英语人>词典>汉英 : 执行者 的英文翻译,例句
执行者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
executant  ·  executive  ·  executor  ·  performer  ·  exr.

Execution Squad
更多网络例句与执行者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article pays close attention to elementary teachers acceptation and adjustment of new curriculum to how they behave appropriately .


"This is the only nail of the true Execution Tree still remaining in Osten Ard."

"这是真正的执行者,在Osten Ard大陆留下的唯一的指甲。"

You are the holy bane of creatures of a particular type.


Mr. Emanuel wouldn't be a back-room conciliator who brings disparate voices to consensus, but an enforcer who bangs heads and keeps the troops in line.


Sentinel: An official role within the Consilium, representing a mage enforcer.


Sentinel: An official role within the Consilium, representinga mage enforcer.


Because they are the constitutor of industry standard, executant not only, also be the searcher of this one burgeoning industry and crusader at the same time.


The code of law included the familism and the role of the government, the thought of welfare ethic, the elasticity of law and individual problems.


0 OBR field definitions OBR 字段定义 The daggered items in this segment are not created by the placer known to the filler, not the placer. They are created by the filler and valued as needed when the OBR segment is returned as part of a report. Hence on a new order sent to the filler, they are not valued.

段中加剑号的项不是由执行者认识的下医嘱人传送的,也不是下医嘱者传送的,而是由执行者传送,在 OBR 作为报告的一部分出现时,加剑号的项就是必要的,因此在给执行者传送新医嘱时,此项是空的。

They are self-confident – leaders cannot be effective mobilisers if they do not display a high degree of confidence in themselves and in their views – but they can also be influenced and are capable of changing their minds when necessary.


更多网络解释与执行者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Marketing Consultant:市场顾问 Sales Executive 销售执行者

Merchandising Manager 采购经理 Sales Manager 销售经理 | Marketing Consultant 市场顾问 Sales Executive 销售执行者 | Marketing Assistant 市场助理 Sales Assistant 销售助理


继续上到3楼,一份卷宗上提到了"执行者"(Enforcer),那是一群通过不可逆转的仪式变身而成的护卫者,他们将不惜一切代价维持着"平衡". 从右侧的通道来到环廊的高处,躲过那名女守护者进入尽头的房间. 在门对面的书架上找到开关,

Drake Enforcer:龙族执行者

Drake Clasher 冲击龙战士 | Drake Enforcer 龙族执行者 | Drake Fighter 龙族战士


executableunit 执行单位 | executant 执行者 | execute 执行 施 签名使契据生效 让渡财产

executant n.1:演奏者 2. 执行者,实行者

executive a.执行的,实施的n. 总经理,董事 | executant n.1. 演奏者 2. 执行者,实行者 | execution n.1. 实行,执行 2. 处决,处死

The dancer is the choreographer's executant:那个舞蹈演员是舞蹈设计人的执行者

Choreographer n.舞蹈指导 | The dancer is the choreographer's executant. 那个舞蹈演员是舞蹈设计人的执行者 | Streak n. 条理, 斑纹, 倾向

Sales Executive:销售执行者

Telemarketer 电话销售员 | Sales Executive 销售执行者 | Marketing Assistant 市场助理


哈丁(Hakding)指出,在科学共同体中,男人通常是"指令者"(conceptualiger)而女人是"执行者 "(executor). (4 )位于低层的"执行者"常从事些洗试管和秘书助手之类的工作. 在这一意义上. "执行者"实质上是机器和工具的延伸,


aviatrix 女飞行员 | executrix 女执行者 | adminstratrix 女管理员


19.cheerfully: 高高兴兴地 | 20.peacefully: (交战国间的)停火执行者(或小组) | 21.victory: 胜利, 战胜, 克服