英语人>词典>汉英 : 抽象原则 的英文翻译,例句
抽象原则 的英文翻译、例句


principle of abstraction
更多网络例句与抽象原则相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a general rule, if our code base is abstract it should be abstract all the way.


Its foundation is the principle of independence and abstraction, but it is also liable to cause L/C cheating.


The application of abstraction principle should be confined if the interests between the two pasties are off balance .


The letter of credit cheat is the civil cheat in the letter of credit domain one kind of special manifestation, causes the basic reason which the letter of credit cheats is the letter of credit law system independence principle of abstraction.


The letter of credit already became one of international trade most important payment ways, promoted the international trade smoothly to carry on, but the letter of credit independence principle of abstraction as well as correlation legislation being short of, enabled in the letter of credit use process to have each kind of risk, soft provision question then was model one kind.


In terms of quantum mechanics, the principle of material point abstraction does not apply, in discussing problems of atoms. The shape can be neglected when built by micro object as wavelength of material wave.


But, because the letter of credit transaction has independence principle of abstraction, also enables some illegal merchants to have an opportunity, to seek the sudden and huge profits, uses the letter of credit big line of cheat energy.


The analysis showed that there was more use of verisimilar representations of time in Chinese than in English and this was due to the fact that Chinese language is more iconicity oriented while English is more bounded by gram...


There are many serious misleading in how to apply the principle of "fraud exception", whereas, it is necessary to make a legal research on the principle of "fraud exception" in light of former researches. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author put emphasis on the principle of abstract independence, the definition, the establishment and development of the principle of fraud exception, the analysis of the fraud, the theory, the prerequisite and the procedure of apply the principle of "fraud exception" in order to establish the general principle and necessary procedure. In the second part, the author analysis the existing backward conditions oflegislation and judicial practice in China, and courts" attitude to the judicial remedy for the principle of " fraud exception", further, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to make the legislation on the principle of "fraud exception" perfect, and how to apply the procedure of judicial remedy for the principle of "fraud exception". Lastly, the author hopes that these suggestions could benefit to the judicial practice and the future legislation on the principle of "fraud exception.


Then it systematically discusses the methodology of the law of game and gives a method principle to explain teleonomy with the law of game.


更多网络解释与抽象原则相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]








语言本身既是一种进化(Evolutionary)实体, 亦是静态(Static)研究对象. 不过两者相比,他相信后者更重要:即共时大于历时、抽象大于经验、内因大于外因. 语言与言语以上考虑,导致结构语言学的第二原则,此即语言(Langue)和言语(Parole)的二元对立.

leave out:省去

为了理解功利原则的激进性,我们不得不鉴赏一下在它的道德图画中省去(leave out )的是什么:所有对上帝和"写在天堂的"抽象道德规范的参照都一去不复返了.


""法学家不能以抽象的概念和原则来解 释、创造、反对现实的法律改革",从这个意义上讲,"法学家对新的法律而言是起到 一个助产婆(midwife)的作用,而不是去做法律的母亲"[18].

principle of abstraction:抽象原则

原理;原则 principle | 抽象原则 principle of abstraction | 解析延拓原理 principle of analytic continuation

principle of abstraction:无因原则

转炉提钒:Inverter vanadium abstraction | 无因原则:principle of abstraction | 硬件抽象层:hardware abstraction layer


结果看下来,算明白作者的意思了,也是想跟大家讨论一下的语意学(semantic)在template method中,实现的是一个高层算法和底层实现的隔离. 我们知道,oo中有个著名的原则叫dip原则(依赖倒置原则),目的就是进行解耦,使得高层依赖于抽象.


库尔特.卢因认为成功的组织变革应该遵循以下三个步骤:解冻(Unfreeing)现状,移动到新状态,重新冻结(Refreezing)新变革使之持久. 虽然这些引导性原则也是非常粗略和抽象,不能运用于日常的实践中,但还是有许多学者为管理者和组织提出了许多有价值的指导原则,