英语人>词典>汉英 : 打官司 的英文翻译,例句
打官司 的英文翻译、例句


go to law · engage in a lawsuit
更多网络例句与打官司相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, if u know a welknown lawyer, and u can talk him into defending JY's affaire, that must be help.


The Country also stood for an experience of the world confined to the shires of England, as opposed to the sophistication bred of the Grand Tour through France and Italy; for the maintenance of open hospitality for all, as opposed to the offering of luxurious private dinner parties in the City; for a highly conservative taste in Jacobethan architecture, as opposed the new-fangled classicism of Inigo Jones; for a highly conservative taste in portrait-painting, as opposed to the courtly continental innovations of Van Dyke; for a highly conservative taste in clothes, as opposed to the dizzily changing fashions of the beau monde at Court.


"We're not throught with those sharpers,"he declared to Cowper..

" "我们同那班骗子们还不算万事具休呢,"他向柯泊说道。。。,"他们要同我们打官司的,他们也许会联合起来的。

China Zhu Hanbang of soft new president says with all sorts of feelings when accepting a reporter to interview yesterday, so old come he resembles " Qiu Ju engages in a lawsuit ", time and again be rebuffed, but never have pass dispiritedly.


The company is engaged in a legal dispute with one of its suppliers.


Wang Wei thinks to engage in a lawsuit is the one part of the life, law also is an equilibrium point merely.


I did not want to get into litigation but I did not want to have another record on that label.


In his litigation of claiming the hospital for compensation, the medical identification---the misdiagnosis and the wrong treatments didn't constitute medical blunders---made by the Medical Association would not be adopted by the court because the staff constitution of the identification group was not compliable. This non-adoption upgraded the status of the other evidence helpful for xxx. But in this favorable situation, xxx's lawyer took advantage of the ignorance of xxx, convincing him to remove the litigation. As medical institutions have a powerful force in society, and they can affect many aspects of the social life, lawing medical institutions not only consume time and energy, but also would brought adverse effects to his career.


You didn't want to be in a lawsuit; you wanted working software.


RIAA back to Suing Kids - It really takes a class act to drop a lawsuit against a mother and then re-assign the lawsuit to her kids.


更多网络解释与打官司相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

struggle against:打击

打官司 initiate legal proceeding | 打击 struggle against | 打假 crack down on counterfeit goods

ambulance chaser:想帮事故受害者打官司索赔以便从中渔利的律师

159. rain maker 有通天本领的名律师 | 160. ambulance chaser 想帮事故受害者打官司索赔以便从中渔利的律师 | 161. shyster 讼棍,用卑鄙手段吸引顾客,唯利是图的律师

go to law against sb:跟某人打官司

go to kingdom%[]%上西天,死% | go to law against sb.%[]%跟某人打官司% | go to office%[]%去办公%

Commander, Lieutenant Kaffee is generally... considered the best litigator in our office:凯菲中尉被公认是 我们部门最会打官司的人

No offense taken, in case you wer... | Commander, Lieutenant Kaffee is generally... considered the best litigator in our office.|凯菲中尉被公认是 我们部门最会打官司的人 | One more, I get a set of steak...

The thought of a lawsuit was enough to make his hair stand on end:一想到要打官司他就吓得汗毛直竖

汗毛直竖 hair stand on end | The thought of a lawsuit was enough to make his hair stand on end. 一想到要打官司他就吓得汗毛直竖 | Half-asleep 半梦半醒

go to court:打官司

打滚 : wallowing | 打官司 : go to court | 打扫 : clean, sweep

Qiu Ju Go To Court:<秋菊打官司>

Ju Dou <<菊豆>> | Qiu Ju Go To Court <<秋菊打官司>> | Future World <<未来世界>>

littering:乱丢垃圾 乱丢垃圾

litigation 诉讼,打官司 诉讼,打官司 | littering 乱丢垃圾 乱丢垃圾 | loaded weapon 装上弹药的武器 装上弹药的武器

Krabs vs. Plankton:老板打官司

4.2. The Lost Mattress 心爱的床垫 | Krabs vs. Plankton 老板打官司 | 4.3. Have You Seen This Snail? 小蜗不见了

CLO---chief law officer:首席法律官,负责公司法律事务,例如追债和跟前员工打官司

CKO-Chief Knowledge Officer:首席知识官-负责公司资料整理,上... | CLO-Chief Law Officer:首席法律官,负责公司法律事务,例如追债和跟前员工打官司 | CMO-Chief Marketing Officer:首席市场官-杀出一条血路,抢回一把...