英语人>词典>汉英 : 按汽车喇叭 的英文翻译,例句
按汽车喇叭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
honk  ·  honked  ·  honking  ·  honks

更多网络例句与按汽车喇叭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With sirens wailing and every driver leaning on his or her horn, the air was filled with a riot of sound that contrasted with the absolute stillness of movement.


A trucker who had driven his fully loaded rig to the top of a steep hill and was just starting down the equally steep other side when he noticed a man and a woman lying in the center road, making love. He blew his air horn several times as he was bearing down on them.

一个卡车司机满载着货物开到了一个陡峭的山上,当他正要从另一侧一样陡峭的山坡下去的时候,发现一个男人和一个女人在马路中间ML 他按了几次汽车喇叭,车马上就碰到他们了。

She honk ed the horn of the car.


After two hours, lawyer wife is left wait right etc, the gentleman still does not show a body, press Klaxon suddenly, a little while hind, the lawyer comes forward from window explore: I am received after 4 days again, she decides funeral arrangement conforms to the principle of simplicity.........


Only use your horn in case of an emergency.


He honked his car born to alert the pedestrians.


He honked his car horn to alert the pedestrians.


The driver hooted at the sheep in the road.


After two hours, lawyer wife is left wait right etc, the gentleman still does not show a body, press Klaxon suddenly, a little while hind, the lawyer comes forward from window explore: I am received after 4 days again, she decides funeral arrangement conforms to the principle of simplicity.........


Kids press the keyboard or mouse, a picture and sound shows, for example, when display animals in the picture will play animal sounds, when show pictures of the car will play horn sounds.


更多网络解释与按汽车喇叭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


专业汽车音响改装师就安装汽车音响为消费者提供以下几点建议: 1.器材搭配的风格要统一. 汽车音响大致可分为两大流派:音质型,即以古典乐、交响乐为主;劲量型,以流行音乐、摇滚乐为主. 主机、功放和喇叭都应按同一风格配置. 如法国劲浪(Focal)喇叭和


honk 揿喇叭 | honk 按汽车喇叭 | honokiol 和厚朴酚

honkey:白鬼 (名)

honk 雁鸣叫, 按汽车喇叭; 揿喇叭表示; 鸣 (动) | honkey 白鬼 (名) | honkie 白人 (名)