英语人>词典>汉英 : 拉拢 的英文翻译,例句
拉拢 的英文翻译、例句


hook in · draw sb. over to one's side · cozy up to
更多网络例句与拉拢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To stand out from the crowd, Paul and Abbie are working to target and reach their audience better, and generate higher sales, but of necessity without increasing their budget.

为了与众不同, Paul 和 Abbie 正在努力定位和拉拢客户,达到一个更高的销售水平,当然这是在不超出预算的前提下。

ARA - How do you make a connection with the new client you want to sway your way?


Mr Mugabe, abetted by South Africa's bafflingly complaisant president, Thabo Mbeki, will try to engineer a government of national unity, with his own people in the driving seat, while co-opting and confusing as many of Mr Tsvangirai's party as possible.


In recent days it has showed restraint in repelling attacks by Mehsud and Uzbek militants in North Waziristan, viewing these as an effort to draw Mr Bahadur and his men into the fight.


I knew he was trying to wheedle me into being at his beck and call.


But he was too fat and lazy To bestir himself and woo her.


And he does everything he canto take my son along with him!


In the late 1990s, the party began to admit entrepreneurs into its ranks, partly in a bid to co-opt potential rivals.


In Venice the aristocracy were anxious to co-opt talented artists,and Palladio was given the chance to design the buildings that have made him famous—the churches of San Giorgio Maggiore and the Redentore, both easy to admire because they can be seen from the city's historical centre across a stretch of water.


Recognition, Suppression, and co-optation are all at issue in the relationships among symbolic forms.


更多网络解释与拉拢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Balfour Declaration:巴尔福宣言

第一次世界大战,经犹太人团体游说拉拢,英国政府1917年宣布闻名的>(Balfour Declaration),公开承诺将协助犹太人在巴勒斯坦地建立一个家园.

brought over:转入

brought home 拉拢 | brought over 转入 | brought over 转入下页


"从战略的角度上来看,北京明显是拉拢俄罗斯来胁迫(coerce)台湾,最后参与美中两强的对抗. "台湾民间智库"台湾高等政策研究协会"秘书长杨念祖说,"至少,台湾方面有这样的一个理解,那就是军演是冲着台湾而来的. "基于此,

implicate; drag in; involve in:(牵累; 拉扯)

7.(帮助) help; assist | 8.(牵累; 拉扯) implicate; drag in; involve in | 9.(拉拢; 联络) solicit; draw in; canvass; win over

Kelsey Grammer:凯尔希.格兰莫

雷.利奥塔不仅不计报酬地亲自出演影片,以示对好友蒂姆.艾伦得支持,他还特别拉拢来另外两位知名得演员凯尔希.格兰莫(Kelsey Grammer)和朱丽.鲍温(Julie Bowen),利奥塔承认道:我觉得艾伦就是为了这个而生得,我非常喜欢他在拍摄现场所营造出来得那种和谐得气氛,

New Granada:新格拉纳达

当时中美洲国家纷纷从西班牙的统治下独立出来,美国总统詹姆斯.波尔克(James Polk)极力拉拢当时的新格拉纳达(New Granada). 1846年,新格拉纳达外交部长本杰明.比德莱克(Benjamin Bidlack)与美国达成协议,允许美国享有通过巴拿马地峡(Isthmus)的特权,

Wooing Lady Luck:拉拢夫人运气

The Success of Strange Movies成功奇怪的电影 | Wooing Lady Luck拉拢夫人运气 | The Limitations of the Human Body局限性,对人体

third party:协力厂商

但iPhone对通讯市场更重要的意义不只如此;在推出iPhone 3G的同时,苹果更全面开放软体开发套件(SDK),拉拢协力厂商(Third Party)软体业者,让苹果除了电脑制造商、手机制造商等双重身分外,新增了「手机软体经销商」这个新角色.

hook in:把...钩住, 勾引上; 强力拉拢

with a hook at the end 有保留的同意 | hook in 把...钩住, 勾引上; 强力拉拢 | hook it [俚]赶快离开; 逃走

e.g. hook in:把...钩住, 勾引上; 强力拉拢

1. hook n. 钩, 吊钩 v. 钩住, 沉迷, 上瘾 | e.g. hook in 把...钩住, 勾引上; 强力拉拢 | hook up (用扣子)扣起, 与...挂钩; 建立联系