英语人>词典>汉英 : 把...排除在外 的英文翻译,例句
把...排除在外 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exclude  ·  excluding  ·  excluded  ·  excludes

rule out · to the exclusion of
更多网络例句与把...排除在外相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Administrative power has received people's extensive concern as common power," Administrative Procedure Law " limits the scope of accepting cases of the administrative case in the concrete administration's behavioral category, a large number of abstract administrative behaviors existing will be excluded in and realistic, this is a piece of very great gaps and omissions on the system.


Debar: to exclude or shut out; bar.


After the Guggenheim show was canceled, a lot of museums, for understandable reasons, let pass.


Nobody could believe it when we got this result," says Rohrer."There must be regulating processes that mean everything else in the chemical reaction system cancels out.


We cannot consider this problem except in re-lation to the international situation as a whole.


In this he was helped by the fact that, when elections loom, many unionists and nationalists retreat to their laagers , voting primarily to keep the other side out.


"We had dictatorships in the OECD in Portugal and Spain and had to deal with the colonels in Greece ...You cannot exclude a country that could become the biggest economy in the world."


"We had dictatorships in the OECD in Portugal and Spain and had to deal with the colonels in Greece ...You cannot exclude a country that could become the biggest economy in the world."


Still, Hyuns rejection of the Norths explanation is a sign the South does not rule that possibility out.

rule out拒绝考虑,把…排除在外,使成为不可能

Further, I could not even say about these photographs, if we except the one I had already published ( which shows my mother as a young woman on a beach of Les Landes, and in which I "recognized" her gait, her health, her glow-but not her face, which is too far away), I could not even say that I loved them: I was not sitting down to contemplate them, I was not engulfing myself in them.


更多网络解释与把...排除在外相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rule out: not consider as a possibility:把...排除在外;排除...可能性

rule decide 作出裁决,作出裁定 | rule out not consider as a possibility 把...排除在外;排除...可能性 | sack dismiss from a job 解雇,开除

exclusionary rule:排除规则

1914年,美国最高法院在威克斯诉美国案(Weeks v United States,1914)中首次明确规定,联邦法院在审判时,必须把警方用非法搜查手段取得的证据排除在外,这是美国警方人人皆知的"排除规则"(Exclusionary Rule).

excrete t:排泄, 分泌

561. exclude t. 拒绝接纳, 把...排除在外, 排斥 | 562. excrete t. 排泄, 分泌 | 563. execution n. 实行, 完成, 执行, 死刑, 制作, (武器等的)破坏效果, 杀伤力

not have a leg to stand on:(论点等)站不住脚

leave out 遗漏,省略; 把...排除在外 | 14. not have a leg to stand on (论点等)站不住脚 | 15. at leisure 有空,闲暇时;从容不迫地,不慌不忙地

rile out:把...排除在外,排除...的可能性

552. as a rule 能常,一般说来 | rile out 把...排除在外,排除...的可能性 | 553. in the long run 从长远看,终究

to rule out:把...排除在外;排除...的可能性

1640to refer to... as称...为... | 1641to rule out把...排除在外;排除...的可能性 | 1642to some extent在某种程度上

take one's leave off:向......告辞

leave out 遗漏,省略,把......排除在外 | take one's leave off 向......告辞 | keep ahead 保持领先地位

the left:左派,左翼

leave out 遗漏,省略;把...排除在外 | the left 左派,左翼 | at length 详细地;最终,终于

I'll have you disbarred:我就把你排除在外

Jo, if you ever speak to a client of mine again without my permission...|乔,如果你再私自和我的当事人交... | I'll have you disbarred.|我就把你排除在外 | Friends? I had authorization.|行吗,朋友? 有人授权给...


defied 不服从、反抗 | refuted驳倒 | excluded把. . . 排除在外