | masticatoryatonia 咀嚼无力 咀嚼无力


快速"全麦营养粥"(Porridge):将1片稍捏碎,加约200毫升温开水调匀即可, 做露营"早餐粥"最佳! 4.食用量:日常补充营养,成人1天食用1包;户外中强度运动, 依个体情况可食用2包以上. [适应人群]6个月大以上的各年龄消费群体 [贮藏方法]常温储藏 [保质期]三年 [包装规格]铝箔密封压缩,

kneading pulper:纸浆捏和机

kneading model 捏塑 | kneading pulper 纸浆捏和机 | kneading trough 碎浆机槽

Verbena officinalis:(马鞭草)

馬鞭草(Verbena Officinalis)原產於智利,數世紀前已於普羅旺斯及地中海一帶廣泛培植,屬於小型灌木,葉子狹長而粗糙,開細小白花,至夏季漸趨淺藍. 馬鞭草濃郁的幽香,其實來自葉片. 只需將數片馬鞭草葉放在掌中捏碎,即可聞到清新芬芳的香味.

kneaded structure:捏和结构

kncading machine ==> 捏练机 | kneaded structure ==> 捏和结构 | kneader arm ==> 碎纸机搅拌臂

You need a ghost writer:你才需要一个鬼作家

No.|不对 | You need a ghost writer.|你才需要一个鬼作家 | 'Cause that's what you're going to be after I pulverize you.|因为等我把你捏碎后 你就是鬼作家了

red onion:红洋葱

[乌龙BBS](大包小包留学去 -by ) 义大利番茄炖牛肚 (Trippa Alla Napoletana)牛的蜂巢肚 (honeycomb tripe) 约两磅醋四分之一杯罐头的义大利钟状番茄 San Marzano 两杯, 用手捏碎 义大利平叶巴西利 (Italian parsley or flat-leaf parsley) 1/2 杯, 粗切 中型的红洋葱 (red onion) 一颗, 切丁三瓣大蒜,