英语人>词典>汉英 : 执行命令 的英文翻译,例句
执行命令 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

executive command
更多网络例句与执行命令相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though a good man at heart, Andreas finds it easier to follow orders than to question them.


An application program interface is exactly what the name suggests, an interface which allows applications to program commands.


You can store the command line execution in a batch file.


You need to give permissions for IIS to be able to read and execute the command interpreter.


Rob virus file to start the main program executable command for running its own command.


During the deseign of control software of MODEN , we introduce in detail a few function such as initialization , dialing , responsion and hanging up etc , deseign and debug the communication procedure .


Typing the interrupt character (usually control-c or del) to theprimary or secondary prompt cancels the input and returns to theprimary prompt.2.1 typing an interrupt while a command is executing raises thekeyboardinterrupt exception, which may be handled by atry statement.

在主提示符或附属提示符输入中断符(通常是control-c ordel)就会取消当前输入,回到主命令行。 2.2。执行命令时输入一个中断符会抛出一个keyboardinterrupt 异常,它可以被 try句截获。

The voice command feature is included but I have yet to really see how effective it is as there is no tutorial or any list of given commands you can issue, I tried the basic "attack" and "defend" commands and the game did respond at times (speaker icon flashes green and you'll hear the wingmen say they are en route) Now that I've settled my gripes, on to the good stuff!


Shell: refers to the means of a command line environment, such as we press on the keyboard "Start key + R" when "Run" dialog box, in which input "cmd" there will be an order for the implementation of black window, this is the Shell Execution Environment WINDOWS.

shell :指的是一种命令指行环境,比如我们按下键盘上的&开始键+R&时出现&运行&对话框,在里面输入&cmd&会出现一个用于执行命令的黑窗口,这个就是WINDOWS的Shell执行环境。

After receiving an EPA certificate and/or CARB Executive Order,, manufacturers must take the necessary steps to assure that the production vehicles or engines are within the scope of an issued certificate /E.O., with respect to materials, engine design, drivetrain, fuel system, emission control system strategy and components, exhaust after-treatment devices, vehicle mass, or any other device and component that can reasonably be expected to influence exhaust emissions.

在接受 EPA 证书和 CARB 的执行命令之后,制造商必须采取必要的步骤保证成批生产的车辆或发动机就材料,发动机设计,传动系,燃油系统,排放控制系统和零部件,排气后处理装置,车辆质量或预计会影响废气排放物的任何其他装置和零部件来说是在颁发的证书/执行命令的范围之内。

更多网络解释与执行命令相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recent Commands:最近执行命令

Repeat重复最后一次操作 | Recent Commands 最近执行命令 | Keys关键帧

com DOS:可执行命令文件

.COL 调色板文件 | .COM Dos可执行命令文件 | .CPD 传真封面文件

Exec file:(可执行命令集文件)

Excel, merging data into worksheet(Excel,合并数据到工作表) | Exec file(可执行命令集文件) | Execs(可执行文件)

exec shell:执行命令后即交出控制权

egrep 查找文件中符合条件的字符串 | exec shell执行命令后即交出控制权 | export 设置显示环境变量

Limit to Selected:只对选择物体执行命令,如果不被选择,将对所有物体执行命令

● Reset Display - 重设物体显示状态,恢复默认状态 | ● Limit to Selected - 只对选择物体执行命令,如果不被选择,将对所有物体执行命令 | ● Custom Polygon Display - 用户自定义Polygon显示内容

peremptory mandamus:强制执行命令书;强制履行令

peremptory 绝对的;最后决定的;断然的;强制的 | peremptory mandamus 强制执行命令书;强制履行令 | peremptory writ 强制被告出庭的传票

obey orders:执行命令

5. look down at... 俯视 | 6. obey orders 执行命令 | 7. millions of 数以百万计的

execution of order:执行......命令

执行扣押-----execution of an attachment | 执行......命令-----execution of . . . order | 实时执行-----immediate execution

writ of execution:执行命令

write up增记价值,增值 | writ of execution执行命令 | writ of possession占有命令

No! You stay the course:不行 你给我执行命令

Without him, we lose everything.|没有他 我们会一败涂地 | No! You stay the course!|不行 你给我执行命令 | If we stay the course, we are dead!|如果执行你的命令 我们就死定了