英语人>词典>汉英 : 投票反对 的英文翻译,例句
投票反对 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blackball  ·  pip  ·  pipped  ·  blackballed  ·  blackballing  ·  blackballs  ·  pipping  ·  pips

vote against · ballot against
更多网络例句与投票反对相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Less than an hour before the vote, I spoke with Congressman Bill Sarpalius from Amarillo, Texas, who had voted against the plan in May.


Before the final vote, leader John Bander made a final appeal to law-makers to vote against the measure.The certain wound bombing kind (asserting it would embolden al-Qaida) in Iraq and terrorists around the world.

在最后投票前,共和党少数派领导人 John Boehner 做了最后的呼吁,请求立法者投票反对这个做法,声称这样会使伊拉克的酋长们和世界上的恐怖分子更加的大胆。

About 12 hours after the House began its debate, the final tally was 220 to 215, with 39 Democrats choosing to voteagainst their leadership, despite personal lobbying by President Obama to keep Democrats on board.


The Republicans who voted against impeachment included Amo Houghton of New York and Chris Shays of Connecticut, two of the most progressive and independent House Republicans; Connie Morella of Maryland, also a progressive whose district had voted overwhelmingly for me in 1996; and two conservatives, Mark Souder of Indiana and Peter King of New York, who simply refused to go along with their party's leadership in converting a constitutional question into a test of party loyalty.


Pinckney as steadily voted against slavery prohibition and against all compromises....


If you put globalisation to a vote in America, Europe—pretty much anywhere—the general public would probably vote it down.


There is, Lamont reveals, horse trading and strategic voting, bullying and sniping, eye-rolling and heavy sighing, and panelists voting on whims (one panelist rejected a proposal on Viagra because she was just "so sick" of hearing about male sexuality).


The last part of this, paper concentrates on the relationship between China and International Criminal Court, especially stress the reasons why China blackballed the Rome Statute and considers these reasons from the aspect of the power of the International Criminal Court's prosecutor, the content of crime against humanity as well as the concept of aggression crime, points out that we should make preparation for the future Chinese membership in International Criminal Court from the international and domestic aspect.


The professors serving on the panels are expected to set aside self-interest, recusing themselves from voting for their students or against their rivals; they are expected to judge a proposal by the standards of the applicant's own discipline; they are expected to defer to panelists more expert in a given field; they are expected, as one puts it,"not be an asshole."


But with a vote of 228 to 205, the House rejected it. World stockmarkets promptly slumped.


更多网络解释与投票反对相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adversarial politics:对立形式的政治制度;反对派系政治

advancement of the poll 提前投票 | adversarial politics 对立形式的政治制度;反对派系政治 | Advice of Notice of Objection 反对登记通知书

ballot against:投票反对

balloonkite 军用细长气球 | ballot against 投票反对 | ballot box 投票箱

be in a/the minority:(在投票中)是少数派

23.a conservation center 保护中心 | 24.be in a/the minority (在投票中)是少数派 | We are in the minority. 我们是少数派 (多数人反对我们)

protect against:保护......免受

vote against 投票反对 | protect ... against 保护......免受 | stand against 反对,经受住

vote down:否决,投票击败

vote against sth. 投票反对 | vote down 否决,投票击败 | vote in 投票选出

vote down:投票否决

vote against 投票反对 | vote down 投票否决 | vote for 投票赞成

vote down:投票反对

coalition government联合政府 | vote down投票反对 | reshuffle (政府)改组

vote for:投票选举某人

vote against 投票反对某人 | vote for 投票选举某人 | Voting Rights Bill 选举权法案

vote on:就...投票表决

22. 投票反对 vote against | 23. 就...投票表决 vote on | 25. 不理会regardless of

to vote on sth:投票表决某事

to vote for sb : 投某人票 | to vote for/against sth : 投票支持/反对某事 | to vote on sth : 投票表决某事