英语人>词典>汉英 : 承诺支付 的英文翻译,例句
承诺支付 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
underwrite  ·  underwrites

acceptance and guarantee
更多网络例句与承诺支付相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the request of the Applicant, we, industrial and commercial bank of chinaBranch,,hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of(say: Amount In Words), plus interest at% of p.a accrued on a 360 days basis calculated as from up to, within Business days upon receipt of your first written demand stating that the Applicant is in breach of his payment obligationunder the underlying contract and the respect in which the Applicant is in breach.


Cash-basis accounting does not recognize promises to pay or expectations to receive money or service in the future, such as payables, receivables, and prepaid or accrued expenses.


Eight months ago, Ong Tee Keat vowed to make public the report on PKFZ, this was however only realized recently. Rumor has it that Ong was dissatisfied with the backbencher and CEO of Wijaya Sdn Bhd Dato' Seri Tiong King Sing in failing to honour his promise on payment of handling fees'.


EDT signature/seal to show every body their commitment to pay and others parties as receiver .


When the Persian King, Xerxes, had begun to despair of being able to break through the Greek defence, Ephialtes came to him and, on being promised a definite payment, told the King of a pathway over the shoulder of the mountain to the Greek end of the Pass.


Commercial paper or a negotiable instrument is a transferable written, signed promise or order to pay a specified sum of money.


Fiat money is not redeemable for anything other than more fiat money; it is not backed by promise to pay something of intrinsic value.


Hel, Hell, Hades, infernal region, netherworld, Scheol underwrite

v。 签名于下,承诺支付,经营保险业

Government, directly or indirectly, underwrites nine of every 10 new residential mortgages, nearly twice the percentage before the crisis.


These trades not only consumed more than half the graduates of the leading schools. They also underwrote the schools' finances: students were willing to pay $100,000 in fees and living expenses because they were all but guaranteed jobs in these high-paying industries.


更多网络解释与承诺支付相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


即表示承兑人(Acceptor)同意出票人的支付命令,承担到期付款的责任. 这时,承兑人即成为票据的主债务人,出票人退居从出票人的地位. 所以票据承兑后,其背书人、持票人或出票人均可据以向承兑人要求付款. (5)承兑人(Acceptor) 是承诺票据到期付款的人.

annuities insurance:年金保险

厦门太平洋保险 年金保险(Annuities Insurance) 固定的年期内按一定的间隔期(按年、季或月)提存或支付的款项称为年金. 年金保险则是指保险人承诺在一个约定时期以保险人生存为条件定期给付保险金的一种保险. 这种定期给付可以按年、半年、季、月计,

annuity due:预付年金

它有四种基本形式:普通年金(Ordinary Annuity )、预付年金(Annuity due)、递延年金(Perpetual Annuity)、永续年金(Deferred Annuity). B(Bond)债券(B)是社会经济主体为筹集负债资金而向投资人出具的承诺,并按一定利率定期支付利息,

Basle Agreement:<巴塞尔协议>

巴塞尔协议(Basle Agreement)--由各国中央银行、国际清算银行成员签订的国际协议,主要是关于银行最小资本充足的要求. 它也被称为BIS规则(BIS rules). 保兑信用证(Confi rmed Letter of Credit)--开出信用证的银行和第二家承兑的银行都承诺有条件地担保支付的信用证.



coupon bond:息票债券

附息票债券(coupon bond)简称为息票债券,是一种承诺在债券到期之前,依照债券的票面利率定期(通常为半年)向投资者支付利息,并在债券到期时偿还本金的债券.


6.拒付(Dishonour)与追索本票(Promissory Note)是一个人向另一个人签发的,保证见票时或定期或在可以确定的将来时间,对某人或其指定人或持票人支付一定金额的无条件的书面承诺.


资产融资法:以某特定资产产生的现金流来提供资金报酬,租赁(Lease):承租人(lessee)以定期支付租赁金为代价,从出租人(lesser)处取得资产的使用权. 项目资产可作为独立经济单位而存在该项目的经济前景,加上发起人或第三方(如政府或购买合同)的承诺,

letter of credit:信用状

信用状(Letter of Credit)是一种由银行开立,附带条件的承诺付款书面文件,银行根据进口商(开状人)的请求,开给出口商(受益人)的一种保障付款的凭证,只要受益人依信用状的内容规定将货物装出,并提交指定的单据给进口商,银行便立即支付票款,


信用债券和附属信用债券 信用债券(debentures)仅凭发行公司的一般信用作为保证,没有特定的资产或抵押物作为担保. 只有当担保债券(比如抵押债券)的持有者获得支付之后,信用债券的持有者才能获得事先承诺的支付.