英语人>词典>汉英 : 扰乱治安 的英文翻译,例句
扰乱治安 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

disturb the peace · disturbance of the peace · disturbing the peace · peace-breaking
更多网络例句与扰乱治安相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was arrested for a breach of the peace.


The three demonstrators were fined 50 dollars each for breach of the peace.


Those who disturb the peace should be punished.


They disturb the peace seriously.


The hoodlum was arrested because he broke the peace.


He is charged with several misdemeanor, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.


He is charged with several misdemeanour, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance .


Riot Act, An English law, enacted in 1715, providing that if 12 or more people unlawfully assemble and disturb the public peace, they must disperse upon proclamation or be considered guilty of felony.


The police indicted he as a rioter.


The police indicted him as a rioter.


更多网络解释与扰乱治安相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从前的杀害与烧毁房屋变成了关于暴力伤害罪(mayhem)与纵火罪(arson)的控诉. 扰乱治安伤害(depaceetplagis)之诉与暴力伤害之诉变成了(或者在实质上已经是)仍然为律师们所熟悉的侵害行为之诉(theactionoftrespass).

beat around the bush:绕圈子

扰乱治安disturb public order | 绕圈子beat around the bush | 热带风暴Tropical Storm

breach of the peace:动乱, 骚动; 妨碍治安

Better a lean peace than a fat victory. 宁可委屈求和, 不可恃强取胜. | breach of the peace 动乱, 骚动; 妨碍治安 | break the peace 破坏[扰乱]治安

disorderly conduct:妨碍治安行为

胡锦涛则通情达理地接受了布什的道歉. 威尔德介绍说,在随后进行的几个小时的会晤中,都没有再提到抗议事件. 特工局发言人麦克金(Jim Mackin)说,这名抗议者已被指控犯有妨碍治安行为(disorderly conduct),同时也在考虑对其提出恐吓或扰乱外国官员的罪名.

disorderly conduct:扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨

dismiss without prejudice 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) | disorderly conduct 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 | dissident 异议人士,持不同政见者 异议人士,持不同政见者

disturb the peace:扰乱治安

bounceball 蹦床球, 在蹦床上玩的排球 | disturb the peace 扰乱治安 | key stock 键料

The police indicted him as a rioter:警察指控他为扰乱治安者.(indict sb. as...指控某人为

2. He charged me with negligence of dut... | 3.The police indicted him as a rioter.警察指控他为扰乱治安者.(indict sb. as...指控某人为...) | 4.His company indicted him for sabotage他公司告发他的破坏行为...

dismiss without prejudice:无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉)

dismiss with prejudice 有偏见驳回起诉(不可以再诉) 有偏见驳回起诉(... | dismiss without prejudice 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) | disorderly conduct 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 扰乱治安行为...

dismiss without prejudice:无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳来回起诉(可以再诉)

dismiss with prejudice 有偏见驳回起诉(不可以再诉) 有偏见驳回起诉... | dismiss without prejudice 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳来回起诉(可以再诉) | disorderly conduct 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 扰乱治安行...

keep the peace:守法; 防止扰乱治安

keep one's peace 不声不响; 保持沉默 | keep the peace 守法; 防止扰乱治安 | let sb. go in peace 释放某人