英语人>词典>汉英 : 拳击教练 的英文翻译,例句
拳击教练 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与拳击教练相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Oneday,the boxing coach happens to meet Billy'S father in the picket line and toldhim that Billy has not come tO boxing training for months.


The performance sensationally rippled through Australia and caught the ears and eyes of a trainer and promoter that knew a thing or two about the fight game .


Informer riles Warnock - Neil Warnock, the Sheffield United manager, has spoken out against television's influence over football after an alleged half-time incident in the Boxing Day defeat by Manchester City....

线人检点warnock -尼尔warnock,谢菲尔德联队教练、发言反对电视的影后指称足球30天的时间击败了拳击事件曼彻斯特城

Year-old Jerry Ferro nothing, to think that he was once a promising young amateur boxer, known as "hammer attack" and later worked as construction workers and more than, the current stadium at night when boxing coach interest classes, students are middle-aged middle class.

40岁的Jerry Ferro一事无成,想当年他曾经是个很有前途的年青业余拳手,外号&重锤出击&,其后当过建筑工人和多份工作,目前当体育馆晚上拳击兴趣班的教练,学生都是中年的中产阶级。

Take a look at every sport from tennis to basketball, from hockey to boxing, the trainers that have produced world class champions usually didn't come from the winner's circle.


更多网络解释与拳击教练相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Daniel Boone:但以理.布恩 肯塔基州的发现者

菲.德罗丽斯.伯南汉 威廉.伯南汉的妹妹 Fay Delores Branham 8 | 但以理.布恩 肯塔基州的发现者 Daniel Boone 8 | 乔治.史密斯 比尔练拳击时的教练 George Smith 9

Cinderella Man:最後一擊

作者身为前世界拳王阿里的教练,在书中第一次坦承对他加入回教的看法;此外,还提到黑帮对拳击运动的影响、为电影>(Cinderella Man)训练罗素.克洛的情形等,很有一窥八卦秘闻的趣味.


近日美国一家游戏公司开发的>(Yourself Fitness)上市,这是一拳击、增加身体柔软度的瑜伽等, 会有虚拟的教练"玛亚"(Maya)教导玩家

Catherine O'Hara:凯瑟琳.欧.哈拉

另外,汤姆.瑟莱克(Tom Selleck)将在片中出演对女主角过分保护的父亲,惹人喜爱的母亲则由凯瑟琳.欧哈拉(Catherine O'Hara)扮演;马汀.穆尔(Matin Mull)将扮演库彻角色的拳击教练.

Catherine O'Hara:瑟琳.欧.哈拉

另外,汤姆.瑟莱克(Tom Selleck)将在片中出演对女主角过分保护的父亲,惹人喜爱的母亲则由凯瑟琳.欧哈拉(Catherine O'Hara)扮演;马汀.穆尔(Matin Mull)将扮演库彻角色的拳击教练.

Bill Pritchard:比尔.普利查德 比尔拳击参赛时对手

乔治.史密斯 比尔练拳击时的教练 George Smith 9 | 比尔.普利查德 比尔拳击参赛时对手 Bill Pritchard 9 | 霍华德.麦克里恩 比尔练拳击时的朋友 Howard McLean 9

ringside instruction:台边指导

28.拳击教练:boxing coach; handler | 29.台边指导:ringside instruction | 30.拳击陪练:sparring partner; training opponent


近日美国一家游戏公司开发的<<健身教练>>(Yourself Fitness)上市,这是一拳击、增加身体柔软度的瑜伽等, 会有虚拟的教练"玛亚"(Maya)教导玩家

glass jaw:不堪一击的拳击手

26.水平不高的拳击手:potato can; ham-and-egger | 27.不堪一击的拳击手:glass jaw | 28.拳击教练:boxing coach; handler