英语人>词典>汉英 : 批发的 的英文翻译,例句
批发的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wholesale  ·  wholesaling  ·  wholesaled  ·  wholesales

更多网络例句与批发的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The price of Yangtze saury has fallen to 60 yuan (US$7.23) a kilogram from 150 yuan (US$18.1) before April and those of shrimps and crabs have plunged by 25 per cent on an average, according to the market administration.


That telegram was authorized for dispatch by the vice-minister.


Where the wholesale own do not know.


Ulex international make-up(UIM is a production and processing, distribution, wholesale and private-owned enterprises.

优乐国际彩妆(Ulex international make-up)是一家集生产加工、经销批发的私营独资企业。

Pls. close the pocket with several movable stitches (must be not closed all,pls. leave 1cm at each side unstitching).


Well, to put it in a simple way, we feel we should be rewarded with a big discount for wholesales.


N:Well,to put it in a simple way,we feel we should be rewarded with a big discount for wholesales.


Ules international make-up(UIM is a production and processing, distribution, wholesale and private-owned enterprises.

优乐国际彩妆(Ules international make-up)是一家集生产加工、经销批发的私营独资企业。

I'm interested in your retail-ready, wholesale stain removers.


Xia Hecha industry located at the Chinese Fujian Province Shaowu Fujian luck garden, is a specialized wholesale scarlet gown, Jin Junmei, the silver steed eyebrow, Shan Xiao plants the privately operated Sole-source investment enterprise which, sandal wood tea tray, electromagnetic oven, vacuum machine, purple sand, ceramic tea set, tea tray, glass tea set, stainless steel tea set, tea barrel, scales, electronic scale, tea canister and so on product the sales on commission wholesale.


更多网络解释与批发的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a job lot:批发的货

a Jack of straw 稻草人 | a job lot 批发的货 | a jolly dog 快活的人

Wholesale price index:批发物价指数

批发物价指数(Wholesale Price Index)是通货膨胀测定指标的一种,根据商品批发价格变动资料所编制,反应不同时期生产资料和消费品批复价格的变动趋势与幅度的相对数.

Wholesale price index:批发价格指数

这意味着政府将可能提升柴油和汽油价格. 因前期石油价格已上涨了15%,印当地炼油企业被获准自今年1月1日起将燃料价格提升7%. 印政府在同一声明中还公告,截止8月5日的前一周的商品批发价格指数(wholesale price index)上涨0.1%,升至204.3,此前一周的指数为204.1.




18.trendy 时髦的;流行的 | 20.wholesale 批发的;批发地 | 购物 shopping (2)

wholesale market:批发市场

有查验及证明食用动物体内存有违禁化学物和农业及兽医用化学物方面的状况的权力;"含有"(contain)就食用动物而言,指存在于食用动物的任何组织、体液或奶内;"批发市场"(wholesale market)指在其内出售食用动物以供再销售的市场;


wholesale 批发;批发的;大批的 | wholesome 卫生的 | wholly foreignowned enterprise 外商独资项目


阿里巴巴新小单外贸批发(wholesales)平台介绍阿里巴巴新小单外贸批发(wholesales)平台,我这里也把它直接叫成外贸B2C平台. 以下内容来自天涯[经济杂谈]: 阿里巴巴新小单外贸批发平台的主要内容 1、国际支付宝担保:保证了资金的安全;

Wholesale of tea, coffee and cocoa:茶叶、咖啡及可可批发

460316 糖及面粉批发 Wholesale of sugar and flour | 460317 茶叶、咖啡及可可批发 Wholesale of tea, coffee and cocoa | 460318 经烤制、乾制或腌制的肉类批发 Wholesale of meat, roasted, dried or

Rope, twine and cord (incl. fishing nets for recreation), wholesale:绳索类用具批发(包括消闲用的鱼网)

611518 唱片,录音带及空白录影带批发 Re... | 611521 绳索类用具批发(包括消闲用的鱼网) Rope, twine and cord (incl. fishing nets for recreation), wholesale | 611522 袋类制品批发(手袋及旅行袋除外) Sacks and ...