英语人>词典>汉英 : 托付 的英文翻译,例句
托付 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
recommend  ·  recommending  ·  recommends

commit sth. to sb.'s care
更多网络例句与托付相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr Trelawney had been to sea before and knew enough to be useful, and one of the men, Israel Hands, was a careful and experienced seaman who was able to help with almost anything.


It is my abnegation day today, which is actually not mine, but his. That spirit fraught with emotion and avidity has going blighted over the past two years. He was perspicacious enough to discover the essence of the mundane world and consequently consigned his body to me. I am obliged to assume his responsibilities in the world from now on, until life comes to an end. It is hard to anticipate whether he will have the opportunity to resuscitate, which may happen only after an huge period of time.

杂谈 今天是我的祭日,其实不是"我"的,是"他"的,那个充满欲望与感情的灵魂在这两年多的时间里慢慢枯萎了,他看到的这世界的本质,所以将身体托付给了我,从今天起我将承担他在这个世界上的义务,直到轮回结束,我不知道有没有机会让他复活,即使有,也是很久以后的事了。

Works 2 when you enjoy the art masters Xu Beihong creation in 1937 of the rain and wind whining diagram, will feel the master to the language of painting with pickpockets, according to the outcome of the artist are looking forward to the national awakening, manages to rescue, affectionateness and values and their adherence to justice, or the other, love for the motherland.


Through his brain, as through the last alembic, is distilled the refined essence of that thought which began with Gods, and which they left him to carry out.


He had a vague feeling that he might be obliged to go to Arras


But I have to tell you, I left them with a very reliable baby-sitter.


Vito paid cash on the barrelhead for a new car.


It cannot be trusted in the hands of a Titan.


The task of confounding the "heretic" was now entrusted to the disciple of Beza.


Can I entrust John and Cameron to you?


更多网络解释与托付相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



presbyterian church:长老会

Canada),家人历代是苏格兰长老会和清教徒信仰. 十六岁那年,悔改皈信基督. 不久后,进入多伦多大学受神学教育. 毕业后,受按立为长老会(Presbyterian church)牧师. 而"忠主托付"(My Trust) 更由他本人配上旋律:

committal:委任; 承诺; 托付; 义务 (名)

commitment 托付, 交托; 下狱; 委任; 收监 (名) | committal 委任; 承诺; 托付; 义务 (名) | committed 忠诚的, 坚定的 (形)

give in charge:托付

give her more rudder 增加舵角 | give in charge 托付 | Give more helm! 加大舵角加多舵角

Ontological commitment:本体承诺; 本体托付

WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network;卫生组织全球疫情警报和反应网;; | ontological commitment;本体承诺; 本体托付;; | ontological adequacy;本体适度性;;

recommend to:交付,托付

reckon ... as 把......看作 | recommend to 交付,托付 | recover from 从......中恢复

relegate: v.1:把...降级,把...置于次要地位 2.托付,交付 3.把...归类

reiterate: v.反复做,反复重早,重述 | relegate: v.1.把...降级,把...置于次要地位 2.托付,交付 3.把...归类 | reluctance: 不情愿;勉强

Worth rely:更值得托付

你将知道 You will know | 更值得托付 Worth rely | 可能比你更羞涩 Mabye shy more than you

entrusted to:托付予

受......委托-----entrusted by . . . | 托付予-----entrusted to | 交托给......-----entrusted to . . .

entrusted to:托付

交托......处理-----entrusted to . . . | 托付-----entrusted to . . . | 受托负责......-----entrusted with . . .