英语人>词典>汉英 : 技术观察员 的英文翻译,例句
技术观察员 的英文翻译、例句


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Installed in 1992, Aquarius sits 65 feet (20 meters) under the sea's surface and is home to a handful of aquanauts, including scientists, photographers, medics, and technicians.

安装在1992年,宝瓶座坐在65英尺( 20米),海下的表面是在家园中少数海底观察员,包括科学家,摄影师,医务人员和技术人员。

Installed in 1992, Aquarius sits 65 feet (20 meters) under the sea's surface and is home to a handful of aquanauts, including scientists, photographers, medics, and technicians.

安装于1992年,宝瓶座坐落在65英尺( 20米)的海底,这里的少数海底观察员,包括科学家,摄影师,医务人员,和技术人员。

Installed in 1992, Aquarius sits 65 feet (20 meters) under the sea's surface and is home to a handful of aquanauts, including scientists, photographers, medics, and technicians.

安装于1992年,宝瓶座坐落65英尺( 20米)的海底的表面并拥有少数海底观察员,包括科学家,摄影师,医务人员,和技术人员。

The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds 2)any influence is ascribed not to 'Language' as such or to one language compared with another, but to the use within a language of one variety rather than another (typically a sociolect - the language used primarily by members of a particular social group); 3) From the media theory perspective, the sociolects of sub-cultures and the idiolects of individuals represent a subtly selective view of the world: tending to support certain kinds of observations and interpretations and to restrict others.

1类别和类型,我们从各种现象,我们没有找到,因为他们都瞪着观察员在脸上世界孤立,相反,世界正处于一个展示千变万化的流量,而这正是我们的思想组织提交 2任何影响归咎于不'语言'本身,或一种语言与另一种,但在使用各种语言的一个,而不是另一个国家(通常是社会方言-使用特定社会群体的成员主要是语言); 3从媒体理论的角度来看,分sociolects,文化和个人的idiolects代表了世界上巧妙地选择的看法:有助支持的意见和解释的某些种类和限制等 4他的技术决定论的立场,可以看作是极端Whorfianism应用一般的媒体的性质。

更多网络解释与技术观察员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这种舰载鱼雷轰炸机是按 Ml/30 技术规范设计的,装备 1 台 825 马力罗-罗"秃鹰"(Buzzard)发动机,线形流畅的引擎罩下有一个大型散热器,上翼直接与机身固定以便为驾驶员和观察员提供良好的视野,上翼前缘安装有缝翼结构,下翼为倒鸥形,

ceramic tile:瓷砖

建筑陶瓷的国际标准由ISO/TC 189陶瓷砖(Ceramic tile)技术委员会制订,其秘书处是ANSI,秘书长是John P. Sanders,主席是Robert E. Daniels,它有19个参与国和26个观察员国,我国是参与国.

ceramic tile:陶瓷砖

建筑陶瓷的国际标准由ISO/TC 189陶瓷砖(Ceramic tile)技术委员会制订,其秘书处是ANSI,秘书长是John P. Sanders,主席是Robert E. Daniels,它有19个参与国和26个观察员国,我国是参与国.


5 观察员最初是手持 "星光"(Starlight)手提式观测镜来帮助他们捕获目标. 6 "星光"观测镜是从第二次世界大战时最早开发、基于图像增强的一项技术发展而来. 图像增强装置收集来自月光和星光的环境光线,然后将其强化.