英语人>词典>汉英 : 手舞足蹈 的英文翻译,例句
手舞足蹈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flourish  ·  flourished  ·  flourishes

dance with joy · cut a caper · gesticulating with hands and feet
更多网络例句与手舞足蹈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The old gentleman began to caper and dance about his hall, and by many other antic actions, to express the extravagance of his joy


Just like a apoplectic his/her hands and foot are out of control due to his/her insane minds.


Many A dream meter that can follow music in being intoxicated in music sound dances for joy , that naive naive joyful appearance may let you chortle not to stay.


The title cut has a sweet, starry-eyed way about it, while "Rain Drops" is handclapping and danceable.


As the beautiful and familiar melodies of "Chun Tian Zai Na li","Mai Bao Ge"(Little newspaper vendor's song),"Rang Wo Men Dang Qi Shuang Jiang"(Let's go boating),"Diu Shou Juan" started echoing inside the music room, the foreign parents begun their first lesson of Chinese children's songs seriously, while all the Chinese parents looked excited and hum the songs easily with smiles on their faces.

"一只哈巴狗,坐在家门口,眼睛大又亮,爱吃肉骨头"在金宝贝上海古北中心, 9个中外家庭正围着老师在学习大家耳熟能详的中国传统儿童歌曲随着《春天在哪里》、《卖报歌》、《让我们荡起双桨》、《丢手绢》等熟悉的音乐声响起,老外爸妈正二八经地学唱中国歌曲,而中国家长的脸上无不露出孩子般兴奋的表情,轻轻哼唱起来,小朋友们也开心地手舞足蹈

Fisherman who dragnet, feel very heavy, they danced for joy, thinking that this suddenly catch a lot of fish.


It's the sort of environment that evokes foreboding, although the greatest danger is probably a broken fan belt or a serious case of hysteria induced by the appearance of an enormous dancing spider.


A long time ago, a crowd of Buddhist nuns and several woodcutters ate a kind of mushroom in the field.


Suddenly one of the gypsies, in trembling opal, seizes a cocktail out of the air, dumps it down for courage and, moving her hands like Frisco, dances out alone on the canvas platform.


Suddenly the procurator became excited and began to gesticulate and shout.


更多网络解释与手舞足蹈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

astasia abasia:立行不能

住院后不久,他又出现了立行不能(astasia abasia)的症状,在站着的时候,躯干抽搐,如喝醉酒般手舞足蹈不成步履,连站都站不稳,更不用说行走了;不过在坐着或躺卧时,其肌肉的协调及紧张度却又都恢复正常.


tripudiate 雀躍 ( 興奮得) 手舞足蹈 | best-selling 暢銷的 | give them credit for 給他們贊助 歸功於他們

Chuckling, clapping, crowing:嬉皮笑脸,手舞足蹈,哇哇乱叫

Puffing and blowing, 呼哧呼哧地着喷气, | Chuckling, clapping, crowing, 嬉皮笑脸,手舞足蹈,哇哇乱叫, | Clucking and gobbling, 怪叫着涌向前,


收藏...双骰子(craps)的玩法 在平常人眼里双骰子(craps)游戏学起来过于复杂,实际情况却恰恰相反. 如果牌桌上的尖叫声和手舞足蹈...收藏这里的百家乐及比大小等骰子游戏比21点、花旗骰(craps)和扑克牌赌博更受欢迎. ...


2.激情:激情(excitement)是一种猛烈、短暂、爆发的情绪状态. 例如,暴怒时拍案大叫,暴跳如雷;狂喜时,捧腹大笑,手舞足蹈等. 3.应激:应激(stress)是机体受到出乎意料的巨大精神或躯体压力所引起的情绪状态. 例如人们在遇到巨大自然灾害时的情绪状态.

Cotton fields:棉花田

边听边唱 手舞足蹈与最可爱纯真的T.I.V.C. | 01. Cotton Fields 棉花田 | 02. Where Have All The Flowers Gone 花儿不见了

fling off:甩掉; 挫败; 气冲冲地突然跑开

fling into 突然冲进 投入, 急速派遣 | fling off 甩掉; 挫败; 气冲冲地突然跑开 | fling oneself about 手舞足蹈; 发怒而暴跳


happify 使(某人)高兴 | tripudiate (兴奋得)手舞足蹈;雀跃 | best-selling 畅销的

tripudiate:雀躍 ( 興奮得) 手舞足蹈

happify使 (某人)高興 | tripudiate 雀躍 ( 興奮得) 手舞足蹈 | best-selling 暢銷的

danced with joy:手舞足蹈

carefree and relaxed 心旷神怡 | danced with joy 手舞足蹈 | find joy in 自得其乐