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拉克罗斯 的英文翻译、例句


La Crosse
更多网络例句与拉克罗斯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

La Crosse Technology products are available for purchase at thousands of retail establishments across North America.


Source: Independent clinical study conducted at University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, 2004; Flex users gained an average of 49% in abdominal muscle strength and 72% in abdominal endurance following this 8-week clinical study.

来源:独立进行的临床研究威斯康星大学-拉克罗斯, 2004年);的Flex用户获得的平均49 %的腹部肌肉力量和72 %,腹部耐力在此之后8周的临床研究。

Recent albums include a disc of sonatas by Debussy, Poulenc and Ravel with pianist Paul Crossley, and a Schubert chamber music disc.


Till then I will win fame, and will bid Trojan and Dardanian women wring tears from their tender cheeks with both their hands in the grievousness of their great sorrow; thus shall they know that he who has held aloof so long will hold aloof no longer.


Born in Jalapa, Veracruz in 1962, Orozco integrates elements of nature and everyday materials, creating phenomenal works of art over the past decade.


North American Indians were the first people to play Lacrosse, as early as the 1400s.


With this, Ajax son of Telamon set off, and Teucer his brother by the same father went also, with Pandion to carry Teucer's bow.


Gueli meters, Sanchez, carrasco, Schuster,乌鲁蒂, Maradona, Zubizarreta, Lineker, Vaquero, Kibaki agency,阿摩尔, Farmer and Labor Laudrup, Ferrer, Stoichkov, Guardiola, Romario, Sergi,阿贝拉多, Ronaldo, Luis.


Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix-- the villagers pronounced this name "Dellacroy"--eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys.


Roman senator Petronius Maximus and the chamberlain Heraclius were therefore able to enlist Valentinian in a plot to assassinate Aetius. On September 21, 454, when Aetius was at court in Ravenna delivering a financial account, Valentinian slew Aetius with his own hand.


更多网络解释与拉克罗斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beverley Cross:贝弗利.克罗斯

贝弗利 克罗斯 (Beverley Cross) 类 型: 动作 / 冒险 / 家庭 / 爱情 / 荒诞 别 名: 世纪对神榜(台)/魔岛屠龙(港)/四巨头(其他) 主要演员: 伯吉斯 梅雷迪思 爱苏拉 安德雷斯 弗洛拉 罗布森 劳伦斯 奥利弗 哈瑞 哈林 克莱尔 布卢姆 玛吉 史密斯 出品公司: 米高梅 发行公司: 米高梅 色 彩: 彩色 评 级: 澳大利亚:PG / 芬兰:K-

David Crosby:大卫.克罗斯比

加拿大民谣摇滚老将尼尔-杨( Neil Young)正在与 U2乐队与鲍勃-迪伦()的制作人丹尼尔-拉诺伊斯(Daniel Lanois)一起在洛杉矶录制他的全新个人大碟. 上周,Neil Young的老朋友大卫-克罗斯比(David Crosby)在接受滚石杂志采访时首先透露了这一消息. ...Bob Dylan 有啊 (Taobao)

La Crosse:拉克罗斯

美国威斯康星大学的生物学家拉 克罗斯(La Crosse)说:"人们知道这些真菌很大,却不知道它们为什么能长这么大. 在真菌学史上,rmillaria bulbosa绝对是最大的一种真菌,而且可能会永远保持世界最大生物的纪录. "但很快,

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse:威斯康星大学--拉库罗斯

47. Kutztown University 库茨城大学 | 48. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 威斯康星大学--拉库罗斯 | 49. The University of Scranton 斯克兰顿大学

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse:威斯康星拉克罗斯大学

霜堡州立大学 Frostburg State University | 威斯康星拉克罗斯大学 University of Wisconsin La Crosse | 伊利诺州立大学 Illinois State University

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse:威斯康星大学拉克罗斯 USA美国

2 Concordia University Wisconsin 康考迪亚大学-威斯康星 USA美国 | 3 University of Wisconsin La Crosse 威斯康星大学拉克罗斯 USA美国 | 4 St. Louis University 圣路易斯大学 USA美国

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse:[美]威斯康星拉克罗斯大学

[美]德州女子大学 Texas Womans University | [美]威斯康星拉克罗斯大学 University of Wisconsin La Crosse | [美]凤凰城大学内华达校区 University of Phoenix - Northern Nevada Campus


这三位是:克罗托(Clotho)纺织命运之线的神,拉克西斯(Lachesis)决定命运,分配命运之线的神,阿特洛波斯(Atropos)切断生命之线是不可避免的女神. 她们的工作是剪裁着每一个人与神的命运之线,不会聆听最悲戚的哀求,也不会懂得最深切的痛苦.


美国威斯康星大学的生物学家拉-克罗斯(LaCrosse)说:"人们知道这些真菌很大,却不知道它们为什么能长这么大. 在真菌学史上,rmillariabulbosa绝对是最大的一种真菌,而且可能会永远保持世界最大生物的纪录. "但很快,

Rothshild Medoc Reserve Speciale A O C:精选梅多克-罗斯希尔酒园

59. 精选波拉红 Rothshild Pauillac Reserve Speciale A O ... | 60. 精选梅多克-罗斯希尔酒园 Rothshild Medoc Reserve Speciale A O C | 61. 骏马牌猎人谷莎当妮 Cockfighter Ghost Hunter Valley Unwooded Chardon...