英语人>词典>汉英 : 托拉斯的 的英文翻译,例句
托拉斯的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
trust  ·  trusted  ·  trusts

更多网络例句与托拉斯的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the first time the European Union has fined a company for failing to meet an anti-trust decision.


With the development of antitrust economics and US economy, US antitrust law has been changing greatly.


It is a source of embarrassment for antitrust agencies, too.


A federal district court judge found Microsoft to be in violation of antitrust laws.


I asked Jeff, jestingly, if he had ever, during his checkered, plaided, mottled, pied and dappled career, conducted an enterprise of the class to which the word "trust" had been applied.


Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors' trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs.


Since World War II , the government has been active in its antitrust prosecutions .


The government began to enact regulations and antitrust laws to counter the worst excesses of big business. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was created to prevent corporate trusts, monopoly enterprises formed to reduce competition and allow essentially a single business firm to control the price of a product. Laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act, enacted in 1938, mandated worker protections, including the maximun 8-hour workday and 40-hour workweek.


This is why it attacked—also pre-emptively, in its mind—Netscape and landed in antitrust court.


Roosevelt emerged spectacularly as a"trust buster"by forcing the dissolution of agreat railroad combination in the Northwest.


更多网络解释与托拉斯的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anti-Trust:兩- 反托拉斯;反壟斷 台- 反托拉斯;反獨佔;反壟斷

antiquated law 兩- 過時的法例 | anti-trust 兩- 反托拉斯;反壟斷 台- 反托拉斯;反獨佔;反壟斷 | anti-trust law 兩- 反托拉斯法;反壟斷法 台- 反托拉斯法;反獨佔法;反壟斷法


"托拉斯"(trust)这个词现在已经过时,而只是作为"反托拉斯"(antitrust)一词的一部分出现. 塔贝尔撰写的这本书最初以杂志专栏文章的形式出现. 这本书给塔贝尔带来了名气,而且形成了一种名为"黑幕揭露"的新闻报道形式. 她成了无数新闻记者的偶像.

antitrust legislation:反托拉斯法

antitrust laws 反托拉斯法 | antitrust legislation 反托拉斯法 | antitype 模型所代表的人或物

Antitrust Act:反托拉斯法

即使是美国这样一个资本主义高度发展的国家,从1890年开始,就已经在联邦与各州分别制定各种"反托拉斯法"(Antitrust Act),以防止企业的寡占垄断. 这里必须思考的是,全球的佛教组织中,是否也已经出现了托拉斯化的组织形态?全球的佛教资源,

being in cahoots with the Steel Trust:与钢铁托拉斯的密谋

And you know, with all this talk about the leadership of the AF of L... | being in cahoots with the Steel Trust,|与钢铁托拉斯的密谋 | Alfred asked me if I was still gonna do the piece on the IWW.|埃弗德...


:在宾夕法 尼亚州(Pennsylvania)内进行的糖业托拉斯的合并并没有直 接涉及州际商务,因此不属于联邦政府管辖范围.至于这家控制 了全国 95%白糖产生的糖业托拉斯是否只在宾夕法尼亚销售它 的产品则不关最高法院的事.最高法院后来承认这一判决使"反 托拉斯法成为一纸空文" .


该名称的由来与"托拉斯"(trust)的由来有关. 在19世纪,洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller)率先将托拉斯用于反竞争的目的. "trust"即"信托",本来是普通法的传统制度,美国标准石油公司的律师们从股东信托投票理论(the theory of stockholders' voting trusts)中创造了托拉斯,


trust 孚 | trustbuster 解散托拉斯的人 | trustedaidejanizary 亲信


antitrochanter 反转节 | antitropous 倒向的 | antitrust 反托拉斯的

Clayton Antitrust Act:克萊頓反托拉斯法

1914年国会针对持续发展的经济集中化通过了旨在增强<<谢尔曼反托拉斯法>>的两项法律:<<克莱顿反托拉斯法>>(Clayton Antitrust Act) 和<<联邦贸易委员会法>>(Federal Trade Commission Act).