英语人>词典>汉英 : 拔剑 的英文翻译,例句
拔剑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Those are only with at that time its spirit pull out the bumptious fellow that the sword fight each other with person, with that overbearingly rude irascible of rat again where is the difference!


Phaedra tries to kill herself with a sword but Hippolytus snatches it from her.


Finding his way into an ex-Gladiator's bar deep in Pompeian territory, he gambles away his spoils, until he discovers that his opponent has been cheating, and thrusts a sword through his throat.


He shouted."No one draws sword in the king's throne room!"


Having lost his beloved Julia, whose smaller statue today looks out at Preseren's from the opposite side of the square, he proceeded not to demand her love or impale himself on a sword or anything else utterly un-Slovenian, but to write achingly beautiful love poetry such as you'll find in his "Wreath of Sonnets."


Guthbreoht flashed in the darkness as he drew and slashed in a single stroke, sending the dog-man's head thudding against the wall.

Guthbreoht 在黑暗中闪着光,他拔剑猛的一砍,狗人的脑袋飞了出去,狠狠的撞在墙上掉了下来。

Lived in the hidden land. Hence, she hasn't used the Frozen-cyan for a long time. Yet now, for defensing themselves, she finally draws the sword out. When the six-feet long blue aurora crosses through, all the arrows are broken.


Little senior dashed to master yet master...master suicided with his sword after saying "live with map, gone with map"...


Imperial possession of holes, three-dong, beauty hole拔剑Stephen, Stephen Ma Pa, wash bowl pool, fairy bed, such as Circuit may screens across 72 sites which.


Had he made friends with a few before, a big fellow like himself need not fear any number of Tigresses, for his friends would have given him advice and taken his side.


更多网络解释与拔剑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


阿耳戈船英雄十分同情菲纽斯,他们摆了一桌子丰富食物,神鸟到来时,有翅膀的卡拉伊斯(Calais )及仄忒斯 (Zetes),又称波瑞阿斯兄弟(Boreads)拔剑飞去追逐神鸟,把它们赶走,使菲纽斯不再受惩罚.

come at:攻击

He drew his sword and thrust it at me.他拔剑向我刺来. | 21.come at攻击 | The bear came at him before he ran away.他还未来得及逃跑,熊就朝他扑来.

loudness control circuit:响度控制电路

engross the market 买进所有存货以垄断市场 | loudness control circuit 响度控制电路 | attack on the blade 用拔剑、压剑、缠绕剑等动作进攻

double-edged sword:双刃剑; 敌我不分的计谋

beat swords into ploughshares 将刀打成犁头, 偃武修文 | double -edged sword 双刃剑; 敌我不分的计谋 | draw the sword 拔剑; 发动战争; 诉诸武力


>(卷一百二十六)所举淳于髡等三人之言多系"反语"(irony),而寓讥诮或讽刺之意,不宜视为幽默. 东方朔若不遇汉武帝,而遇明太祖,其挑拨诸儒,必判为造谣生事;其拔剑割肉,必受到扰乱朝仪之罚. 在吾国,知道幽默的似只有吴承恩所描写的猪八戒一人.



