英语人>词典>汉英 : 报数 的英文翻译,例句
报数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
number  ·  numbers

count off · sound off · number off
更多网络例句与报数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those who reported a series of his password as a new value, in a clockwise direction from him on the restart from the beginning of a one off, and so on, until all the column until all.


The teacher told the children to count off from right to left.


Each team ,please number off starting with one at the frond .


But money newspaper data shows this is by no means a jape, hypostatic economy condition is affected badly to fall in financial crisis, no matter annulus is compared or royal, Netease, 9 cities and Sohu money newspaper maintain driving growth compared to the same period.


From this autumn of average high school school, family economic difficulties students give aid to 8% of the students, ZiZhuMian standard for years, average 1000 yuan, 500 dollars into 1 gear specific 2, 3 1000 yuan, 1500 yuan, according to the 2006 student education statistics measure in number off.


We have already seen a number of very interesting uses of the NYT APIs, and we will surely see a lot of interesting and useful applications that will now make use of the Guardian's data.

我们已经看到一系列非常有意思的纽约时报 API服务的使用信息,同时我们将确切看到许多有趣使用卫报数据的程序应用。

The photographs caused shock in Hong Kong and across Asia, with around 1,300 salacious images fueling front page news for tabloids for weeks.


An old Yankee expression ... 'Stand up and be counted'.


An old Yankee expression.'Stand up and be counted'Charles Kuralt


An old Yankee expression.'Stand up and be counted'bCharles Kuralt


更多网络解释与报数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By twos number:一、二报数

By twos number! 一、二报数! | At ease! 稍息! | Call the roll! 点名!

By twos number:一二报数

Count off ! ----- 报数! | By twos number! ----- 一二报数! | Face about! ----- 向后转!

Count off by twos:按一、二报数

88.Count off. 报数! | 89.Count off by twos. 按一、二报数. | 91.Right-dress! 向右看齐!

Count off:报数

一个教学成果是由师生共同创造的,在准备上第一堂双语课前,教师与学生共同学习体育课常用的口令比如:稍息( At ease)、立正(Attention)、向右看齐(Eyes right)、向前看(Eyes front)、报数(Count off)、向左转(Turn left)、向右转(Turn r

A: Count off:报数

B: I don't know.我不知道. | A: Count off.报数. | A: Two boys are not here. Who are they? 有两个男孩不在这儿. 他们是谁?

Count off by two:按一,二报数

4. Count off.报数! | 5. Count off by two. 按一,二报数. | 6. On two ranks,fall in.成二列横队集合!

Count off the cadence loud and strong:(报数声音响又壮)

The Army's on its way.(陆军正在路上) | Count off the cadence loud and strong (报数声音响又壮) | For where e'er we go,(无论我们到哪里)

Count/number off! Count/number off in two's:报数!一至二报数

20.One step forward! Three steps backward! 向前一步--走!退后三步... | 21.Count/number off! Count/number off in two's! 报数!一至二报数! | 22.Single-file split! Form two rows, forward! 一列横队成两列横队...

sound off:依次报数

Sound off!|大家依次报数! | Sound off!|依次报数! | Pezzulo!|佩祖罗!

sound off:大家依次报数

My legs!|我的腿! | Sound off!|大家依次报数! | Sound off!|依次报数!