英语人>词典>汉英 : 折衷 的英文翻译,例句
折衷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
compromise  ·  compromising  ·  tradeoff  ·  compromised  ·  compromises

split the difference
更多网络例句与折衷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have a modest proposal for compromise with people now very resistant to any discussion at all.


Mr Collins backed a compromise Shadow Cabinet position that Doctor Who should not be viewed by children aged 3 and younger - a policy used in his own home.

Collin支持影子内阁所做出的一个折衷的定位,就是将Doctor Who定位于不适合3岁及以下儿童观看的影片-Collins自己家里也是这么执行的。

The best course is to seek an amicable parting of the ways.


However, it is a tradeoff project to develop digitized receivers because of the limitations of analog-to-digital converter , digital signal processing , etc.


Although rejected in favour of an anodyne text, this idea was significant.


Instead I've compromise d by writing a slightly less bathetic list of all the things I must do today, and am awaiting results.


Scholars in the West aretrying to make explanations to this. This article reviews brie...


Preference parameter of decision maker is introduced and generalized compromise solution is proposed for multiple objective decision making problems.


Chapter three proposes the Optimized Eclectic Approach on the basis of other linguists studies in order to bring into full play the effectiveness of eclectic teaching, and analyzes the feasibility of OEA in primary school English teaching.


The essential effect of feature selection is to improve the accuracy and speed of classification systems. Niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm is a powerful method to solve optimization problems with multiple objectives.


更多网络解释与折衷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


毕竟近现代这些国家男盗女娼装聋作哑掩耳盗铃的事情干的不老少. 另说一句,我不是很在意欧美维护人权道德的书生气, 我们自己善良的同胞有时书生气重了些. 妥协折衷(COMPROMISE)是常态,但是必须提醒自己也要提醒他们,妥协是相互的,单是一方的退让不叫妥协.


(4)迁就(accommodating) 如果一方为了安抚对方,则可能愿意把对方的利益放在自己的利益之上. 换句话说,迁就指的是为了维持相互关系,一方愿意做出自我牺牲. (5)折衷(compromising) 当冲突各方都寻求放弃某些东西,从而共同分享利益时,

eclectic psychotherapy:折衷心理治疗法

eclectic psychology 调和派心理学 | eclectic psychotherapy 折衷心理治疗法 | eclectic therapy 折衷治疗法

eclectic method:折衷式教學法

inflectional suffix 折生詞尾;屈折詞尾;屈折後綴 | eclectic method 折衷式教學法 | eclective approach 折衷式教學觀

eclectic therapy:折衷治疗法

eclectic psychotherapy 折衷心理治疗法 | eclectic therapy 折衷治疗法 | eclecticism 折衷主义

eclectic counseling:折衷咨询

eclamptogenic 致惊厥的 | eclectic counseling 折衷咨询 | eclectic method 折衷


eclecticism 折衷派 | eclecticism 折衷说 | eclecticism 折衷主义


eclectic 折衷的 | eclectically 折衷地 | eclecticism 折衷主义

eclectically:折衷地 (副)

eclectic 选择的, 折衷的 (形) | eclectically 折衷地 (副) | eclecticism 折衷派; 折衷说 (名)

compromised amplitude equalizer:折衷振幅均衡器

折衷网络 compromise net | 折衷振幅均衡器 compromised amplitude equalizer | 被破解的证据 compromised evidence