英语人>词典>汉英 : 拉掉 的英文翻译,例句
拉掉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

pull off
更多网络例句与拉掉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The distress of the people, the laborers without bread, the last Prince de Conde engulfed in the shadows, Brussels expelling the Nassaus as Paris did the Bourbons, Belgium offering herself to a French Prince and giving herself to an English Prince, the Russian hatred of Nicolas, behind us the demons of the South, Ferdinand in Spain, Miguel in Portugal, the earth quaking in Italy, Metternich extending his hand over Bologna, France treating Austria sharply at Ancona, at the North no one knew what sinister sound of the hammer nailing up Poland in her coffin, irritated glances watching France narrowly all over Europe, England, a suspected ally, ready to give a push to that which was tottering and to hurl herself on that which should fall, the peerage sheltering itself behind Beccaria to refuse four heads to the law, the fleurs -de -lys erased from the King's carriage, the cross torn from Notre Dame, Lafayette lessened, Laffitte ruined, Benjamin Constant dead in indigence, Casimir Perier dead in the exhaustion of his power; political and social malady breaking out simultaneously in the two capitals of the kingdom, the one in the city of thought, the other in the city of toil; at Paris civil war, at Lyons servile war; in the two cities, the same glare of the furnace; a crater-like crimson on the brow of the people; the South rendered fanatic, the West troubled, the Duchesse de Berry in la Vendee, plots, conspiracies, risings, cholera, added the sombre roar of tumult of events to the sombre roar of ideas.


After the concert, Selina is interviewed when shouts straight:"that is not careful, because is too sudden, therefore pulls up the skirt without enough time, I one needed to sit the skirt to fall, at that time possessed combination tone teachers to look at me!"


The doorstop comes off of the wall.


This American Experience series - produced to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the city - documents the often surprising and endlessly entertaining history of America's most outrageous playground - from its beginnings as a remote frontier waystation to its Depression-era incarnation as the "Gateway to the Hoover Dam," from its mid-century florescence as the gangster metropolis known as "Sin City" to its recent renaissance as the fastest growing city in the United States, Las Vegas, chameleonlike, has adapted its image to reflect the changing attitudes of the nation.


And I'm gonna pull the little pin on that fucking grenade.


Did you pull the pin?

没用 -拉掉保险拴没?

Instead of giving it a firm yank, she waggled it inside my body as if she were whipping up cotton candy.


It took me quite some time to pick off the burs that had stuck to my coat.


Eat salad, not加沙拉sauce, and lemon juice or vinegar, if not like醋等condiment, eat better on the original flavor; a snack or a cup of coffee and tea, sugar and milk or try one of the only plus For a hot water and sweet-and-sour anything like that, in the side for a bowl of water, and the first oil filter, or for paper napkin, the oil smoke.


I hate to think I've got to grow up, and be Miss March, and wear long gowns, and look as prim as a China Aster!


更多网络解释与拉掉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


swig up 拉高 | swig 一拉一刹的拉绳法(拉重物时辘绳的力端挽在羊角上 | swigging off 摔掉

taught taught:讲授, 教授

take拿, 拿走, 取, 抓, 占领, 获得, 接受, took taken | teach讲授, 教授 taught taught | Tear 扯, 撕, 撕破, 戳破, 拉掉, 折磨, 使分裂, 撕掉 tore torn

tear off:急速脱掉

tear down 扯下;拆毁;诋毁 | tear off 急速脱掉 | tear up 创;挖;掘;拉掉

tear up:创;挖;掘;拉掉

tear off 急速脱掉 | tear up 创;挖;掘;拉掉 | telephone to sb. 打电话给某人

tore torn:扯, 撕, 撕破, 戳破, 拉掉, 折磨, 使分裂, 撕掉

teach讲授, 教授 taught taught | Tear 扯, 撕, 撕破, 戳破, 拉掉, 折磨, 使分裂, 撕掉 tore torn | tell告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道

C-y yank:把删掉的拉回来

C-k 删掉一行 | C-y yank 把删掉的拉回来 | M-y 把过去删掉的拉回来

Zip up your pants. ):把你的褲子拉鍊拉起來

5.take off your shirt 脫掉你的襯衫 | 6.zip up your pants 把你的褲子拉鍊拉起來 | 7.unzip your pants 把你的褲子拉鍊拉下來

threads come unraveled or undone:縫線掉了

皺摺 -> crease | 縫線掉了 -> threads come unraveled or undone | 拉鏈壞掉 -> broken zipper

drag it:[美俚]走掉, 离开; 离职; 停止谈话; 断绝关系

drag in 把...拉进来 硬把(某人)拉进(某事) 毫无必要地提到 | drag it [美俚]走掉, 离开; 离职; 停止谈话; 断绝关系 | drag off to [口](违反某人意愿)勉强拉着(某人)去...

swigging off:摔掉

swig 一拉一刹的拉绳法(拉重物时辘绳的力端挽在羊角上 | swigging off 摔掉 | swigging up 拉高